The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2015: 5th floor of the universe

In the summer at this time, I don't know what happened to Shenzhou. He is still floating, floating in the turbulent flow of time and space.

"I didn't expect that the appearance of Sen Luo Wanxiang is so strong, and it's nothing to blow in the turbulent time and space, and I also collected some treasures that I passed by, those Zerg corpses, this is really a piece of The road to making a fortune!!" Xia Xia is not only not depressed now.

And in a very good mood.

All things are floating in the turbulent flow of time and space. On this way, the situation outside can be seen clearly in summer. Once he sees any treasures outside, he will directly take it in.

In less than a day, he has collected thousands of treasures and tens of thousands of treasure chests.

"I'm afraid you're the only one who can collect treasures in a place like Time and Space Turbulence!" Wuyin said with emotion.

He used to be the first person in China.

But what he's going through in the summer is something he can't even think about.

There are still people who can collect treasures in the turbulent time and space! !

"You think too easily. Although you can always collect treasures here, have you ever thought about it? If you don't happen to be taken away, or if there happens to be a time-space crack outside, how do you get out of this time-space turbulence? You It will always float in this universe, and finally float into the endless galaxy!!" Yang reminded.


Xia Tian was stunned: "That is to say, if my luck is not good enough, and no one happens to open the crack in time and space, if I float in, then I will die!!"

"Yes, now all things are supported by your body, that is to say, if you die, all things will cease to exist, and now you can only get power from the universe, even if you are a realm king You can't digest these cosmic powers now, so your body is only consumed, not restored. When your power is completely exhausted, everything will start to dry up, and everything here will be destroyed, although now Senluo Wanxiang has already formed its own system, but unfortunately, it still cannot be self-sufficient!!" Yang also wanted to let Xia Xia understand that this place is not something you can come here casually.

Come, you can't just leave.

"The turbulent flow of time and space is one of the most chaotic layers in the universe. Even if I usually fly, I don't want to pass by there!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"What does that mean?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"The universe is very big, very big, but the universe is also layered. For example, the safest first layer, the stratosphere, as long as it is a planet like this, it is almost not with attributes, and it can breed life; the above is The second layer, the stream layer, the stars in this layer are of various shapes and types, but they already have the conditions for cultivation; on the top is the third layer, the ocean current layer, this layer, which is what you Familiar fairyland, there is a stable input of the power of the universe; continue to the top is the fourth layer, time and space turbulence, the breath here is violent, the power of the universe is vertical and horizontal, and it is not accessible to normal people at all; the fifth layer is the mad thunder Floor, that floor, even I dare not go!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

"That is to say, I'm currently in the fourth layer of the universe, and if I want to go back to the third layer, it must be that someone in the third layer happens to open the space-time crack, or when I hit some nodes, I happen to be sucked. Let's go, right!!" Summer said.

"Yes!" Xian Xuanwu said affirmatively: "But there is still bad news to tell you, that is, if you have already flown over Shenzhou, then even if you appear, you may appear on other continents."

When hearing this.

Summer frowned.

"This can't be done. There are less than three months left, and it's time for me to kill the Celestial Clan. If I died at that time, it would be nothing, but since I am still alive, I will find a way. Go back!!!" Summer said firmly.

"But what can you do now?" Xian Xuanwu didn't think Xia Xia could do anything.

He can only passively wait.

"That's true, but my luck is generally very good. Let's collect the treasures and treasure chests here first!!" Xia Tian has always been adhering to the idea of ​​not taking advantage of the cheap, that is a bastard.

Things can go out slowly to think of a way.

But since it is in such a good place, he will take away all the treasures here as much as possible.

There are good things in the turbulent time and space! !

"Last time you mentioned the level of the Hero Medal, but you never told me who issued the Hero Medal!" Xia Xia started chatting.

"When you reach the spirit, you will naturally understand!!" Yang reminded.

"It's so unpredictable again, I want to cultivate to the spirit, maybe it's the year of the monkey, but I'm starting to doubt what the prophet said before. He said that I would die in the battle of the Celestial Clan, but if I can't If I return to Shenzhou within three then I have no chance to participate in the battle of the Celestial Clan at all, the so-called death inside is even more unrealistic!!" Xia Xia began to question the words of the prophet. .

"Don't question those prophets, they are all using their lives to predict the future, and the chance of being wrong is very low!!" Yang Ke knew how powerful these prophets were.


He also met a prophet who restricted the language of his exact time of death, which was almost the same as his real time of death.


His view of the prophets was completely different.

"That is to say, according to the prophet's algorithm, I will definitely be able to return to Shenzhou, and I will definitely be able to participate in the battle of the Celestial Clan, right!!" Xia Xia's eyes lit up.

Instead, he now hopes that the Prophet is right.

Because of this, he can return to China.

"But the prophet's words are that if you go back, you will definitely die!!" Yang reminded.

That's right.

The Prophet did predict that Summer would participate in the Battle of the Celestial Clan, but he also predicted that Summer would die.


How to choose.

It's up to summer.

"If you can really go back, don't go to the battle of the Celestial Clan." Yang's meaning is very simple. If you can go back, it will prove that what the prophet said is true, but as long as you don't go to the battle of the Celestial Clan in the summer, then never mind.

The second half can be changed.

This option is in the hands of summer.

"I prefer to survive through my own efforts, rather than escape. If I escape once, I will escape for the rest of my life!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

Ha ha ha ha!

"This is the summer I know, and since that's the case, then I'll tell you another secret!!" Xian Xuanwu laughed loudly.

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