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Chapter 2016: Absorb Spirit Line

"Secret?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Yes, it's the secret, the light in the turbulent flow of time and space. If you can recover those lights, they will be the greatest treasures for your all things." Xian Xuanwu reminded.

"Light? It's the strip of light, isn't it the flight path of the item?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Of course not, that is the spiritual line. From birth, everyone actually has spiritual lines in their bodies, and cultivating to become spiritual is actually to stimulate the spiritual lines. Venerable Baixing has five spiritual lines. There are seven half-spirits, and ten spirits, each of which also represents strength and realm. Although these spiritual threads in the turbulent flow of time and space, although I don’t know where they came from, if you can put them into the universe, then It is good for all the cultivators in the vast universe. Although it will not revive all the spirits here, it can also nourish their souls a little bit, so that they can exist longer, and once you really kill the Celestial Clan, The mother tree can use its own power to help these spirits stabilize their souls, then they really have hope of resurrection, and they will not suddenly disappear in the future!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.


Summer shines.

Yang has always been kind to him, and if he can, he naturally wants to keep Yang.

Other spirits have also helped their brothers, and if they can be kept, it will be better.

Although they cannot be directly resurrected.

But it's not enough to watch them die a little bit in the midst of everything.

Although all kinds of things can keep them temporarily, they can't keep them forever.

"It seems that I must kill the Celestial Clan!!" Xia Xia's eyes looked upward.

The spirit line flew very fast.

There was no time to collect all kinds of things, and they flew away.

"This speed is too fast. Even with my eyes, it's hard to catch. Occasionally catch some, but the action can't keep up!!" Xia Xia said helplessly, he really feels powerless now, after all, he can only Relying on everything.

"You are so smart, think of a way!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

He usually is like this, even if he knows the way and the result, he will never tell Xia Xia, but let Xia Xia think and guess for himself! !

This is the character of Xian Xuanwu.

He can help Xia Xia, but Xia Xia absolutely needs to think subjectively.

"Dzi!!" Xia Tian's eyes lit up.

"Although you are smart, the dzi beads are the core energy of the entire universe, and the potential for development is infinite. At this time, although you can't reach out and grab them yourself, you can rely on the power of the dzi beads to **** them down. , If you continue to inhale like this, within the entire forest, the spiritual line will be endless!!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

Xia Xia is also very excited now. This is good news. If the spiritual line can be endless, wouldn't the vastness become a holy place for cultivation.

"It's exactly what you think, you can make all things change the sky, you can make all things into a fairyland, but this kind of place is not for everyone, and not everyone has the sky. Pearl!!!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

If anyone can come here to take away the spiritual thread.

That spirit line is worthless.

This world will no longer lack spirit.

Although there are a lot of dead spirits in the mountains in summer, have you ever calculated, one billion years, two billion years?

Only these spirits appeared, and many of them came from different places.

received different opportunities.

Otherwise, there is no chance to become a spirit.


No matter what time it is, the spirit is the most heaven-defying existence.

Even the descendants of ancient holy beasts like Xianxuanwu would not dare to underestimate any spirit.

"How can Sai Weng lose his horse? It's not a blessing!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"What do you mean?" Xian Xuanwu asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, I found it. No matter when, any desperate situation may be a new opportunity. To be honest, when I came here this time, I originally thought that I would die. After all, this is a turbulent time and space. I want to return The chance to get to Shenzhou is not even one in a trillion, but I didn’t expect that I would still encounter opportunities here. If I go back to Shenzhou, I am confident that I will completely become the most feared existence of the Celestial Clan!! There was a slight smile on Xia Xia's face.

No matter how defiant the Celestial Clan is, Xia Tian has grown up step by step.

very beginning.

He is not even in the realm of the Venerable.

And now.

His body has already rushed out to the Venerable Hundred Stars, and his overall combat power has surpassed that of a half-spirit. It can be said that if he returns alive, then he will be the first person in China.

In the past, he might have said that he and Haotian were 55 to 50.

but now.

He has completely surpassed Haotian.

Every time he made a breakthrough between life and death, he was born in a desperate situation.

at this time.

Those spiritual threads in the turbulent flow of time and space flew one by one into the vast and more treasures were also received by the dzi beads.

Although Sen Luo Wanxian can absorb some unowned things, some flying speed is too fast, and some things with a relatively high treasure level, Sen Luo Wanxiang can't take them.

But now.

The Dzi Bead was able to take all these things back.

"It's developed, this time it's developed!!" Xia Xia was extremely excited.

Although he still can't determine what he took back, he can be sure that there must be a lot of treasures that have been taken in, and he just saw a few famous artifacts.

That's a famous tool.

The entire Shenzhou adds up to less than two handles at most. Although the masters of the ancient battlefield are now back, including them, there are at most less than eight hundred handles.

Because of the name.

There is simply no one in China who can forge it.

"I'll sort it out first!!" Hongfeng was also very excited. He saw a lot of good things, and even a lot of things he didn't know, but at first glance, it was the kind of good things.

He is also the first time to start checking.

Summer is a constant injection of strength.

Use the dzi beads to bring in the spiritual threads outside.

At this time, all kinds of things have begun to change.

In the sky, streamers of various colors flew everywhere.

Colored clouds are formed.

Ha ha ha ha!

"You kid, this luck is simply no one!!!" Xian Xuanwu said with emotion.

"For someone else, firstly, there is no such means as dzi beads, and secondly, there is no such a unique world as all things, their world can't bear the spiritual line!!" Yang said with emotion.

"Hurry up, the streamlines are converging!!!" Xia Xia suddenly shouted.

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