The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1876: back to 8th party

I feel very speechless in summer, no wonder Tianqi dare not go to Kunlun Xianshan.

He dug people's ancestral graves.

What kind of hatred is this.

"Are you sure that after the two of us pass, we won't be beaten by the Queen Mother of the West?" Xia Xia had a black line on his face.


Tian Qi also looked helpless.

He also understands.

This kind of thing is definitely not so easy to solve, so he will look for summer.

If it is someone else, it is even more impossible, but if it is summer, there may be a chance.

That's why he came to find Summer.

"Forget it, since you can come to me, it's not good if you don't show up. If you don't make it clear, it will only be more troublesome in the future!!" Xia Xia planned to accompany Tian Qi.

A smile appeared on Tian Qi's face: "I knew you wouldn't ignore me."

"I have more than ten days to go to the ancient battlefield, speed it up!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"Going to the ancient battlefield?" Tian Qi was also taken aback.

"Well, senior Yaolingzun gave me and Haotian a mission. Haotian is going to investigate the missing master, and I'm going to the ancient battlefield. As for what I'm doing there, I don't know!!" Xia Xia explained. .

"What else can you do, that old guy, he must have asked you to drive away the Zerg. In recent years, because the speed of the ancient dragons has been getting faster and faster, the number of Galaxy Zerg has also increased!!" Tian Qi explained.


When he heard this, Xia Xia looked at Tian Qi in confusion: "You know the ancient dragon?"

"You know?" Tian Qi asked.

"When I was in Buzhou Mountain, I saw the giant clan and the ancient dragon!!" Xia Xia explained.

But he didn't know why Tian Qi knew it. He had to know that Tian Qi's realm was not high, and he couldn't be in the half-spirit realm, so how did he see the height of more than ten trillion feet?

all the time.

Tian Qi is not simple.

But can he see a height of more than ten trillion feet?

"I told you just now that I like to visit other people's cemeteries. A lot of news was found in those cemeteries, including the ancient dragons and giants. I just started seeing these news. I was surprised too, but the more I watched it, I probably had a certain understanding of the situation outside!!" Tian Qi explained.


"Then have you discovered anything else?" Xia Tian asked.

"I found that these ancient giant dragons did not aimlessly drag the three islands and ten continents forward, but have a destination, but I still can't investigate where the destination is!!" Tian Qi thinks It is also difficult to find an answer to this matter.

Although over the years.

There have been countless masters in China, and there are also many people with stories.

There are some people who specialize in investigating these.

But even they.

There should be no such ability to know everything.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to investigate more detailed information.

"It seems that you are really not simple!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Actually, when it comes to investigating and knowing, it should still depend on Tianlong. I guess he is the one who knows everything, including the ultimate destination of the ancient dragon." Tianqi said in this regard.

The most admired is Tianlong.

"Forget it, let's go to Kunlun Xianshan to see, I just haven't been back to the eighth party for a long time!!" Xia Xia came out from the eighth party.

But now he has really left the Eighth Party for too long.


Xia Tian put his hand on Tian Qi's body: "Don't resist!!"

The origin of the earth!


The two simply disappeared in place.

"The power of the source is really useful!!" Tian Qi smiled slightly.

In the main city of the first party.

The two have come here at this time.

Although the summer has gone through a lot of battles.

China is also in turmoil now.

But these don't seem to affect the lives of ordinary people in the slightest. These ordinary people are still running around for cultivation, working hard for a weapon and a medicinal pill.

"Looking at the world now is completely different than before." Tian Qi smiled slightly.

He can understand summer.

Xia Xia's growth rate is too fast, although he himself does not seem to have changed, but when your strength is different, you will see the world from a different angle.

"Let's go!!" Summer didn't say anything.

When you come to the teleportation array.

Tian Qi took out a token and walked directly through the dedicated channel.

The two were sent to the eighth party.


Back here, Summer took a deep breath.

Coming back here, it feels really different.

"What are you doing standing there, good dogs don't stand in the way, don't delay others!!" A man behind said very upset.

Summer frowned.

Tian Qi walked to the man's side: "Little brother, don't be so angry when you are outside, or you will easily suffer losses in the future!!!"


"What are you, you dare to come out and teach me a lesson, and I will kill you if you are so anxious." The man snorted heavily.


Tian Qi sighed: "Forget it!!"

Xia Tian glanced at the and didn't say anything else. If it was before, he would definitely do it directly, but now, he is really too lazy to do it.

This doesn't mean he is easy to bully.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at, believe it or not, I'll gouge out your eyes!!" the man said viciously.


this time

Summer did not get used to him.

Instead, he tore off his arm directly.


A scream came.

Then the surrounding guards rushed over for the first time.

"You dare to hurt me!!" the man shouted angrily.

Tian Qi took out a token: "Go back!!"

When the surrounding guards saw the token, they also retreated for the first time.

"Okay, do you have someone, wait for me!!" The man hurriedly fled.

"Let's go!!" Tian Qi didn't want to let Xia Xia continue to entangle with them.

Although killing these people in the summer is just a matter of breath, killing people for no reason is also very bad for their future cultivation.


Xia Tian's hand was placed on Tian Qi's body.

Then the light flashed.

The two disappeared in place.

After they left, a neat team appeared there: "Where are the people? Who dares to touch the son of your third master, and the guards, don't you know who I am, the third master? I was the first party master before. Personal bodyguard, don't even give me face, you don't want to get involved?"

"Sir, that one was from the Celestial Clan just now!!"

"Heaven... Tianzu people." When the third master heard this, his eyes widened: "What about the Tianzu people, now Shenzhou is not the one who has the final say, they have been completely defeated by Xia Xia, everyone listens Come on, you all stay here for me, I will definitely wait for them."

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