The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2032: 3 forms


at this time.

Xia Xia slapped the stars directly with a slap.

"What's the matter?" Xing Chen was stunned. His attack just now hit Xia Xia head-on. The attack power was very terrifying, and he already felt that this kind of attack penetrated Xia Xia's body, but why now Summer is like nothing.

What exactly is going on?

No matter what he thought, he didn't understand.

"If you don't show your true skills, I will immediately pronounce your failure!!!" Xia Xia looked at the stars in front of him expressionlessly.

Although the current Xingchen has performed well, Xia Xia understands that this is not the full strength of Xingchen.

He is in this state now.

It is indeed stronger than the beginning.

Can be the same.

His current strength can only compete with Haotian at most! !

Even Haotian is slightly better.

Ha ha ha ha!

Xingchen started laughing, his face was full of excitement: "Xiamen, over the years, you were the first person who asked me to use the third form, and I used this form to kill people back then. Had a female worm!!!"


He is very confident in his third state.

Summer didn't interrupt his transformation.

He also wanted to see.

This person with the blood of the ancient gods, what is the third transformation like, and how many surprises will it bring him.


Circles of blood-colored ripples began to ripple around Xingchen's body.


Xingchen shouted, his body began to grow again, and the muscles on his body were more explosive.

The texture of each muscle is also clearer.

"It's getting bigger!!!" Xia Xia looked at the stars in front of him and frowned. He could see that the strength and defense of the stars were increasing, including the increase in physical toughness. But if it grows like this, The speed certainly can't keep up.

"It seems that his transformation is still flawed." Hongfeng said with emotion.

Xia Tian looked at the stars in front of him like this.


Xingchen's body muscles completely turned bloody.

The whole person seems to be bloody.

Completely covered in blood.

Right now, he looks like a demon.

"Summer, I'll let you know how terrifying the power of the ancient gods is!!!" Xingchen punched directly. When the punch came out, the air in front of him instantly shattered, and his attack was almost over time and space. The speed and force of crack creation.

The runaway crack in the middle appeared several times and shattered several times.

that's it.

A punch hit Xia Xia directly.


A powerful force penetrated Xia's body again and flew out from behind Xia Xia.

Can be the same.

There is still no injury in the summer.

"What's going on?" Xingchen looked at Xia Xia in puzzlement. Just now, he was relieved by Xia Xia with his all-out blow. Now, his all-out blow was actually taken off by Xia Xia again.

And the summer stood there from the beginning to the end, not moving at all.

Xia Xia glanced at his body: "It has reached the limit of Jie Wang Jue's unloading force. If his strength is greater, it is impossible for Jie Wang Jue to directly unload."

"His overall strength has indeed increased a lot!!" Hong Feng said.


Xia Xia nodded slightly and looked at the stars in front of him: "Is this your strongest ability?"


Xingchen was said by Xia Xia, and his self-esteem was also damaged a lot, and he was also the first to kill Xia Xia.

at this time.

A star flew out again.

He smashed **** Xing Chen, but this time, the star was shot directly by Xing Chen, and the star that could knock him flying before was resolved by him like this.

at the same time.

Second, third, fourth, fifth.


The flying five stars began to rotate around the body of the stars, and then countless meteor showers appeared in the sky, as if tens of thousands of stars gathered in the sky, wanting to fall one by one.

The stars are flying high, this is his base camp, if all these stars are smashed down.

Then the formation here will definitely be completely destroyed.


A long trident appeared in his hand.

When those meteors fell, the trident in his hand also completely smashed those stars, and the smashed stars were scattered everywhere. These stars are no longer the prototypes, but the real stars. They are all the stars in the Star Belt in Shenzhou.

Even if such a star is shattered, it will turn into boulders and dust.


at the same time.

The power of the Earth's Origin turned the rubble and dust into dragons.

Kaka! !

The power of thunder and lightning flew out at the same time, and fell on the bodies of those earth dragons, forming strips of thunder armor.

It completely wrapped hundreds of giant dragons.

sky, ground.

There are attacks.

It can be said.

Now the stars have been completely surrounded, and these attacks are also very terrifying.

Every time, it can destroy the world.


The trident in Xingchen's hand is also a gust of wind.

No matter what kind of attack approaches him, it will be knocked into the air by him, and many will even be directly shattered.

This is the third form of the stars.

Incomparably powerful.

"Now this fighting state is really strong!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"I want to meet him too!!" said Silently.


Xia Xia nodded slightly, and then rushed out without a sound. He flew directly out of Xia Xia's invisibility range and came to Xingchen.

"Clone?" Xingchen saw Silent rushing over.

It is also the first time to rush to silence.


When the two sides attacked together, Silent's body took a few steps back. You must know that his current body is the clone of the moon, second only to Xia's body, but in the competition of strength, he actually lost to the stars.

But Xingchen was punched by him, and it wasn't a good feeling.

"It seems that Wuyin is not enough, let's go up and join in the fun!!" Tu Ling and the others rushed up.

The five avatars met on the ground and attacked the stars.

The stars are also one against five, and they are not weak at all.

But he was also calculating one thing in his heart at this time: "Since he has used five clones, he needs to be distracted and controlled, and the power of the main body will definitely be reduced a lot, then if I go to attack his main body now, The liver function will be successful.”

A thought here.

The stars are also starting to look for an opportunity.


He saw a gap.

Then his body flashed, appearing directly in front of Xia Xia, and the trident in his hand stabbed directly into Xia Xia's body.

"Xiamen, you lost!!!" Xingchen shouted loudly.

He believes that it is absolutely impossible for him to withstand this blow in the summer.

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