The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1859: Giants


Xia Xia closed his eyes, and the only bit of spiritual power in his body began to gradually spread.

"This comprehension ability is too scary, I just clicked it a little, and he can really see the door!!" Although Yang only gave Xia Xia a point, Xia Xia was able to grasp this point perfectly.

This shocked him very much.

He also knew that Xia Xia's talent must be very defying, but this one is transparent.

It's kind of scary.

"Yeah, no matter who sees his talent, it will make people feel incomprehensible, as if your thoughts were directly printed to him!!" Wuyin used to think that he was a top genius , but it wasn't until he saw Xia Xia that he realized that his talent was really nothing compared to Xia Xia.

It's just a little tricky.

The talents of the two of them are not at the same level at all.

Summer is called a true genius.

"I sensed it." Xia Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and he suddenly discovered that this method of sensing the power of the spirit could allow him to see the world microscopically, as if he were using a microscope to observe the surroundings, but his spirit There are very few forces, so there are very few microscopic worlds that can be seen.

However, this microscopic world still found a node.

Summer's eyes turned to the front of him.

Node is there.

The time was right.

He jumped and jumped right in.

into the overlapping space.


After coming in, Xia Tian found that the space environment here is a bit worse than the outside, but all the power it should have is still there.

"Because there are nodes here, the power of heaven and earth outside and the power of heaven and earth inside are almost interconnected, and there won't be much difference, but because the battle inside is more brutal, the environment is a bit harsher." Yang explained road.

"If it is an overlapping space, that means, don't fall into the space-time crack, or you will never be able to come back, right!!" Wu Yin reminded.

He knew that Xia Xia could seize the opportunity and come back from the crack in time and space in an instant.

The overlapping space is different.

"Yes, once you fall into the space-time crack from here, you will fall into the black hole, and then you will not be able to get out." Yang nodded slightly.


"I will be careful, but it looks like there is a lot of massacres here all year round. How many creatures are there enough for them to kill?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably.

"As I said, this is an overlapping space. The biggest feature of the overlapping space is that the nodes are not only in China, but also in other unknown areas, so many of the creatures that appear here are things you can't see in China." There are many things that can't be explained clearly with summer.

Because of some things, he must fly to a height of more than ten trillion feet in summer before he can understand what is going on.

And the purpose of coming here this summer is simple.

That is to see if there is a chance to go to the height of 10 trillion feet in advance, or to investigate more news about Shenzhou.

The time to enter the Celestial Clan is getting closer.

The chances of wanting to continue to improve their strength are too slim.

It would be better to learn more about Shenzhou, so that he may have some special gains and understand his opponent better, and he will go to the ancient battlefield in less than a month.

It's not realistic to want to go anywhere to improve your strength during this time.

"This bug is very cute." Xia Xia grabbed a seven-color poisonous insect on the ground and played with it.

"Poisonous!!" Silent reminded.

"It's poisonous, and the poison is different from the poison in our country. It's the first time I've seen this poison." Xia Xia explained.

"Do you still understand poison?" Wuyin asked inexplicably.

"Shenzhou's poisons are almost always sorted by two categories, and they are also sorted by upper and lower steps; but this poisonous insect is sorted by three categories, and it is sorted horizontally. It is impossible to calculate it in a normal way, that is to say, If this poisonous insect is placed in Shenzhou, it will be a disaster for Shenzhou people. The antidote of Shenzhou in the past has no use for this poisonous insect. Even those top antidote experts have to analyze for a long time to get results. At that time, if the reproductive capacity of this poisonous insect is very strong, Shenzhou will be destroyed." Summer has probably analyzed the characteristics of the poisonous insect.

"This is also the reason why China prohibits the invasion of any foreign objects." Wuyin was once a member of the guardian of China.

The main thing they resist is the Zerg.

Do not let the Zerg enter China.

They have also been very successful over the years.

"Giant!!" Xia Xia suddenly saw a giant appearing in front of him, a giant with a height of 100,000 feet.

Very high.

On his shoulders sat a monkey.

Just go forward step by step.

"What's the situation?" Xia Xia has seen giants carrying coffins and other giants before, but now this kind of giants is bigger than what he has seen This kind of guy punches What kind of power is it to smash down? A giant mountain may be shattered at once, and a full-strength blow may be even more terrifying.

"This is a kind of giant bloodline, but it seems that this kind of size should be considered a mixed bloodline inheritance of the tenth generation or more!!" Wu Yin said.

"Fifty-second generation!!" said Yang.

"So accurate?" Wuyin absolutely believed in Yang's judgment, but now the numbers that Yang said were so accurate.

"There will be very obvious traces on the foreheads of the giants. A trace is the most direct line of inheritance, but you should also understand that the most direct line of inheritance will not appear in Shenzhou, and the blood behind it will be mixed, that is, it will become more and more impure, The traces on their foreheads are proof that after the traces exceed a hundred, there will be no traces, and there is almost no blood of the giants on this kind of giants, unless there is some mutation, but that kind of one There will only be one out of 100 million, the reproductive ability of the giants is still very poor, so there is almost no special situation!!" Yang explained.


"Giant clan?" Xia Xia frowned: "Is it related to more than ten trillion feet?"


Yang nodded slightly: "It's relevant, but it's unclear for the time being, you just need to know that these giants are not easy to mess with, especially the people sitting on them, they are the existences that can tame the giants, and they generally have no strength. Too bad!!"

"Really?" Xia Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Then he rushed directly to the giant.

The target is the monkey sitting on the giant clan.

The opponent is actually very strong, so he can just give it a try and see how big the gap is with himself. If he is lucky, he can also ask some questions about the situation here.

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