The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2033: beat the mind


A familiar scene happened, Xia Xia once again used the king's power to unload, and a powerful attack rushed out from behind Xia Xia.

At this time, behind the summer, after several unloading, it has been blown very seriously.

There used to be mountains there.

But now the mountains are gone.

"How is that possible?" Xing Chen looked puzzled, he really didn't understand why such a thing happened.

Although he also knows that the summer is strong.

But just in the summer, he was controlling the five clones to fight against him.

There should be no ability to distract and control the rapid response of his own body.

And the main body is divided into five clones, his own strength should be greatly weakened.

But now.

Xia Xia was still able to carry his full blow.

"You're wrong!!" Summer shook his head.

His face was full of disappointment.

Seeing Xia Xia's expression, Xing Chen's self-esteem was frustrated again. He always believed that he was the strongest human being in China, but he was so vulnerable in front of Xia Xia. How could he bear it?

Now he feels that he has been completely underestimated by Xia Xia.

"No!!" Xingchen suddenly reacted. From the beginning of the fight to the present, Xia Xia stood in place and hadn't moved.

He played so passionately.

But summer has not even moved.

What is this concept?

"Impossible, you are just a Venerable Hundred Stars. Although there are many means, you can't be so strong. Even if you are a spirit, you can't be so strong without using the power of the spirit!!" Xingchen felt that his cognition was broken.

The strength shown in the summer now.

Let him not know how to judge at all.

"The gap between us is like the sea of ​​stars. You said that you can kill the female insect in this state. It seems that you did not rush in alone, but someone helped you block most of the insect king and other Zerg attacks. Ah!!" Summer also saw that the driving strength is indeed very strong.

But the strength shown by Xingchen now is not like Xia Xia, who can rush to the Zerg base camp alone to kill the mother insect.

"Did you kill the female worm by yourself?" Xingchen asked back.

He also heard from those who came back from the ancient battlefield that they had killed the female insects in the summer.

At that time, he thought that Xia Xia brought a group of masters over and dragged him down the insect emperor and a large number of insect races there, so that he could barely succeed.

"It seems that you have no chance to stop me!!" Xia Xia didn't answer Xingchen, but started to walk forward.

this moment.

He finally understood.

There has been no summer going forward.

Choose to walk forward.

He didn't walk very fast, but every step was very steady, and every time he stepped out, the ground seemed to make a pleasant sound.

It's like being passed by summer.

They will have the opportunity to cultivate into immortals.

The pace of summer.

is the rule.

It is heaven and earth perception.

"Impossible!!!" Xingchen became more and more panicked. When he first saw Xia Xia, he was still aloof and at the same level as Xia Xia, but now, he has changed completely.

He is now.

Very messy.

is upset.

He has already admitted in his heart that he can no longer be the opponent of the summer.

But he himself did not want to believe this fact.

"No, I must stop him!!" Xingchen killed Xia Xia.


At this moment, the five clones rushed back. Around Xia Xia's body, the five clones were all invisible, and there was no trace to be found. After a few times, the stars were defeated, but the current state of the stars is also true. It is very powerful and is attacked by the five clones in turn.

Hardly suffered much damage.

And he is a demigod.

He can mobilize the power of the spirit.

There were several times when he wanted to use the power of spirit to sneak attack Xia Xia's clone, but Xia Xia's eyes saw through them all and easily escaped his attack.

"You can't see through all my attacks!!" The bigger the stars, the less confident they are.

he feels.

Summer seems to be his nemesis.

No matter what kind of ability he uses, it is useless in the face of summer.

"He started to make mistakes!!" Hongfeng was also a little disappointed.

Xia Xia's greatest skill is to play psychological warfare, and let the enemy enter this state. Once the enemy starts to make mistakes, then Xia Xia is getting closer and closer to victory.

"A person who has never suffered setbacks and failures, once encounters failures and setbacks, his mentality will be more fragile than normal people. This was the case with Prometheus before, and the same is true with the stars now. They were the most powerful people in the ancient battlefield. A strong group of people, he is the only one who has killed the female insect. After coming to Shenzhou, he has directly grasped the life and death of Shenzhou people. Therefore, he simply cannot accept that there is a human being stronger than him, and it is so strong that He is not confident in all his strength!!" Xia Xia had already seen Xingchen's weakness.

"Then we should have won!!" Hong Feng said.

"No, I can't be sure yet. If Xingchen only has this ability, then he can't easily catch so many masters. Now I have to make sure, whether it is his own strength or him. The strength of the team is strong!!" Xia Xia walked forward step by step.

Xingchen saw that he had no chance to stop Xia Xia at all.

He was also a little anxious.

If you let the summer pass like this, then so many years of preparation will be in vain.

"All combatants, start the formation!!!" Xingchen shouted loudly.

For a moment.

Two figures flew out from behind, a man and a woman. Behind the two of them, hundreds of masters followed, and then hundreds of masters flew out.

that's it.

In a group of 100 people, 72 groups of people flew out, and they landed in 72 different directions.

Ready to start setting up the big array.

Usually when they are in formation.

They are all in one position, but in order to deal with a strong enemy like Xia Xia, they began to choose a sea of ​​​​tactics.

have to say.

This strategy is definitely the best.

Xia Xia looked at these people around the formation and did not stop them.

Instead, he watched them silently.

He wants to see how powerful the formations these people are setting up, before going to break the formations.

He just wanted to see what the formations the stars used to capture those masters.


The two sides are about to have a final battle.

"Are you really going to fight to the death?" A voice suddenly appeared, causing the two sides who were fighting to look at the same position.

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