The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1877: 0 respawns

The third master has already decided.

This time he was going to clean up this Celestial Clan man.

take this opportunity.

Completely become the existence of the eighth party that no one dares to provoke.

Those guards are also very helpless. Although the current guards have a lot of authority, they have long lost the energy they used to have. If someone dared to disobey the guards, the guards have the power to kill.

But now.

Although the guards also have the power of life and death, but only for most ordinary people.

As for those powerful people.

They didn't dare to move.

Although Xia Xia also guessed that Shenzhou does not have the protection of the Celestial Clan, it will definitely be chaotic, and many unexpected things will happen.

"See, this is what Shenzhou looks like now!!!" Tian Qi smiled.

"Is it my fault?" Xia Tian asked.

"No, this world is definitely going to change. If it doesn't change, then in the future Divine State, except for the Celestial Clan, everything else will be just the back garden of the Celestial Clan, but in the same way, change requires cutting flesh. , the chaos at the beginning will last for a long time, and many people will die because of it, but time is the best way to settle everything!!!" Tian Qi didn't blame Xia Xia.

Now the two have come under the Kunlun Xianshan Mountain.

With the power of the source.

The biggest advantage is that it is very time-saving to travel.

Especially now that the power of the source in summer has exceeded 100 stars.

more stable.

And don't worry about where there are spatial fluctuations, which will cause the transmission to fail and be cheap.

"I'm here again!!" Summer is not the first time to come to Kunlun Xianshan.

It can be said.

Every time I come here, I have a different feeling.

This time.

He came here as Shenzhou's peak combat power.

"My old friend, Xia Xia, asks to see the Queen Mother of the West!!" Xia Xia did not venture into the mountains.

This time he came from Baishan.

Etiquette must be done in place.

Originally, Tian Qi dug up the ancestral grave of the Queen Mother of the West, but now that he goes up to it, there is no need to talk about it.

"Mr. Xia, the Queen Mother has an order, you are here, you can go up by yourself!!" the guard reminded.

"I'm so embarrassed!!" The corners of Xia Tian's mouth rose slightly, but he was rude and strode up.

"You still have the face, it seems to be feasible this time!!" Tian Qi's eyes lit up.

He was still thinking about whether there would be any accident. Now it seems that there should be some friendship between Xia Xia and the Queen Mother of the West.

This is much easier to do.

"Don't be too complacent, there is only a little bit of affection between me and the Queen Mother of the West. It's not a joke that you dig people's ancestral graves!!" Xia Xia glanced at Tian Qi.

Tian Qi, this is a big sin.

Although the Queen Mother of the West would give him a little face, this kind of face was not so easy to give.


Tian Qi is also honest.

Usually, he doesn't take anything seriously, but now, he has become more honest.

Don't dare to make mistakes.

The two walked all the way to the palace of the Queen Mother of the West.

"Here again?" The Three-legged Golden Crow also smiled when he saw Xia Xia.

The two of them are old acquaintances.


"Didn't I miss you!!" Xia Xia responded.

"When did you become so glib." Three-legged Golden Crow shook his head.

Xia Tian also smiled awkwardly: "Then I'm in."

"Go in, now you are the first person in our Shenzhou!!" The three-legged Jinwu smiled.


Xia Tian glanced at the three-legged golden crow, and then walked in.

The Queen Mother of the West is cultivating an unknown fairy grass there.

"Tian Qi, you are very brave, how dare you come to my Kunlun Xianshan Mountain!" The Queen Mother of the West didn't look up, but she already knew who was coming.

There is no anger in his voice when he speaks.

Obviously not angry.

But it gives a very angry feeling.

"I didn't expect you, Queen Mother, to know a little person like me!!" Tian Qi said embarrassedly.

"You are not a small person. If you cultivated normally, you would have had a chance to catch up with Haotian's realm, but you choose to continue to cultivate, just to deepen your foundation. By using the characteristics of deep foundation, you can be more advanced than others. There is a chance to break through to a higher level. Every time you rehabilitate, your foundation will be doubled compared to others. However, as you rehabilitate more and more times, you will gain less and less foundation. Now you look like It should have been rebuilt more than a hundred times, that is to say, if you continue to rebuild, the foundation will not increase." The Queen Mother of the West has not raised her head until now.

But she seemed to have seen through Tian Qi.

He even revealed Tian Qi's cultivation and the secrets of Tian Qi.

"So divine?" Xia Tian could tell from Tian Qi's expression that what the Queen Mother of the West said was absolutely true.

That is to say.

The way Tianqi cultivates is what the Queen Mother of the West said.

Continue to broaden your foundation.

As long as the foundation is solid.

Then the realm will be raised very There is also a way to reach a higher realm.

"It's not God, that's the cultivation method that my master left behind, but he also has a problem with his own brain, and that cultivation method is not complete at all. If you can really cultivate to the soul, then why doesn't my master cultivate? Why doesn't she let me cultivate? !!" The Queen Mother of the West raised her head.

He looked at Tian Qi as if he were an idiot.


Tian Qi also has a black line on his face.

What the Queen Mother of the West said was correct.

So he will come here this time.

"Queen Mother, I'm here this time..."

"Needless to say, I know what you are here for. Are you suffering from dantian pain three times a day for about half an hour each time?" said the Queen Mother of the West.

"Yes, yes, every time it hurts, the dantian seems to explode!!" Tian Qi said hurriedly.

He came here.

He just wanted to solve this problem. With his current body, if he didn't solve it, he would suffer endless troubles. He even felt that he might die at any time.

"You don't even think about how big a person's body is and how big his dantian is. You expand your dantian again and again, and then compress the foundation. Although this can make the cultivation speed faster and break through the realm easier, it's like a Bubble, after you blow it to the limit, it will prevent it from falling out. Although it looks the same as at the beginning, how can the loss in it be the same? Exploding is because you are indeed very talented, and you have taken a lot of life-saving medicine pills, otherwise you would have died a long time ago, how could you be reborn a hundred times!" Xiwangmu pointed out Tianqi's current situation.

"Queen Mother, save me, I don't want to die yet!!" Tian Qi knelt down.

It was the first time in his life that he had kneeled before someone else.

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