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Chapter 2061: Killing Immortals


For a moment.

Everyone in the entire space was frozen.

Then their power began to be devoured by Xia Xia frantically. At this moment, they didn't even have a chance to resist, because this space had been blocked, and it was not only Xia Xia who was blocked, but also the people of the Hundred Clan.

They can't escape either.

All sorts of things.


After absorbing their power, Xia Xia brought all these people into everything.

What these people out there see is disappearing.

It was as if all these people were killed by the summer.

"What's the situation?" Tian Jin frowned.

"It's a little wrong. Normally, the killed people will become souls and float in the formation, but there are fewer than tens of thousands of souls in the formation, but tens of thousands have disappeared." Tianmu He also asked his doubts.

Everyone was completely puzzled at this time.

Although they didn't expect these people to kill Xia Xia, they needed the soul here.

These souls are the medium that they use to unleash Sky Strike next.

They want to use these souls to deal with summer.

"The Patriarch of the Hundred Clan, just blow yourself up!!!" Tian Jin ordered.

The Patriarch of the Hundred Clan also ordered the opponent immediately.

The moment their subordinates rushed down, they began to explode. After the explosion, their souls began to drift in this world.

"This kind of people can't be killed!!!" Silent reminded.

Hundreds of teleportation arrays can transmit tens of thousands of people every second, and there are countless people in the ninth and tenth parties.

Although there are all kinds of things, these people can be included.

But there is simply no room for so many people.

And these people blew themselves up as soon as they came out.

Xia Xia can only bring people who are temporarily unable to resist into the vast, but cannot bring these people with the power of self-destruction into the vast.

"Then put them away first!" Xia Xia aimed his gaze at the Patriarch of the Hundred Clan.

The thief will be captured first, the king will be captured first, and the patriarchs of the hundreds of clans will be captured first, and then we will find a way! !

He moves very fast.

The self-destruction of these people is of no use to the summer.

There is no way to stop summer.

And these self-destruction scenes actually blocked the enemy's line of sight, so that no one could see what Xia Xia was thinking.


The Patriarch of the Hundred Clan was caught by him into all things.

"Give me a trial, how to prevent their clansmen from coming in continuously?" It is impossible for Xia Xia to rush out of the shroud of this ancient immortal formation.

This ancient fairy formation.

People outside can come in.

The people inside couldn't get out.

They arranged hundreds of teleportation formations outside the ancient immortal formations.

In this way, it is impossible to destroy these ancient immortal formations in summer.

And this time.

The number of souls here has been increasing, and even summer can't stop these ghosts from appearing.

"You can't bring them into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, or these people will discover the secrets of my Sea of ​​Consciousness!!" If Xia Xia could use the power of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, then these souls would be nourishment for the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

But now he can't do it.

Once the sea of ​​consciousness is exposed.

That's different.

the entire Shenzhou.

Except for the mother tree.

There is no second sea of ​​consciousness.

This is the power that the Celestial Clan dreams of.

"No, these guys are hard bones, and they can't be tried at all!!" Hongfeng said helplessly.

Normally, other cultivators would confess after some threats and torture, but the patriarchs of this hundred clans were completely different.

Heavenly Clan is their belief.

They will never betray their beliefs.

"That can't stop all this for the time being!!" Xia Xia could only watch these people continue to create souls here.

But he also really served the Celestial Clan.

From the very beginning to the present, the Celestial Clan has been using human sea tactics. To put it simply, it is to fill the battlefield with the lives of the ninth and tenth parties, and deliberately let Xia Xia make a big killing.

If it was someone else.

That crowd tactics can really consume the opponent.

But from the start of the war to now, they should have been very clear that the sea tactics are useless for summer.

"They are accumulating slaughter for you. Anyone, as long as it is a big slaughter, will attract the power of the robbery, and this is the center of the ancient formation. Your slaughtering aura itself will make this formation get the bonus of heaven. , If you add these souls, then they can seize your soul and body respectively, and use your soul and body to clone respectively, if they succeed, the Heavenly Clan will be truly invincible for the time being!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

"That is to say, from the very beginning, they deliberately let me in!!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, they have actually been eyeing you for a long time, but they still have to go through the motions. Otherwise, if they don't resist at all, let the people outside know that in the future, won't everyone from the Celestial Clan dare to come and ask for trouble!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

"Want to clone me?" Xia Xia shook his head.

his summer.

Is it someone who can be cloned?

"Don't underestimate Taihao once said that clones can completely destroy everything. The reason why the ancient fairyland collapsed back then was because of clones!!!" Look at the clone and suffer.


Xia Xia looked up at the sky, and the ancient immortal formation had already begun to condense.

"It seems that I want to see the power of this ancient immortal formation!!!"

Although the Ancient Era's Immortal Array has just begun to gather strength, he can already sense the pressure from above.

The entire sky began to gradually darken, and the endless dark clouds seemed to cover the entire Shenzhou.

No one knows how thick these clouds are.

But it just gives a heavy feeling.

It was as if something terrible was hiding in the dark clouds.

Under the Celestial Clan, those who were in the melee also stopped. After they entered the Celestial Clan in the summer, there were often various visions of heaven and earth nearby, but it was the first time for them to have such a vision of heaven and earth. See.

"It's over, the ancient immortal formation is open!!!" Greedy Wolf said suddenly.

"What ancient immortal formation?" Someone asked.

"Although we have heard of some ancient immortal formations, those are only fragments, because there is almost nothing left of the real ancient immortal formations, but the Celestial Clan has an ultimate immortal formation called Killing Immortals, even if it is a spirit formation. , I can't escape the Immortal Slaughtering Formation!!!" Greedy Wolf's face was a little ugly.

He has recorded the situation of the formation in the jade slip.

I just hope that I can escape the Immortal Slaughtering Formation in the summer.


Now the Immortal Killing Formation is still activated.

That is to say.

Summer is in the slaughtering formation.

"What will happen?" Thirteen asked.

"Even if it is a spirit, it will die!!"

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