The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2050: this is summer

These 50,000 armored soldiers are very powerful. Even if they were silent before, it would be impossible to kill them in a short time. The armor on their bodies is really too hard, and the cooperation between them is also very strong.


This mighty 50,000 soldiers rushed to the summer like this.

"There are 50,000 of them, and it is impossible to win the summer in a short time!!" Tian Jin frowned, he also understood that the summer is not so easy to get.

"My lord, didn't we guess before that Xia Xia can have the same ability as the female worm, that is, he can pass what he sees to other clones, then if he is attacked, he can also pass what he sees to other clones. Clone?" said the priest.

"Yeah!!" Tian Jin's brows relaxed.

There was a hint of excitement on his face.

That is to say.

If they seize this opportunity, it is possible to get these clones of the summer.

Once the summer doppelganger is done.

That summer was a tiger with a tooth pulled out, and there was nothing to do.

At the beginning, what he thought was to get the summer all at once, but now it seems that this is a bit difficult, and even the light cannon can't win the summer, so it can only be done step by step, step by step.

The first step is to get these clones of summer.

Then no one will guard Xia Xia's body, and they can also deal with Xia Xia's attack as soon as possible.

Available soon.

Their hopes were dashed again.

The 50,000 soldiers who rushed up were the first to be twisted off by Xia Xia.

"What?" Tian Jin can't remember how many times he was surprised today, but one thing is certain, that is, he was really shocked by Xia Xia's methods today, although he had already heard about Xia Xia's strength. , but also have a certain psychological preparation.

But now.

When he saw it with his own eyes, he still shuddered.

These 50,000 soldiers, even if they were to attack Haotian, could not be defeated in a short time.


Before he was even more surprised, the second and third people who rushed in front of Xia Xia were also torn apart by Xia Xia.

very violent.

more directly.

"How is it possible, their armor is extremely powerful, why can they still achieve such a degree of blow in the summer!!" Tian Jin couldn't believe his eyes at all, these 50,000 soldiers, but his team, for this 50,000 soldiers, he paid countless efforts and resources.

"Because this is not a blow, he saw that the joints of these armors are the weakest places, so every time he exerts force, he deliberately exerts force on the joints and joints, so that the fifty thousand armored soldiers can be instantly , let them come back, otherwise, 50,000 soldiers who are attacked by weakness are no different from 50,000 half-step Venerables, it's okay to deal with ordinary people, but to deal with summer, it will be much worse!!!" That The high priest shook his head.

He had seen the problem.

"Why did he find the weakness when he came up? If I knew it earlier, I would spend more resources and get the whole set." Tian Jin regrets it now, although the price of the whole set is half higher than the current price, but the face of the whole set The vital parts of the joints can also be protected.

It would be impossible to attack with weak points in the joints that summer.

It's useless to say that now.

He can only recall 50,000 soldiers first! ! Although Tian Jin was not reconciled, he still had to do it.

There was no obstruction of fifty thousand soldiers.

Any random attack in the summer will have stars smashed directly on the city wall.

No trace.

No one can stop it.

The city walls, which had been hit one after another, also began to be damaged.

"Sir, no, if it goes on like this, the city wall will definitely be broken by him!!" the priest said hurriedly.

"What else can I do? Do you want me to go inside to ask for help, then I don't want my face." Tian Jin didn't want to go in for help. In that case, even if he won the summer, the credit would have nothing to do with him.

"I didn't mean that, we can use light cannons!!" the priest explained.

"Isn't the light cannon already useless, did you give him power?" Tian Jin looked at the other party in confusion.

He really didn't understand what the other party was trying to say.

"I mean, the light cannon is not used to attack Xia Xia, but to attack these stars, although these stars are invisible when they come, but as long as the attacks we make are interwoven into a network, then You can smash the stars that come over." The priest suggested.

"But in this case, the consumption will be very large, and he may not necessarily attack anywhere!!!" Tian Jin was also helpless.

"Xia Xia's character must be a frontal attack, and if he wants to break through the city wall, he will find a way to break it with one click. We can mainly defend the place that is attacked. If he attacks indiscriminately, then based on the defense degree of the city wall, he is There is no chance of it breaking open!!" The priest was calm.

"Okay!!" Tian Jin is now completely He only needs to stop Xia temporarily.


The light cannon appeared.


The power of a hundred light cannons intertwined, directly shattering the star that rushed over.

"They really have a way. In this case, it is impossible for me to cause any kind of damage to their city walls, but in this case, their consumption is not small!!" Xia Xia began to stride forward.

The star in his hand is still being thrown out.

The power behind him is still flowing.

The opponent's light cannon needs to rest.

In addition, he is now moving forward, and after reaching the attack range of the light cannon, he can continue to digest the power of the light cannon, then the earth spirit can create more giants of the earth, and now it is two to one, if not If the giants have good weapons and equipment, it is really difficult for them to withstand double the attack of the giants of the earth.

This battle is from the beginning to the present.

In the summer, the more and more brave, the more fighting, the more strength, and the Celestial Clan side.

The more you play, the more you consume.

If this goes on.

The results are predictable.

"Tiangu, when do you want to play?" Tianjin shouted loudly.

At this time, the little dog above also raised his mouth slightly: "The high priest is angry, then I can't play with you slowly!!!"


His one-meter-high body suddenly began to swell, and the muscles in his body also turned out from the inside out at the same time, and the muscles reorganized.

The body instantly turned into a five-meter-tall giant, and every muscle texture on his body was clearly visible.

His eyes also turned completely white.

"Game over!!!"

After Heavenly Dog Immortal's voice fell, his body disappeared directly in place.

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