The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2043: all came

"Okay, I'll leave the formation on the way to you!!" Xia Xia won't be polite to Nightmare. He and Nightmare are not brothers, but they are also good comrades fighting side by side.

"Why can he help?" Ying asked inexplicably.

"Because he is different from you." Xia Tian smiled.

"What's different, aren't we your brothers?" Ying asked again.

"You are my brothers, but he is not!!" Xia Xia nodded to Nightmare.


Shadow was also stunned.

Nightmare glanced at the shadow: "I won't accompany him to kill the Celestial Clan, I just want to perform these formations in front of the Celestial Clan."


Shadow didn't say anything.

"The battle of the Celestial Clan, I am the only one who will go, you don't need to say more about this!!!" Xia Xia said again.


The crowd didn't say anything.

But now there are more and more people outside.

Some of these people are here to send summer, and some are to watch the fun. After all, over the years, no one has ever dared to shake the status of the Celestial Clan.


In the legendary summer, the heroes of China will do something that others can't do.

If it really succeeds, it will be a feat again, but if it fails, it will be death. The dragon-level hero of China will become the dust of history. Although he has created a piece of history, it will still become a passing cloud. .

"Everyone, I am very happy that you can come to see me, but I hope everyone understands that this is a personal grudge between me and the Celestial Clan, and it does not belong to the collision between any forces. If I die, it will be my own fault. I hope you don't. Go and spread the truth!!" Xia Xia didn't want to become a myth.

Nor do they want to be the target of future generations to explore.

He is just an ordinary person.

The reason why he attacked Tianzu is also very simple.

Those in the back began to bow to the summer.

They all sincerely admire Xia Xia, admire this changing era, and dare to challenge unknown characters, in their eyes.

Summer has become their idol.

became their target.

"In the summer, I have studied the formations of the Celestial Clan. Their formations are different from other formations in Shenzhou. The other fairy formations in China are generally interlocked with seven rings, with the formation base as the exhibition, so they are ever-changing, but they are actually inseparable from it. , but the Heavenly Clan formations I have studied before are all interlocking with eight rings, and the Heavenly Clan formations here are all interlocking with nine rings!!" Nightmare reminded.


"The formations of the Celestial Clan evolved from the formations of the ancient immortal world. The formations of the ancient immortals are all linked by ten rings. After the study of the masters of the formations of the Celestial Clan for hundreds of millions of years, the nine-ring phase can finally be replicated. The formation of the buckle, this is not surprising!!" Xia Xia reminded.

Tianzu for so many years.

However, almost all the powerful alchemists, alchemists, and formation masters in Shenzhou were gathered in the Celestial Clan, and all the resources were given to them so that they could study all kinds of medicine pills, weapons and formations.

It can be said.

in this regard.

Everything about the Celestial Clan is above other forces in Shenzhou.

And there are many secrets of Tianzu.

So after hundreds of millions of years of research, they have naturally developed a lot of good things.

"Nine rings are intertwined, it's really challenging, but this kind of formation is also my favorite. Fortunately, I have you, otherwise, I would not have the opportunity to study this formation." The reason why Nightmare can help Xia is not because He can help summer break out.

but because.

With Xia Tian backing him up, no one from the Celestial Clan dared to come out to provoke him how he studied the formation here.

And the formation can't help him.

The people of the Celestial Clan could only look at Gan and get angry.

If Xia Xia was not here, he would not dare to touch the formation of the Heavenly Clan casually.

Even if he is not afraid of formations.

The Heavenly Clan can just drop a few masters, and if they cooperate with the formation method, they can also kill him.

Of course.

Even without him, these formations of the Celestial Clan couldn't stop Xia Xia's progress, because Xia Xia could break through, and Xia Xia's method of breaking the formation was even more violent.

His eyes can see through everything.

Any formation in front of him will become much simpler.

As long as he finds a weakness and he strikes with all his strength, there is no formation that can resist.

"Then I can start. There are more formations here, and I don't have much time!!" Nightmare also started to move directly.

He's really feeling a little bit of a fake tiger now.

Find the weak point of the formation in this way, stand there and start all kinds of breaking formations. If there is a master guarding the formation, then adding the power of the formation, the nightmare will naturally not work, but the experts from the Celestial Clan really dare not come down. .

They were all scared of summer.

"Hahaha, I'm not too late!!" In the sky, a throne flew over.

However, there are several figures behind the throne.

Xia Xiaotian, Tiantian, Nihuang, Zhenhuang, Xingchen and their subordinates are all there.

When you see these people appear.

The Earth Spirit waved his arms: "Prepare to fight!!!"

"Xia Xia, since I'm here, I'll give you face, I won't take action for the time being!!" Xing Chen shouted Xia Xia is here, even if he makes a move, it doesn't make any sense, then he waved his hand, all his men Disappeared, but he did not leave, because he also wanted to see how Xia Xia rushed to the Celestial Clan.

Nihuang glanced at the real emperor.

And didn't say anything more.

The real emperor bowed his hands: "Mr. Xia, since we are here, let's give you a ride!!"

Xia Xia glanced at Xia Xiaotian and Tiantian, nodded slightly, and said nothing.

Greedy Wolf sat directly next to Xia Xia: "These guys, I've been chasing so hard. Fortunately, I'm here with you, but are you really going to go up?"

"The first day you met me?" Xia Tian asked.

"You, it's really good face, the Celestial Clan is not so easy to break into. I am not convenient to say some things for the time being, but they are all recorded in this jade slip. After you get on the Celestial Clan, you can open it and see. !!" Greedy Wolf gave Xia a piece of jade slip.

Since he told Xia Xia that he must go to Tianzu to watch it.

That proves that the things inside must be bound by the laws of heaven and earth.

"Thank you so much!!" Xia Xia cupped her hands.

He closed his eyes.

No one said anything else.

that's it.

The last few days have passed, the moment he opened his eyes, the world seemed to have changed, he put on a clean white robe with a big Xia character on it, very clean: "When I go down the mountain, , this robe is bound to be red!!!”

This sentence has become a famous saying in China in the future. When everyone goes to attack the big forces, the last sentence they say is this sentence.


Summer begins to move forward.

He didn't look back, but waved his hand with his back to everyone.

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