The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1858: Use the power of the spirit

"Silent, what is Buzhou Mountain?" Xia Xia asked.

He has the former top master of Shenzhou here. He knows Shenzhou very well. With him there, he won't worry about what he can't figure out in the summer.

"Most of the existence of Buzhou Mountain is actually a legend, because few people can find the specific location of Buzhou Mountain. There are illusion formations everywhere, and poisonous beasts are everywhere. Those poisonous insects can kill a Venerable in an instant, but no Zhou Shan's existence is still a long time ago." Wu Yin explained.

"Have you been there?" Summer asked.

"I wouldn't go to that kind of dangerous place. Although I have stepped into some dangerous places, the places I go are generally places that help improve my strength. Places like Buzhou Mountain are already an abandoned place. The land is gone, and there will be no gain if you go." Wuyin is different from other people.

He's not the type to be particularly adventurous.

He just likes to practice.

I want to cultivate the realm to the spirit.

Only those things that are related to cultivation will he understand, and those things that have nothing to do with cultivation, he does not care at all.


"Then I'm going to have a look. I'm most interested in this kind of place." Xia Xia is different from others. Others are really not interested in this kind of dangerous and unrewarding place. Any treasure that has existed for so long has long been taken away.

And a lot of people have been there before.

In the end, it feels like a waste of time and resources.

It takes a lot of effort for them to get in, but in the end they get out of it, but they get nothing.

"It's just that you are interested in that kind of broken place, but maybe if you go there, you will have a different harvest. After all, you are the one who solved the place like the Tiankeng." Haotian said with emotion.

He had seen with his own eyes how turbulent the summer was.

Summer is always different from normal people, and he can always do things that normal people can't do and things that normal people can't think of.

"I'm going, just follow the fate!!" There is still some time in the summer now.

Although he had thought about visiting some people before, but now that he heard about this place related to more than one trillion feet, he naturally wanted to go and see it.

If there is a chance, he also wants to go to places more than ten trillion feet to see.

By the time.

A lot of secrets can be unlocked.

There are many things.

Xian Xuanwu and Yang can also make it clear to themselves.


"I've given you the coordinates of Mount Buzhou. It's on the first side, and the location is not difficult to find, but it's a territory belonging to the Immortal Demon clan. The outer space is turbulent, and your source power cannot be transmitted in, otherwise it will be dangerous. "Haotian reminded.

"Then let's teleport to the periphery. The site of the fairy demon family is fine. I won't disturb the fairy monsters there." Xia Xia is different now. He used to be young and energetic, no matter who stopped him, he would always know Go up and kill.

But now it's stronger.

On the contrary, I don't like killing.

He also understands.

If you break into someone else's territory by yourself, they will attack him when they see him.

And it's a different species.


As soon as Xia's body moved, he had come to the green jungle! !

Here is an endless grassland.

Not a single tree.

There are also no plants that are too tall. The tallest is only about ten feet. This is really nothing in Shenzhou. In a place like Shenzhou, because the power of heaven and earth is abundant, all kinds of plants can rise to a height of one hundred feet, and even Some plants can grow higher.

"There seems to be nowhere to look here!" Xia Xia glanced at it.

Not even a single grass taller than ten feet.

Where else can I go to find the so-called Buzhou Mountain?

"This is the most difficult part. Many people have passed this level by chance. As for how to find it, it is unknown." Wuyin didn't know how to find it.

"I should know what you're talking about!!" Yang said slowly.

"What's the situation?" Summer asked.

"Overlapping space, the Buzhou Mountain in your mouth should exist in the overlapping space. In fact, our location is around the Buzhou Mountain, but because the space is already overlapping, we can't see it or touch it, but There will be nodes, which are generated based on spatial fluctuations, that is, random. If they are nearby, some masters can see some clues by slowly observing them. Those who entered before also rely on this kind of node. way." He explained.


"It still depends on luck and ability." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"If you have absolute luck, you can also walk in, but there are usually unknown creatures in the overlapping space, so it can't be said to be lucky. If you go in, you may not be able to get out." Yang believes that if ordinary people go in, If you do, you will most likely die in it.

"In that case, there should be a lot of nodes here, so as long as you wait patiently, anyone with stronger strength can enter Xia Xia said.

"Yes, as long as you wait for the first half of the year in one position, there should be a 90% chance of waiting for the node to appear!!" Yang said.

Depend on!

"I don't have that much time!!" Xia Xia is different from others. Others don't care about the time of half a year and a year.

But not myself.

I cherish my time.

"If you want to actively find nodes, you need spiritual power." Yang reminded.

"Although I have mastered a little spiritual power now, it is still very little, and it is not enough to use normally, let alone use it." Xia Xia shook his head, he also knew how much he had.

"No, in fact, controlling the power of the spirit and using the power of the spirit are completely two things. What I want you to do is not to control the power of the spirit, but to use a little bit of the power of the spirit to find the nodes of space. What you have now The power of the spirit is very small, but if you learn to use the power of the spirit, even a little bit can have an unexpected effect." Yang explained.

"How to use it?" Xia Tian asked.

"In this world of Shenzhou, spiritual power is the most pure power, whether it is: spiritual energy, immortal energy, innate power, or the power of law, after it is compressed to the most pure point, it will produce spiritual power, but The amount is very small, so the power of the spirit is the foundation. Don’t think about using the power of the spirit as a weapon, but treat it as a part of your body, a part of China, so that you can feel the power of the spirit and this. A piece of communication." Yang reminded.

Use the power of the spirit.

It's not really necessary.

Silent can control the power of the spirit, but he does not use the power of the spirit.

Control the power of the spirit to fight and defend.

This is their half-spiritual means.

But only the true spirit can use the power of the spirit.

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