The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2028: goodbye king

King Lu had lived long enough, but when he walked with Xia Xia, he found that he seemed like a fledgling kid who didn't understand anything. His so-called Jianghu experience was really true in front of Xia Xia. It's not worth mentioning.

At this time, he finally understood why Xia Tian could shine in places like the ancient battlefield.

Summer's ability and the handling of details are simply invincible.

Next to the deep pit at this time.

Watched it in summer.

"It does look very intimidating here, and this kind of ghost call makes people shudder!!" King Lu said with emotion.

"It's not a ghost call, it's the sound of the wind!!" Xia Xia explained.

"The sound of the wind?" King Lu frowned, he really didn't hear that it was the sound of the wind.

"The wind blowing through many different small channels is mixed together to form this sound." Xia Xia is still very familiar with this kind of wind sound.


King Lu reacted: "So it is."

"If I guessed correctly, there should be a lot of small passages below, and the wind in these passages should not be ordinary wind, but the positions of these air outlets are very good, they can hedge against each other and offset the impact of the wind!!" Xia Xia has checked pass.

Then he jumped straight off.

Checking it above, can't check anything.

Only go down and check, to find more useful things.

When he jumped down, he found that as long as he passed those hedges, he would be attacked by those winds.

"The penetrating power of these winds is very strong, and the speed is too fast. Normal people can't react at all and have already been hit, and after being hit, they won't react at all, and will only leave a curse on their body. !!" Hongfeng has already analyzed the terrifying aspects of these outlets.


These winds do no harm to the body in summer.

"What's the maximum damage?" Xia Tian asked.

"The Venerable people below 20 stars will be recruited, and those of higher rank will find out!!" Hongfeng explained.

"If it wasn't for the ancient **** of war coming back, the masters in Divine State would be below Venerable's 20-star level, so those who leave this deep pit are definitely calculated!!" Xia Xia said.

"Actually, it can be determined that it is the pair of brothers and sisters. According to the information we have learned before, the pair of brothers and sisters are the people who dug through the ancient battlefield and the outside, and they also dug through the passage between the ancient battlefield and Shenzhou, then this passage is It is in line with their previous style!!" Hongfeng said.

"Not ruled out, but until there is no definite evidence, no good person can be wronged!!" Although Xia Xia also believed that 90% of the brothers and sisters are now, but there is no accurate evidence yet.

As he continued to go deeper, the passage seemed to be endless.

But Guikulanghao and airflow are also getting stronger and stronger.

"I can't go any further. I guess there is either a trap ahead, or it has already been dug out of Shenzhou. If we continue to move forward, then we will fall into the space crack again." Hongfeng reminded.


"There are really them. They dug through here, but they didn't let the power of Shenzhou leak out." Xia Xia didn't feel that the power of Shenzhou was sucked away. This proves that the person who dug this channel must have done something. To prevent this void from flowing out the power of Shenzhou.

"This kind of ability is really terrifying. If they don't look down on a continent, and they directly dig through that continent, the last power of heaven and earth in that continent will gradually leak out. Although it is nothing in a short time, but over time, the heaven and earth will gradually leak out. The power is definitely getting less and less!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

Summer strokes the walls.

"It feels like it was cut by a golden knife!!" Xia Xia took out the golden knife and cut some on the wall.


He looked at the cut out feeling.

The golden knife cuts more neatly and delicately, which is obviously very easy, but the cut here before was a little uneven, obviously not as sharp as the golden knife.

"Follow them, I have their breath here!!" Hongfeng is Xia's best support.

As long as it is the person that Xia Xia contacts, he will secretly leave traces on the other party, or leave the other party's breath, and what he does is very hidden, the kind that will never be discovered by the other party.

"Okay, let's start with their brothers and sisters. If they did it, then I wouldn't be polite!!" Xia Xia's body moved and came directly to King Lu's side: "Senior King Lu, relax first, I will bring You go and find out!!"

it is good!

King Lu directly relaxed his body, and was brought into the midst of all kinds of things by Xia Xia.

Looking at Xia Xia's perspective, he started drinking with a few people he didn't know.

He didn't know.

These people who do not know each other are all spirits.

I also talked with these people about the problem of refining medicine pills.

Although this spirit is not a professional alchemy, they do know alchemy, and they also have unique insights into alchemy.

This benefited King Lu a lot.

Xia Xia followed the direction of the breath and kept tracking, and finally found the brother and sister in the demon clan's territory.

The siblings were also taken aback when they saw the summer.

However, the two of them are very shrewd and know what Xia Xia must have done to them, so they can find them, and they can't believe X Xia happened to meet them here.

"Mr. Xia, you are looking for us." The True Emperor asked.

"I have some questions to ask you!!" Xia Xia said to the true emperor.

"Excuse me!!" The real emperor was very polite.

On the Nihuang side, they also began to look for themselves, wanting to find out what Xia Xia left on them.

Finally, they found a piece of hair less than one has been stuck between their clothes and skin. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for them to find this hair, but now they look carefully, and finally they are found. She found it.

The real emperor also found Mao from himself: "Mr. Xia, if you want to see us, just let me know, there is no need to use such a method."

"I'm afraid I won't move you!!" Xia Xia said.

"Mr. Xia is joking, you are our savior!!" said the real emperor.

"Then I'll tell you straight, do the missing masters in Shenzhou have anything to do with you?" Xia Xia asked.

"It doesn't matter, the missing masters were made by others. If you haven't heard of this person, you can ask the people who came back from the ancient battlefield. They all think that it is called Xingchen." The true emperor explained.

"What about the disappearance of Queen Mother Xi?" Xia Xia looked at the real emperor.

Now that it has been roughly determined, he has to ask, that pit is definitely not something that anyone can dig out.

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