The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1845: Mysterious Elixir

that's it.

Xia Xia's much-anticipated figure reappeared in front of everyone.

this moment.

His image has become incomparably tall in everyone's eyes.

That is the ancient array plate.

The Heavenly Clan brought out the biggest trump card this time. Normally, no matter what kind of expert he is, he will not have any chance to break through after being sealed by such an array.

But now summer can break through.

Even the ancient array plate could not seal him.

Then in this world, is there any way to deal with him?

"How is this possible?" Tian Jin kept shaking his head, completely unable to be true.

This is the ancient seal array disk.

Back then, they paid a very painful price in order to obtain this ancient seal formation plate.

In their eyes, this is the most invincible means.

It was ruined by summer.

"How on earth did he do it?" Haotian had an ominous premonition for a long time. He always felt that there were still some methods that Xia Tian didn't use, but he couldn't tell exactly what it was.


Seeing the summer break through the seal of the ancient array.

Instead, he found it acceptable.

But he just couldn't understand how Xia did it.

If it was him, could he do it?

"It seems that Shenzhou has really changed this time. If Xia Xia doesn't die, the Celestial Clan will never come out again."

"Then from now on, who is the first person in Shenzhou? Haotian or Xia Tian?"

"Who is the first person, can't you see it?"

The people watching the show all nodded their heads. That's right, now Xia Xia is fighting against so many people from the Tian Clan, and Haotian is on the front. With so many means, they can't win Xia Xia, so from now on , Haotian and Xia Xia are tied for the first person, if one day, Xia Xia can beat Haotian, then Xia Xia is the first person in Shenzhou.

Although it is said that Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is second, it is not so easy for Xia Xia and Haotian to decide who is first and who is second.


The Tianhan sword in Xia Xia's right hand was raised and pointed directly at Haotian in front of him: "Senior Haotian, do you have any other means?"

The enchanting girl, who has been watching the play in the corner, never said a word from beginning to end, including when Xia Xia was sealed just now, as if she had long known that Xia would be fine.

After such a long time of summer.

What she's seen the most is how summer makes the impossible possible.

Make what others can't do.

"Summer!!" Tian Jin looked at Xia angrily.

over the years.

Summer is definitely the first enemy to give them such a headache.

"I don't care how you broke through from the ancient formation, but don't think that my Celestial Clan will lose." With a wave of Tian Jin's right hand, all Celestial Clan people were ready for battle again.

The biggest characteristic of Celestial people is that they are not afraid of death.

No matter how terrifying Xia Xia's strength is, no matter what kind of fear they have about Xia Xia, they will not back down, because they have long since had no way out.

Once they step back, they will lose all their ease. For the Celestial Clan people, honor is above everything else. Without honor, even their fathers, wives and children will look down on them.

"Then what means do you have to fight me?" Xia Xia asked.


Tian Jin glanced at Dan Zun behind him.

Dan Zun nodded slightly.

The two just looked at each other, but they seemed to understand each other's thoughts.

"Summer, originally we had this ability to deal with Tianlong, but now that we are looking for a dead end, let's take it out to deal with you!!!" Tian Jin had already made up his mind.

This time, the summer must be completely killed here.


They decided to expose their cards.

This hole card has not been exposed to anyone outside.

But once they use it now, it is equivalent to being completely exposed.

There are a lot of people watching the show here. These people watching the show are people from all major forces. No matter what they see, they will definitely send the news back as soon as possible.

They did not intend to take out their hole cards.

But now.

In order to kill Xia Xia completely, they also plan to use it.

A ten-man team quickly rushed out from behind.

The ten of them are only in the realm of the quasi-venerable realm, and their overall strength is not very strong, but at this time they took out a black medicine pill in their hands. When they threw the black medicine pill into their mouths, their bodies burst out. A powerful black qi was emitted, and then the body seemed to grow armor.

One by one, the muscles suddenly increased sharply.

"How is this going?"

The people watching the show around were also very surprised. They had just seen these people taking the black pill, but they didn't understand what kind of pill it was.

They had never seen such an elixir.

"Is it the elixir of your demons?"

"No, although our demons also have medicinal pills that can temporarily improve their, there is no such thing. It can improve so much, and even the appearance has changed."

The people of the Demon Race also shook their heads one after another. Although the Demon Race was called the cultivator with the least bottom line, even they did not research this kind of medicine.


"What's the situation?" Hongfeng immediately observed the changes of the ten of them: "Sir, their realm has actually broken through to the venerable, from the quasi venerable to the venerable, what is the speed?"

"No, it's not a breakthrough, but a forced improvement, which is equivalent to pulling the seedlings to encourage growth. Although it looks like it has grown taller, in fact, the foundation has been completely damaged. In this case, even if I don't shoot them, wait for the pills After the power is over, they are also sure to die!!!" Xia Xia had already seen the drawbacks of this medicine pill.

"Then are we going to fight or not? If we fight, I don't know how many Venerables will appear. It will be a huge drain on us!!" Hong Feng reminded.

"To fight, it's not consumption, but absorption. Jie Wang Jue can use them to condense Jie Wang Dan, although the effect will definitely be a little smaller than normal Jie Wang Dan, but it is also Jie Wang Dan, and their other participating forces can be Absorbed into everything, and I can also use these powers to supplement my consumption, that is to say, I will fight more and more bravely, instead of consumption." Xia naturally will not give up fighting opportunities with these people.

"Okay, let's have a good fight!!" Hongfeng's eyes lit up.

at this time.

The ten masters who had just broken through the venerable level rushed up.

The dark armor on their bodies is also very kind.

Looks like a strong defense.


Ten of them hit Summer's body from different directions.

The power of destruction dissipated.

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