The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1844: Break open the ancient array

Now the most important thing is to break through here.

This ancient seal formation plate has just begun to appear. Although it is also instant, it is not a complete body. The further the seal is, the stronger the seal will be. After this ancient seal formation plate is completely formed.

That power will be twice as strong as it is now.

Stronger sealing power.


Five stars appear around the body in summer.

The five elemental forces began to spin.

The King of the Realm!

Countless threads of silk began to flow into the Summer King's Battle.

The power in the thread is divided into two.

The power after refining began to flow into everything, and the power of the spirit was refined by the summer.

"Success!!" said Silently excitedly.

"Of course it will succeed. From the very beginning, Senior Xianxuanwu has calculated it, but Senior Xianxuanwu is not sure whether Xia Xia's Realm King Jue can refine the pure spiritual power from the ancient array. That's all." Yang also understood that from the very beginning, Xian Xuanwu knew that he would definitely succeed.

The only thing that cannot be determined is the issue of spiritual power.

Now it seems.

Jie Wang Jue still did it.

In this case.

In the summer, he can completely refine these spiritual powers. After he has completely refined this ancient array, he will not be so passive when facing Haotian.

Now Haotian's spiritual power is still very lethal to Xia Xia.

If it weren't for Haotian's spiritual power.

Those experts of the Celestial Clan, Xia Xia did not pay attention to them at all.


"This kid has unlimited potential. The Realm King Jue is also the most incomprehensible exercise for me, there is no upper limit!!!" Xian Xuanwu said with emotion.

"Yeah, I used to imagine that if the person who came here could become my heir, that would be my biggest wish in my life, but now it seems that my strength is just his excessive ability. It's just, his future achievements will definitely surpass mine!!" When Yang watched Xia Xia, he was not only appreciative, but also envious.

"No wonder Tianshu would make such a choice. If it were me, I would also make that choice!!" At this moment, Xian Xuanwu could be regarded as seeing the true potential of Xia Xia, as well as the true potential of the Realm King Jue. A place against heaven.


Xia Xia continued to refine the power here. The thin threads that were wrapped around him before began to gradually flow into the dantian of Jie Wang Jue, and finally turned into the purest power.

"This feeling is so beautiful. It would be great if the power of this formation was continuous. Maybe the level of everything can be improved again." Xia Xia said very excitedly.

"Don't worry, there are so many masters out there, and their power is also the purest nourishment. As long as Haotian can't hurt you, then you can absorb it recklessly." Xian Xuanwu explained.


Summer is also full of expectations.


He can get out of here.

Break the ancient seal array plate that this Celestial Clan is most proud of.

He believed.

At that time, the people outside will definitely be extremely shocked, and the Celestial Clan will also live in complete fear.


"Xia Xia's strength is very strong. If it wasn't for the Celestial Clan, he would have become a master of the party." Those who watched the play around also believed that Xia Xia must have been completely sealed this time.

Now the Celestial Clan people are constantly inputting power to accelerate the formation of this ancient seal array.

Once fully formed.

Then no one can break this seal formation.

In fact, no one can break it now.

But Tianzu is still very careful.

"Everyone doesn't need to calculate the consumption, take the recovery pill, and then speed up the input of power to quickly make the formation!!" Tian Jin shouted loudly.

He has an uneasy feeling now.

Although already won.

But he still couldn't explain why he felt this way, as if something was going wrong.

this time.

Absolutely cannot go wrong.

The loss was so heavy that one high priest and three battle priests died. This kind of casualty has never happened in so many years. If there is any accident, then the deterrent force of other forces outside the Celestial Clan will not exist. .

Here are these theatergoers.

They see it the clearest.

"What a troublesome guy, if he doesn't seal, maybe he will grow to what stage in the future." Tianmu said with emotion.

"Yeah, Tianlong is already very dangerous. If you add another him, then I don't know what accidents will happen, but fortunately, it is over now. Since it is over, we can also deal with it with peace of mind. Tianlong is gone." Tianshui breathed a sigh of relief now.

"It's a pity that Tiantu was killed by the power of the spirit, and he didn't even have a chance to be resurrected!!" Tianhuo said.

Tian Jin frowned.

This uneasy feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and he can't tell why he is uneasy, but he just feels uneasy.

Haotian was standing there.

Don't say a word.

No one knew what he was thinking.

"Mr. Haotian, did you find anything?" Tian Jin stepped forward and asked Will he really be sealed like this? "Haotian asked.

"What do you mean? Do you have any special findings?" Tian Jin hurriedly asked.

"I didn't find anything, but from the way I played against him, I always felt that he still had a lot of cards and tricks to use, but when we finally sealed him, he still didn't use it. Knowing that he is about to be sealed, then there must be some means, just use whatever means, and will never hide it again!!" Haotian thinks that this is the strange thing.

Why is it so dull when summer is sealed.

"The situation is not right, High Priest, everyone's consumption of medicinal pills is a bit large!" Dan Zun hurriedly shouted.

"If it consumes a lot of money, just take a little more. The most important thing our Heavenly Clan lacks is the medicinal pill." Tian Jin shouted.

"No, I didn't mean that, what I meant was that this consumption is different from the consumption I calculated, as if their power was sucked away." Dan Zun explained.


When Tian Jin heard this, he also looked at the seal below, and he had always felt uneasy before.

Now I hear Dan Zun's words.

His feeling was even stronger: "Is there really something going on?"

"No!!" Haotian suddenly shouted: "Everyone stop, don't inject any more power, he has not been sealed!!"

"Mr. Haotian, what do you mean by this?" Everyone asked in confusion.

"It is impossible for the ancient formation plate to eat our power, so there is only one person who can eat our power, and that is the summer in the formation!!!" Haotian shouted loudly.


As if verifying Haotian's words.

The formation was forcibly split from the inside.

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