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Chapter 2027: Meet King Lu again

Xia Xia promised King Lu to help him resolve the grievances between himself and the Queen Mother of the West.

Now the Queen Mother of the West has disappeared.

If he doesn't resolve this matter himself, then he will really feel sorry for King Lu.

To know.

King Lu gave him so many medicinal pills, and it was precisely because of those medicinal pills that the Xia Squad members could shine on the ancient battlefield and save their lives.

Gift received.

If you don't do it, it doesn't fit your character.

"Let's go to Kunlun Xianshan first!!" After Xia Tian had the power of the source of the earth, the biggest feature was that the speed became faster when he was on the road.

No matter where he wants to go, as long as he is familiar with the coordinates, he can rush there as soon as possible.

Although it is far away, it is still difficult for him.

at this time.

When he came to Kunlun Xianshan, it was already empty and there was nothing left.

Kunlun Immortal Mountain no longer exists.

"Looks like there's been a big battle here!!" Xia Xia checked around, but found nothing, and the other party did things very neatly.

"King Lu is here!!" Hongfeng reminded.

Summer's eyes looked over.

"Senior King Lu!!" Xia Xia flew over.

"Mr. Xia, you're back!!" King Lu was very happy when he saw Xia Xia, which may be the happiest thing he has done recently.

Since they came back from the ancient battlefield, there has been no news of Xia Xia. He thought Xia Xia couldn't help him, so he ran to Kunlun Xianshan Mountain. As a result, he saw this situation when he came here. I'm not a fool, I naturally understand what the situation here represents.

He knew very well that with his own ability, it was impossible to investigate this matter clearly.

But now summer is back.

That's different.

"You don't have to worry, since I promised you, then I will definitely find a way!!" Xia Xia comforted.

"Of course I believe in you!" King Lu seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw now.

"Senior King Lu, are you looking for a place to wait for me, or go with me?" Xia Xia asked.

"Together!!" King Lu is restless now. If he doesn't let him do something, he thinks that he will not be able to bear the next period of time, and he will even start to think wildly. If something happens to the Queen Mother of the West, then he will not be able to do anything. live.

kindness! !

"Then come with me!!" Xia Xia also understood that there must be no traces to search for here. Since the other party made a move, all traces will be erased.

"What do you need me to do?" King Lu asked.

"I'll take you to a nearby city to see if there is any news!!" Xia Xia is very clear, and wants to investigate some secrets, don't go to those big people, what they know is generally what the other party wants to let they know.

And the information that ordinary people get is sometimes more useful.

The information they have there must be inaccurate, but they can know some other special information.

The enemy is sparse.

As long as there is a slight loophole, it will be discovered by ordinary people in China.

Ordinary people are more exploratory to the unknown.

that's it.

In the summer, I visited all the small and medium-sized cities in the vicinity, and visited hundreds of cities. In the end, I really got some news from those cities. Some people saw a mysterious pair of brothers and sisters, and this pair of brothers and sisters saw people. kill directly.

"Could it be the true emperor and Nihuang?" Hongfeng asked in confusion.

There are many brothers and sisters in China.

But if there is something mysterious and someone with special abilities, it must be these two people.

"The means of these two people are indeed not simple, and they must have trump cards, but with their two abilities, it is still impossible to defeat the Queen Mother of the West on the Kunlun Immortal Mountain." Xia Xia shook his head.

"But what if they found help, or if the Queen Mother of the West had come down the mountain?" Hongfeng asked.


"There are only these two possibilities. If the Queen Mother of the West goes down the mountain, then her strength, that is, under the Venerable Hundred Stars, is nothing, and if she finds a helper, then Shenzhou is a mystery that we don't know yet. The forces should be the same group of people that Haotian investigated before." Xia Xia wanted to lock down the siblings first, if it wasn't for the two of them, then he would investigate from other aspects, but if it was really the two siblings, then He won't be polite.

He had helped these two brothers and sisters before.

But these two brothers and sisters actually went to China to do things.

"Mr. Xia, there is too much information recently investigated, but it is of no use!!" King Lu took out a jade slip from his hand, and the jade slip contained all the information he had investigated.

Let him go out to investigate the news the previous summer.

No matter what kind of news, as long as it can be investigated, bring it back.

These are what he put together.

Xia Xia opened the jade slips and looked at them one by one.

"I have checked it all, and there is no special news!!!" King Lu said a little depressed.

Although he didn't understand why Xia Tian let him do it, he did it anyway.

"It's really not useless. Look at these news, what if they are linked together?" Xia Xia picked out ten of the tens of thousands of news, all of which looked very ordinary.

"A pair of brothers and sisters asked about Kunlun Mountain, killed a lot of people, and suddenly disappeared!!!" King Lu was also stunned when he saw these messages linked together.

Especially the latter ones: "A lot of people have gone to Kunlun Mountains recently, and all those who went have died in the end."

"And this one!!" Summer pointed to the most crucial one.

This article almost no one will pay attention to it.

But now a closer look is different.

The news is: Behind the Kunlun Mountains, there is a bottomless big pit. There seems to be a ghost in the big pit. Many people have been to investigate, but nothing has been detected, and there are no treasures, but There is a strange sound inside.

"Is there a problem there?" King Lu was taken aback.

"Yes, there is definitely something wrong with that deep pit. Although there are no special subordinates to investigate in Kunlun Mountain, there are still a lot of investigation formations around, many of which have been preserved for millions of years. If there is a strong atmosphere here , The Queen Mother of the West will definitely know, and the Queen Mother of the West must have been attacked suddenly. The only explanation is that there is a passage in the mountains behind Kunlun Xianshan, and if you want to go around the mountains, except for the source of Force, only to dig a hole to pass!!" Xia Xia analyzed.

"Dig a hole, who can dig a hole so far and deep?" King Lu asked inexplicably.

"I can!!"

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