The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1867: Have you ever experienced despair?

"What day?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably.

"Don't Mr. Xia know?" Mo Yumojun asked.

"I don't know!" Summer shook his head.

"Since I don't know, then it's inconvenient for me to say it. This kind of thing can't be said casually!!" Moyu Mojun waved his hand.

Xia Xia did not continue to ask, although he was also curious about what Mo Yumojun said, but for him now, killing the Celestial Clan is the most important thing, and it is more important to survive.

As for the future.

That has nothing to do with him.

"Mr. Xia, you have a good relationship with Hongyan!!" Moyu Mojun asked again.

"Fortunately, I just met him not long ago, others are alright!!" Xia Xia replied simply, he knew that Mo Yumojun asked him this, just to test him.

When hearing this.

Moyu Mojun nodded slightly.

"He does have an idea for the Red Rock Devil Emperor. I guess he already wants to do it, but he is interested in you, so he doesn't plan to kill you. I'm asking you this because I want to know about you and the Red Rock Devil Emperor. If there is no friendship, then when he kills the Red Rock Devil Emperor, you will not interfere casually!!!" Wu Yin reminded.


"Do you know what that thing he said?" Xia Tian asked.

"I don't know, the only thing that will happen recently is the peak battle, and the peak battle is less than three years away." Wu Yin said.

"By the way, the winner of the last peak battle should be the senior, right?" Xia Xia asked.

"That's right, the three of us were the winners of the last battle of the peak. As for the big event that the devil just mentioned, it should be a reward after the battle of the peak. At that time, all three islands and ten continents will receive the divine light. Shining, many people can use this opportunity to break through, and similarly, the seal of Sandao Shizhou will also be broken by Shenguang, and the self-seal of Shenzhou will no longer exist." Yang explained.

"How long has it been since the last peak battle?" Xia Xia asked again.

"The battle of the peak is actually every 1.5 years. Not long after the last battle of the peak, the three of us died!!" Yang said.


"It turns out that you have been dead for so long, I thought you were only dead for tens of millions of years!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Just relying on the current Heavenly Clan, it is impossible to kill us!!" Yang said.

"Then what is the situation in this peak battle, and what is that divine light?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"The battle of the pinnacle is a battle that all the masters in the entire Shenzhou will participate in. It is all, no matter how many hidden masters there are in the past, they can't help but come out, because this battle is the powerhouse in everyone's body. Heart, regardless of victory or defeat, can gain great insights, even if many people will die, they will not regret it, and the more they can fight to the back, the more divine light they will get, this divine light is quite Yu has been empowered, it can be said that if you are a half-spirit, if you can get a good ranking, then you may become a spirit directly!!" Yang explained.

"Such a cow!!" Xia Tian was also taken aback, this is a bit of a cow.

"As for Shen Guang's words, I won't tell you now. I'll tell you when you see the height of more than ten trillion feet, and you will understand." Yang said.


Summer probably understood more things.

Now the timeline is getting clearer and clearer.

"Isn't the Shenzhou 150 million years ago very exciting?" Xia Xia asked.

"At that time, it should be regarded as the pinnacle of Shenzhou. There are three spirits in the spiritual world, one spirit in the heavenly world, and one spirit in Shenzhou. There are five spirits in total. I am talking about human beings!!" Yang said with emotion.

He has never liked to talk about the things of the year.

It was because he was full of regrets back then.

"What about the immortal beast clan and the immortal demon clan?" Xia Xia asked.

"They are different. The reason why many immortal beasts can cultivate into spirits is because they have altars. As long as they have divine beasts with a high concentration of holy beast blood, they have the opportunity to receive the remaining power of the previous generation of spirits through the altar. , to help oneself break through to the spirit; as for the fairy and demon clan, it is even simpler, they are completely inherited, passed down from one generation to the next. , they have secret skills belonging to the demon clan, no matter what kind of unexpected situation there is, their power can be passed on perfectly." Yang explained.


"Then if there is a new demon that breaks through to the spirit, wouldn't it mean that the demon clan has two spirits, as does the immortal beast clan!!" Xia Xia was stunned.

"This is very cruel. Since ancient times, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. If there are two spirits in the immortal beast family, no matter what rules can restrain them, one of them must fall; once the second spirit appears in the immortal demon clan, the first spirit The inheritance will be invalid, and there are too many rules of heaven and earth involved." Yang didn't know how to explain it to Xia Xia.


This realm is not that simple.

Once the realm reaches the spirit, it can already be connected with the heaven and the earth.

Then everything will be different.


Just then.

Blood splattered! !

"What are you doing?" Red Rock Demon Emperor shouted angrily.

"Boss." The Black Wind Demon wanted to rush up, but was directly covered by a hood.


Summer frowned.

Mo Yumojun walked to Xia Xia's side: "Mr. Xia, this is our family business, you are a Shenzhou native, so you shouldn't mind your own business!!"

Although his mouth is to discuss the meaning.

But actually.

His position is behind Xia Xia, and Xia Xia will not be given the opportunity to support him immediately, and once Xia Xia starts, the masters behind him will also support him, which can be regarded as a threat.

What he hoped was.

In summer, you can retreat.

"What if I have to meddle in my own business?" Xia Tian asked.

"Mr. Xia, he's just a dog under my command, will you provoke my master for a dog? Even if he promises you something, I believe it shouldn't be more authoritative than me, right?" asked.

"What a pity!" Summer shook his head.

"What a pity?" Mo Yumojun asked.

"Unfortunately, what I hate most is that someone threatens me!!" After Xia Xia's voice fell, he instantly disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had already come to the side of the Red Rock Devil Emperor.

"Since you are courting death yourself, then you can't blame me. You are a native of Shenzhou. If I devoured you, your strength should be able to improve a lot!!" Mo Yumojun's face showed a hint of excitement.

"Have you experienced despair?" Xia Xia asked.

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