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Chapter 2031: Summer VS Stars

Xingchen is also making a decision now, but this decision is not so easy to make, no matter how he chooses, the result will not be very good.

Originally, he thought that he was quite confident now, but when he really faced the summer.

He found out.

His own ability seems to be nothing at all.

If you have already thought about it, the plan you have thought of is completely useless.

Standing here in the summer, he is a flawless person.

Let him not know where to start.

The third item that he thought of before, he thought he could handle Xia steadily, but now he realized that he still underestimated Xia, and Xia was really not the kind of existence that could be easily handled by others.

"One minute is up!!" Xia Xia looked at the stars.

"Then let's fight!!" Xingchen made a decision.

However, for the time being, he and Emi have asked his subordinates to come and participate in the war. He also understands that his subordinates are relatively stable against other masters, but they may be worse against Xia. Intend.

Now that a decision has been made.

Then you can get started.

At the beginning, it was a polite summer, but now a powerful aura erupted directly from his body.

This smell is very scary.

The heart of the strong.

In an instant, the powerful momentum of the stars was shattered.

Xingchen was almost out of breath by this momentum.

"What a strong aura!!" This is the first time that Xingchen has been abused in such a way.

But he wasn't easy to mess with.

The body turned into a streamer in an instant, killing Xia Xia.

He is very fast.

Hit Summer's body directly head-on.

He thinks that his attack speed and attack power are very terrifying. This blow, Xia Xia will definitely not be able to react, and it will definitely be able to break Xia Xia's body armor.

But when he saw Xia Xia's eyes, he was a little stunned.

Because when Xia Xia looked at him, it was like looking at a clown.

And he felt it too.

When his own attack hit Xia Xia, it failed to cause any damage to Xia Xia.

Although he also knew that he could not defeat Xia Xia so easily, the result was something he didn't expect.

"Your defense!!!!" Xingchen wanted to ask something.

But he also retreated at the same time.


The moment he retreated, Xia Xia's attack had already hit him.

With just one punch, the stars flew out: "Your power!!!"

Xingchen was a little stunned.

He could never have imagined that Xia Xia's defensive power and offensive power were so terrifying, and his body's reaction nerves and tenacity were so terrifying.

Such strength.

He finally understood why Xia Xia was touted so highly by people in the ancient battlefield.

His real ability.

It's really not something that can be blown out by someone casually.

"It seems that I really underestimate you!!" Xingchen thought that Xia Xia and himself were at most five to five, but now it seems that he may be really wrong.

The strength of summer.

It really got to a very terrifying level.


A star blows out of Summer's hands.

This star looks very ordinary, but when the star arrived in front of the star, it suddenly accelerated and hit the star of the star heavily. This blow, as if a huge meteor hit him directly and forcibly, He rolled him out directly, but he didn't wait for him to stabilize his body.

The second star suddenly appeared behind him.

He turned hastily to the left.

Control the body to eat these injuries without unloading.

"Don't think about it!!"

But just as he moved, a star appeared on the left, and he ate the power again and turned to the right.

But suddenly appeared on the right.


Only up.

in the moment he goes up.

The star above was smashed directly, and his body was smashed down, and he turned one after another without releasing the force, which made his body a little unbearable, but now he was suddenly smashed by a star from above. It made him feel as if his body had collapsed.

But this is just the beginning.

One hit.

The four stars he avoided just now were also dropped at the same time.


A huge pit was smashed into the ground.

Xingchen's subordinates all flew out. There was Xingchen's order before, and they did not dare to come out casually, but now Xingchen may have been injured, and they must fly out.

"Go back to me!!" Xingchen's voice appeared again.

at the same time.

Wuxing was suddenly rushed up.

The stars slowly rose from below.

But now his appearance has changed a little from before.

"Is it a transformation?" Hongfeng carefully observed the stars. Now the stars are at least two laps taller than before. The muscles on his body are also full of strength, and the whole person looks more robust.

Every muscle in the body is full of explosive force.

"The strength and defense are stronger than just now!!" Xia Xia said lightly.

"Xia Xia, I know that you are very strong, but I am not a vegetarian. I am a descendant of the ancient gods, and I am the purest bloodline in the ancient battlefield. I already have some abilities of the ancient gods, that is, transformation. , After the transformation, my strength will be fully doubled!!!" Xingchen looked at Xia Xia fiercely.

Just fought.

Made him suffer a lot.

It also inspired his fighting spirit.

He is a star.

He thought to himself that even Haotian could not be his opponent, but when he just met Xia Xia, he was beaten so hard to fight back, how could he not be angry.

The bloodline of the ancient **** race in the body is also constantly churning at this moment.

Descendants of ancient gods.

That is the true descendant of the **** of war.

They were born with the blood of the **** of war.

To be so provoked, one must baptize with the blood of the other party.

"Really?" Summer's voice was flat.

As if he didn't care about it at all.

"Looking for death!!" Xing Chen's hands clapped A layer of blood-red power was attached to his palms, and this power enveloped his fists.

The power above the fist is multiplied again.


His body turned into two blood-red rays of light, smashing directly into the summer in front of him.


His speed was so fast that Xia Xia didn't seem to react, so he slammed into Xia Xia abruptly. He believed that this blow would be enough to completely smash Xia Xia's defense.


A ray of light penetrated from Xia Xia's body.

It was as if the blow from the stars had pierced Xia Xia's body.

"Did you succeed?" Xing Chen's eyes lit up.

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