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Chapter 2052: Tianjin for help


His voice could only be an inept roar.

His subordinates also turned into Xia's Realm King Dan.

On the silent side, he has also seized the opportunity to bring down the two giants.

The two giants of earth pressed the giant clan to the ground.

"It's useless, you can't break the armor defense of the giants!!!" Tian Jin shouted loudly.

at this time.

Summer rushes down from above.

With a flash of golden light in his hand, he directly pierced the armor of the giants, and then pierced the giants' bodies. No matter how strong their defenses were, how hard their skins were, their internal organs and dantian were fragile.

After their bodies were pierced.

There will be fear of death.

"How is that possible?" Tian Jin had just finished bragging.

As a result, the giants were overturned by Xia Xia, and the current giants died in Xia Xia's hands like this.




Ten! !

He watched with his own eyes the top combat power he had cultivated for so many years, and died like this.

Heart is bleeding.

But he was powerless.

"Now, what skills do you have, take it out!!" Xia Xia looked at Tian Jin defiantly.

Although the Tianjin station is higher, it does not mean that he can be higher.

Standing high, you can only see more clearly how your own people died in the hands of Xia Xia.

And now Xia Xia is still throwing stars here. Every time he throws stars, the power is very powerful and the attack power is powerful, so they keep hitting the city wall like this, and their light cannons, in addition to adding strength to Xia Xia Besides, nothing can be done.


They could only watch a little bit of the city wall being broken open by the summer.

"Sir, it's no good, call someone!!" The priest said helplessly.

If it continues like this, the city wall will really be broken by summer.

hateful! !

Tian Jin clenched his fists. He has lost so much in one day after so many years of business. If he asks for help now, he will lose face. But if he doesn't ask for help, how will he face the summer? .

"grown ups!!"

"Enough, I'll go!!!" Tian Jin's face was very ugly.

Then he turned to leave.

When Tianmu saw Tianjin coming, there was a slight smile on his face. How could he not know what the purpose of Tianjin's coming here.

He has been paying attention to the battle reports outside.

Although they are all high priests of the Celestial Clan.

But they also have their own team.

Tian Jin suffered such a heavy loss this time, and he couldn't stop Xia Xia. He must have come here to ask for help.

"If you want to see my joke, then laugh!!" Tian Jin said.

"How can I laugh at you, but asking for help, it can't be this attitude!!!" Tianmu said very proudly.

"Stop talking nonsense, ten imperial pills, two ancient divine weapons, and 100 million cosmic immortal crystals!!!" Tian Jin made a bid.

"Now that the cosmic storm has come, you have so many ore veins in your hands, only 100 million Cosmic Immortal Crystals, don't you think it's a little less?" Tianmu asked.

In the past, there was no cosmic storm in Shenzhou, so they could only produce cosmic fairy crystals in a few specific locations. Now that the cosmic storm has come, the cosmic fairy crystals will not be so precious after that.

"How much do you want?" Tenjin asked.

"Ten trillion!!!" Tianmu said.

"Ten trillion, you sold me, and I don't have that many cosmic fairy crystals. Even if I have ore veins, once the cosmic storm hits, those veins can mine 1/10,000 of the cosmic fairy crystals. It's the limit, how can I give you so many cosmic fairy crystals?" Tian Jin said very upset.

"That's right, 10 billion!!" Tianmu said again.

"I'll give it to you in installments, not so many now!!" Tian Jin said.

"Of course there is no problem!!" Tianmu's mouth slightly raised.

"Then what are you waiting for, help!!" Tian Jin is very anxious now. The gate was the battlefield he chose at that time. He just wanted to stop Xia Xia here. At that time, he also thought that, let alone three days, even if it were three years, summer would not be able to rush in.

But now.

Fight for an hour.

He couldn't take it anymore.

"Battle is to use your brain, not to fight like this casually. With me around, he won't be able to pass the gate, because I will attack his weak underbelly!!" After Tianmu finished speaking, he walked outside.

His subordinates began to prepare the equipment for the teleportation array.

"What are you doing?" Tian Jin asked in confusion.

"Soon, you will understand!!!" Tianmu walked to the city wall like this.

When Xia Xia saw another high priest, he naturally understood that the other party was asking for help: "What about one more?"

Tianmu looked at Xia Tian with a look of contempt: "Xia Xia, don't you think it's ridiculous that you want to shake the status of the Celestial Clan in Shenzhou by yourself?"

Xia Xia answered his words with practical actions.

The star in his hand kept smashing out.

boom! boom! boom!

There is a constant sense of violent vibration on the city wall, this is Xia Xia's response to Why, you don't really think you can kill the Celestial Clan, I can tell you responsibly, It is impossible for you to go to the Celestial Clan, although you will die if you come up, but you are not qualified to die above the Celestial Clan, only Tianlong has that qualification! ! ! "Tianmu said again.

From start to finish.

He didn't even care about summer.

Although the strength of summer is strong.

But in the world of Shenzhou, it is not enough to be strong. He has seen too many passing things over the years, including the existence of Haotian. He thinks it is just a product of the times, but they The difference is that although their high priest will also die, even if they die, they will enter another cultivation situation.

This is the core secret of their Celestial Clan.

Sky Strike.

"If you have the ability, just stop me!!" Xia Xia responded.


"What do you think I'm here for?" Tianmu waved his hand, and ten huge teleportation formations appeared around him.

Ten rays of light soared into the sky.

This is his ultimate gift for summer.

"It's about to start summoning again, this time is it more powerful than the giants?" Xia Xia asked.

"This time is specially used to deal with your weakness!!" Tianmu said very proudly.

He has studied Xia Xia for a long time, so he naturally understands what Xia Xia's weakness is, that is, being soft-hearted. The next method he will use is to use Xia Xia's soft-hearted character to kill Xia Xia.


Ten teleportation arrays are activated at the same time.

Humans also appeared on it.


They are ordinary human beings, not some powerful warriors, but ordinary people in the ninth and tenth parties, some people living at the bottom, but after they came out, they all rushed to the summer.

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