The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1868: no i dare not

Mo Yumojun had planned everything for a long time, and he would never give up on himself just because he suddenly appeared for a summer.


The three people who rushed up were knocked out like this.

They couldn't get close to summer at all, and they were already defeated.

"What?" Moyu Mojun was also stunned. He didn't understand what was going on at all. When his three powerful men rushed over, they were already shot away before they got close to Xia Xia, and the three of them were almost the same. Everyone whose time was blown away suffered some injuries.

too fast.

It all happened so fast, he really didn't expect such a thing to happen.

The Red Rock Devil Emperor was also stunned.

He also knew that Xia Xia was powerful, but he didn't expect Xia Xia to be so powerful. With one enemy and three, he defeated all three in an instant.

"Shenzhou people, do you know who you are fighting against?" Although Moyu Mojun was surprised by Xia Xia's strength, he still showed a very tough attitude.

He is the son of the Great Demon King Changsen.

"Tell me about someone?" Xia Xia shook his head: "Don't say it's you, even if your father comes here, if you dare to provoke me, I will kill it!!"

After the voice of summer fell.

In an instant, he came to the front of Moyu Mojun, his right hand grabbed, grabbed Mo Yumojun's neck directly, and lifted his entire body.

"Second Young Master!!" The three masters rushed over instantly.

They are very fast.

puff! puff! puff!

But on the way the three of them rushed up, the bodies of the three of them were penetrated at the same time.

Summer's three clones penetrated their bodies.

They didn't respond at all.

What the **** is going on? They were clearly not close to the summer, but they were penetrated by the summer. What the **** is going on, and how did the summer do it?

"You want to kill me with just a few of you trash?" Xia Xia coldly looked at the Moyu Demon Lord in front of him.

At this time, the face of Moyu Mojun was flushed red.

The body could not move.

The whole body seemed to be entangled by countless threads, and he could only look at the summer in despair.

"Let go of the second son!!" Those three people were still very loyal. Although they were all pierced by Xia Xia's clone, they did not escape, but wanted to continue to kill.

"Sir, just let the second son go!!" The Red Rock Demon Emperor said.


Xia Xia glanced at the Red Rock Devil Emperor in confusion: "He wants to kill you, but you want me to let him go?"

"He is my master, and now he wants to kill me, I can only choose not to follow him in the future, but I can't betray him, I can't kill him, if he dies because of me, then after I go back, I will belong to the Demon Race. Shame, I can't hold my head up for a lifetime!" The Red Rock Demon Emperor explained.


Xia Xia nodded slightly, and he let go of Moyu Mojun.

The Moyu Mojun just now really felt death, because he could be sure that the Shenzhou man in front of him really dared to kill him and really wanted to kill him.

But there is the Red Rock Demon Emperor here.

This Shenzhou native should not kill him: "You understand now, although your strength is strong, what can you do? You can't touch me!!"

His face was full of pride.

He's now sure that Summer won't kill him.

Then, of course, he has to get his face back.

What he likes to see most is the helpless gaze of others.

"Are you sure?" Xia Xia looked at Moyu Mojun coldly.

"If you kill me, it means that you are not giving face to the Red Rock Devil Emperor. He will live like a dog in the future." Moyu Mojun grasped this point, he thought that the relationship between Xia Xia and the Red Rock Devil Emperor It must be very good, otherwise Xia Xia will definitely not stand for the Red Rock Devil Emperor.

Now just grab that for yourself.

Just let summer succumb.


Xia Xia didn't talk nonsense, and punched Mo Yu Mojun's body directly with a punch: "Did you just say that I dare not kill you?"

"What?" Mo Yumojun had a puzzled look on his face.

He really didn't understand.

Why is this Shenzhou person so ruthless.

Say it and do it.

"If you want to threaten me, you're still a long way off!!" Xia Xia put his hand on the head of Moyu Mojun.

this moment.

The fear of death came completely.

Moyu Mojun's body began to tremble: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I know I'm wrong!!"


at the same time.

The bodies of the three subordinates of the Moyu Demon Lord were all shattered.

"Remember, this is what happened when you provoke me. If you dare to be dishonest, your end will definitely be worse than the three of them. At least the three of them have a chance to be resurrected, but if I kill you , I won't even give you a chance to resurrect!!" Xia Xia said very rudely.

"Sir, please forgive me, I must be honest!!" Moyu Mojun knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"You swear now, swear with your soul, if you do anything against the Red Rock Demon Emperor in the future, your soul will explode!!" Xia Xia began to place a ban on Moyu Demon Lord's soul. This restriction is used to restrain the Moyu Demon Lord.

If Mo Jade Demon Lord has any idea in the future, his soul will be extremely as if torn apart.

If he really dared to hurt the Red Rock Devil Emperor.

Then he will explode and die completely.

"I swear!!" Moyu Mojun also started to swear.

At the same time, he also felt the restraint above his soul.

"Now I'm going to ask, you're going to answer!!" Xia Xia looked at Moyu Mojun: "Is the ancient projection going to appear real or fake?"

"It's true!!" Mo Yumojun said hurriedly.

"Isn't that the excuse you used to deal with the Red Rock Demon Emperor?" Xia Xia asked.

"No, I came in this time, really wanting to kill the Red Rock Devil Emperor completely, because I heard that my father wanted to release the big brother. If the big brother comes out, his subordinates will definitely return, and all of our other brothers acquiesce. With this approach, it is to kill all the subordinates of the eldest brother together, so that even if the eldest brother returns, he will not have anyone to use!!!" Mo Yumojun said.

"What?" Red Rock Demon Emperor's eyes lit up.

"Then do you know the news about the Prophet?" Xia Xia asked.

"This is a secret. I also heard from my father by accident. It is said that this prophet has lived for hundreds of millions of years, or even billions of years!!" Moyu Mojun explained.

"How is that possible?" Summer frowned.

What kind of life is this.

"This is indeed true, because we have a force in Changzhou that is specifically investigating the news of the prophet. It has been investigated from generation to generation, and each generation will contact the current masters to help together. My father was invited over, so He will know the news, but that faction is not willing to tell all the news, so my father doesn't know much news!!" Mo Yumojun said.

"So is there a way to find the prophet?"


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