The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2051: start harvesting


Wuyin's body was hit hard by the distance: "What's going on, I'm a clone of the moon, why do I feel such pain."

"Silent, the biggest feature of the clone of the moon is that it has no internal organs, except for a body, there is nothing, and the opponent's attack is an implosion attack. If you want to use your body to force the attack without cooperating, then you will not bear it. It's just the opponent's attack, and the echoes of the internal explosion. If it goes on like this, the surface of the body is not injured, the interior has been shattered, and the power of the opponent's form is infinitely close to you, so don't be careless!!" Xia Xia reminded .


"Similar to the ability of Xianbang, right!!" Wuyin reacted, once the number one master of China, his knowledge is naturally very powerful.

He was also the first to react to the problem.

"Okay, then I'll let him see my silent ability!!" Wuyin put on a defensive stance.

This time.

When the Tengu attacked.


Heavenly Dog Immortal's body was directly smashed down.

"What?" Tian Quanxian was also stunned when he fell.

"A normal person's reaction time is 0.5 seconds, a cultivator's reaction time is 0.1 seconds, a cultivator's reaction time is 0.05 seconds, the venerable's reaction time is 0.04 seconds, and the venerable's reaction time is 0.03 seconds. Within 0.03 seconds, no one's brain can control their own body movements. If it was my body before, it would not be able to do the attack before 0.03 seconds, but now the toughness of this body is just right to hit this limit attack speed!!! "Soundless said slowly.

It can be said.

He has studied various fighting styles before.

But a lot of it is his own conjecture.

But now this body, although the ability of long-range attack has decreased, it has made all his previous conjectures about melee combat come true.


Tian Quanxian got up slowly, the attack just now did not cause any damage to him, but he also understood what happened just now, the silent attack was faster than his reaction, faster than his instinct, It's as if we usually see lightning first and then hear thunder when it rains. It's the same feeling.

His body has been attacked, and his talents have reacted.


Tian Quanxian killed him again, but this time he was obviously a lot smarter and had a lot of power around his body.


A group of attacks hit Wu Yin's body.

"The law of air is really rare!!!" Wuyin had already sensed the power of the other party's law.

"Although your attack speed is faster than my body's reaction speed, as long as your law enters my law world, my law will be the first to perceive it, so that my body can react in advance! !!" Heavenly Dog Immortal is obviously also a ruthless character.

And he went crazy.

more terrifying.

He is now.

I think that I can completely handle it to the point of being silent.


At this moment, his body was thrown out again.

"What's the matter?" Tian Quanxian was stunned, but he still couldn't react.

"You're wrong!!" Wuyin didn't explain anything. His body is the law of the moon. When fighting, he is completely a body without any law power to assist him. Therefore, when fighting, all his Attacks do not carry any laws at all.

So even if he broke into the world of Tian Canuxian, it would be like a speck of dust breaking into it, and Tian Quanxian would not be able to find it at all.


Tian Quanxian was obviously also stunned.

He has never failed in his life, but today, he has encountered an opponent.

"No, Xia Xia's clone must be weird, it must be a problem with his main body!!" When Tian Quanxian thought of this, he instantly rushed to Xia Xian's main body.

Although he could not find a silent flaw for the time being.

But as long as Xia Xia is defeated, the clone will naturally collapse.

"Go to hell!!" Tian Inuxian killed Xia Xia's body.

Just when he appeared in front of Xia Xia's body, Xia Xia slapped him directly towards Wuyin, and Wuyin also knocked him flying again.

"What's the situation?" Tian Quanxian was completely stunned this time.

He was thinking about attacking Xia Xia's body just now, but Xia Xia slapped him directly.

"Honestly go and play with my avatar, I don't have time to pay attention to you, if I shoot you to death too early, my avatar will be very boring!!!" Summer's words are very simple, but the content is full of despise.

When he looked at Heavenly Dog Immortal, his face was full of disdain.

As if.

The Tengu Immortal is like a piece of junk.

"Damn, how dare you underestimate me!!" Tian Quanxian rushed to Xia Xian's body again.

This time.

Xia Xia punched Tian Quan Xian's body with a punch: "I seem to have told you, don't mess with me!!!"


In this way, Tian Quan Xian's body was torn apart directly by Xia Xia.

"...." Tian Jin's chin was about to fall to the Tian Dog Immortal is his trump card. In order to win Tian Dog Immortal, he spent countless resources, but now, Heavenly Dog Immortal actually died like this.

This completely panicked.


Wuyin sighed: "It's not cool yet, this guy will kill himself."

"His fighting power is really good, and he has a lot of ruthlessness. If he encounters other people, even Venerable Hundred Stars will die in his hands. Unfortunately, he has encountered me!!" Xia Xia is the least afraid of Others are more ruthless than him, and in his eyes, although Heavenly Dog Immortal has many advantages, its shortcomings are also very obvious.

A person who shows flaws in front of summer.

Once the summer is shot, he will never be given a chance to survive.

"Sir, I can't take it anymore!!!" The priest shook his head.

If it goes on like this, they can't stop the summer.

"Bring back the Team of Light and the Team of Giants!!!" Tian Jin also understood that if this continued, the Team of Light and the Team of Giants would suffer as well. These are his team.

"I want to leave now, don't you think it's too late?" Xia Xia's hands pulled hard.

Countless meteors fell from the sky, directly blocking their way back.

Silent also rushed to the ten giants for the first time.

Summer is eyeing the team of light.

Since these are the greatest treasures of the Celestial Clan, killing them would cause the Celestial Clan to lose a lot.

"Escape!!" The ten of them were very smart and wanted to escape from different directions.

But Xia Si did not give them a chance, and directly grabbed ten of them quickly. Although they could only restrain them for a moment, this was enough for Xia Xia. The ten of them whose speed could not be maximized, for Xia Xia. , is waste.

"Don't!!!" Tian Jin shouted loudly.

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