The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2044: Kill the Celestial Clan

The back in the summer, this white robe, and the scenery here of the Celestial Clan are really incomparably clean, but everyone understands that this clean attire will definitely be stained with blood.

And the blood is the people of the Celestial Clan.

That power that no one can shake.

As long as the aperture appears, no matter what kind of identity, you must surrender.

Because once such a person dies, there will be a quasi-venerable person who will come forward, and even a venerable person will come forward to avenge him.

This is Tianzu.

The moment he stepped into Shenzhou in the summer, he already knew the power of the Celestial Clan and how deeply the terror of the Celestial Clan was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But this moment.

All he has to do is subvert cognition.

"This guy always likes to do this kind of thing, but this is the summer I know." The greedy wolf turned around and looked at Xingchen and the others: "Since summer has gone to the Celestial Clan, then I I don't have any scruples anymore, today I will show you what kind of person I am greedy wolf."

"Mr. Greedy Wolf, this is not a battle for you alone. It is these people who have captured most of the masters in Shenzhou. Now they can't let them go like this!!!" Di Ling said.

Bone God, Hardy and Da Zhou also flew to his side for the first time.

Opposite them is the legendary star.

That now.

They are going to try this star.

"If you have a lot of people, forget it today, but you can't always have a lot of people!!" Xingchen said.

The real emperor glanced at Nihuang, and then the two of them moved: "Go!!"

The two of them usually have such personalities. When there are many people on the other side, they will run away, and when there are few people on the other side, they will chase.

"The stars are handed over to you, that pair of brothers and sisters are mine!!" Greedy Wolf said and chased out.

"And us!!" Tian Tian and Xia Xiaotian also chased out.

Ying glanced at Tian Tian and the two of them, and then his eyes locked on Xing Chen: "To you first!!!"

for a while.

The scene was completely chaotic. This is the current situation in Shenzhou. When there is summer, it can shock everyone. Anything is not a matter. Even if there is grievance, everyone will not collide. Then no one can restrain the people here.

"This is a matter of your human beings, I am the bloodline of the immortal beast family!!" The White Dragon King did not participate in the battle.

Some battles he can participate in, and some battles he is inconvenient to participate in.

Although he has always been fighting as a human being, in fact, he is a fairy beast.

The conflicts between these people at the scene are all within the human race.

"You have reached your current state, don't you plan to go to the Immortal Beast King Forest?" Qu Xi asked.

"What am I doing in that kind of place?" the White Dragon King asked.

"Isn't that the dream land of all the fairy beasts, there is the strongest existence of the fairy beasts, the spirits of the fairy beasts, and as long as they are of the fairy beast family, and their strength exceeds the 50 stars of the Venerable, they can apply in the past. A piece of your own fief, those fiefs have inheritance, cultivation methods, and resources are also very rich!!" After Qu Xi's strength was strong, he naturally inquired a lot of news.

Including things about the fairy beasts.

"No matter how good a place is, can it be compared to the speed of cultivating with Xia Xia? Besides, the strength of the other immortal beast clans has developed steadily. When they are in a certain realm, they will be a little closer to the immortal beast king forest. Gradually, most of the immortal beasts with the same realm also knew each other, and even created some different forces. I am so alone now, I will definitely be bullied, and although my character is a little weak, I can be abused. People can’t bear to be bullied all the time, and finally fight with them in that kind of place, without a backer, I definitely can’t do it!!” The White Dragon King could also imagine what would happen if he passed by.

He might as well cultivate here in the human world.

Although because he is an immortal beast, there are no masters who have returned from the ancient battlefield willing to follow him.

But he himself is very relaxed, and he can do whatever he wants.

"That's right, it's better to live freely than to be someone else's younger brother in the past." Qu Xi nodded, then looked at Qu Yiyi: "Xia Xia has already entered the Celestial Clan, you have no chance."

"No, if he can survive, then I still have a chance." Qu Yi said.

"You really don't give up, he can't go with you, you come from the same place as him, you should understand that if he can come back alive, he will definitely accompany his wives to travel around! !" Qu Xi said helplessly.

"Wife!!" Qu Yi laughed at himself.


This word has always belonged to her.

that time.

It was only her in Xia Xia's eyes.

You can even give everything for her and give up everything.

But she herself ruined it all.

that time.

Her name is Wenya! !

"Summer, there is no turning back!!" Nightmare shouted.

At this time, he can only send summer Thank you! ! ! ' said Summer.

"If you can come back alive, notify me and I will come to you!!" Nightmare said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely be able to come back alive!!" Xia Xia still did not look back. When he killed the Celestial Clan this time, there was no turning back, so he would never look back.

at this time.

Under Heaven.

There are also some formations.

But these formations are nothing in front of summer.


Summer punches out.

The formation is broken.

Everything around him collapsed, and he just wanted to use this blow to destroy the thousands of formations in front of him.

The space was shredded directly, and under the heavenly clan with infinitely beautiful scenery, it became a barren land, and everything here was sucked into the turbulent flow of time and space.

This violent method of breaking the formation.

Even the people from the Celestial Clan above were dumbfounded.

up again.

What I saw in the summer was already the city wall of the Celestial Clan.

It can be said.

The city wall of the Celestial Clan is the most terrifying in the entire Shenzhou. The city wall here is not only strong, but also has a layer of defensive formations on it. The attack formations are all ancient immortal formations with infinite power. The defense weapons are things that are almost invisible outside the Celestial Clan.

There are 100,000 light cannons.

This is the gate of the Celestial Clan.

this door.

It is impossible for normal people to break through, and it is also impossible for anyone to approach.

"Summer, keep moving forward, you will definitely die!!!" Tian Jin shouted from the city wall.

"Tianzu, in the eyes of Shenzhou people, you are like gods, but in my summer eyes, you are just a little bit stronger ants, killing you is just a little more effort than killing those zerg!!!"

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