The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2060: 0 family appeared

Although all the time.

The Celestial Clan knew that Xia Xia was not easy to mess with, but they did not regard Xia Xia as a serious problem for their confidants. In their eyes, only Tianlong had that qualification.

But now.

Summer will also be a big problem for their henchmen.

But the good thing is that summer has actually brought them here.

Then they can completely solve the aftermath of the summer.

"The greedy wolf explained a lot of things, including the distribution of the Celestial Clan's combat power, as well as the specific details of the Celestial Clan, but he did not explain the clone. It seems that even he did not investigate this clone clearly, but Let me be careful!!!" Xia Xia understood that Greedy Wolf was different from him.

The luck of the greedy wolf can make the greedy wolf full of shortcuts on the road of cultivation.

And your own luck is to give yourself many opportunities, but it must be an opportunity that can be realized after experiencing life and death.

"It's a pity, if it wasn't for you to bring it to your door, it would be really difficult for us to kill you!!!" .

These are the real warriors of the ninth and tenth parties, and these warriors are different from those who came before, they are people of different races.

"Master High Priest, is he the one who wants to kill?" asked a leader who came out.

"Yes, you Hundred Clan, no matter who it is, as long as you can kill him, you can become the King of Hundred Feet. In this clan, there will be a priesthood that will be passed down from generation to generation, and the first person to hurt Xia Xia will become us. Hero of the Tian Clan!!!" Tian Jin shouted loudly.

When the Baizu looked at Xia Xia, it didn't seem like they were looking at a person.

As if looking at fame and fortune.

Look at their bright future.

"Don't tell me that after the first five levels, you still think you can deal with me if you have a lot of people?" Xia Xia thought that the Celestial Clan would have some new tricks.

As a result, the Celestial Clan still wanted to use a large number of people to deal with him.

If he is crowded in summer, he can deal with it.

Then he was already dead.

Where are so many Zerg in the ancient battlefield.

"Those ancient gods of war are not here, I guess, they may be going to deal with your father, and they are chatting with you here, on the one hand, they think they have you fixed, on the other hand, they may also be to buy time!!!" reminded.

"Buy time!!" When Xia Xia heard these four words, the Tianhan sword in his hand also pointed out directly: "I think you should take out your reason immortal array to deal with me, maybe that is the only one of you. Might beat my way!!"


"In the summer, the ancient immortal array has been prepared for you long ago, but only after you defeat the hundred clans will you be qualified to see the power of the immortal array!!!" Tian Jin shouted loudly.

The demon girl in the distance clenched her fist.

She couldn't bear to watch at the thought of taking care of him before the summer.


She didn't want to come.

But Tianjin insisted on her coming: "Yu Ji, do you know why I asked you to come?"

"I don't know!!" Tian Jin said.

"Because I will let you see with your own eyes the invincible myth in your eyes, how that perfect man died in the hands of our Celestial Clan!!!" Tian Jin naturally understood how much influence Xia Tian had on the enchantress.


He wants to destroy the mind of the enchantress himself.


It is the fighting power of the Celestial Clan, they can only fight for the Celestial Clan and exist for the Celestial Clan.

They must have full confidence in Heavenly Clan and worship Heavenly Clan.

The enchantress did not speak: "Summer is not so easy to deal with!!"

"Then you can watch him go down with your own eyes, but you must not have any wicked thoughts. If you dare to mess around, then you will die in front of him!!!" Tian Jin was warning the enchantress.

after all.

The enchantress and Xia Xia have been together for so long.

And after Yaoji came back, her strength increased greatly. It can be said that Xia Xia gave Yaoji a chance to improve her strength. If the two of them had nothing to do with each other, how could Xia help her so much?

"Since you don't believe me, why do you want me to come here?" the enchantress asked.

"Because I want all Celestial Clan people, and future Celestial Clan people, Celestial Clan priests to understand that the enemy is always the enemy and must not become allies. Even if it is temporary cooperation, we must recognize ourselves!!!" Tian Jin directly said.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" asked the enchantress.

"Because now is the best time for Liwei," Tian Jin said with emotion.

The Tianhan Sword in Xia Xia’s hand swept across directly.

Ten thousand feet of cold light rippling.

Even the air was condensed.

"Hundred clansmen, this is your battle to turn over, I can tell you responsibly that after this time, if you want to get the honor you have now, you need to work a thousand times, ten thousand times more!!! "Tianjin cheered everyone up.

for a while.

Inside the teleportation array.

The masters of the Hundred Races who flew out did not talk nonsense, and rushed directly to Xia Tian: " Just wait and die!!"


The Tianhan Sword in Xia Xia's hand directly killed these people who rushed over.

"What do they mean, although the strength of these hundreds of tribes is good, but they come here now, it is impossible to kill Xia Xia!!!" Wuyin is also a little puzzled now.

He didn't know what the Baizu was doing.

"Three purposes!!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"What?" everyone asked in confusion.

"First, they want to use the Baizu to test out the strengths and weaknesses of Xia Xia. To put it bluntly, from the very beginning, they were calculating the overall statistics of Xia Xia; second, they were in control of their subordinates, and they continued to control their subordinates with a combination of grace and power. ;Thirdly, if you look closely at these dead people, the spirits have not been destroyed, but have become souls, floating here. Obviously, this is the location of the ancient immortal formation. Trapped in the ancient immortal formation." Xian Xuanwu explained.

"Then why did they do this?" Wu Yin asked again.

"It's for cloning!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"Clone?" Everyone was stunned.

Even the few spirits in the universe were all stunned.

Clone finally appeared in China.

And still in the Celestial Clan.

"Yes, they have taken a fancy to Xia Xia's ability and talent. It can be said that they like everything about Xia Xia. If Xia Xia can be cloned, what kind of combat power will the Heavenly Clan gain?" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

"I think the cloning that Greedy Wolf reminded me is definitely not that simple. It seems that it's time to use some real skills!!!" Xia Tian inserted the Tianhan sword on the ground.

Then his hands clapped together.

The King of the Realm!

Devour! !

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