The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2075: 4 Shenzhou first people

This is simply a fairyland in a fairyland. Looking at everything around it, it simply satisfies all summer's fantasies about the fairyland.

All kinds of rare plants, animals, fairy beasts, fairy monsters and so on in China.

Fly around here.

There are also countless technological products. The people who live here have no intention to fight, or even the slightest bit of alertness, when they see summer, as if they are not worried that someone will shoot them here.

Every brick, every tile, is the rarest in China.

What ordinary people have never seen.

it's here.

Even a fool, lying here for hundreds of thousands of years, can become a Venerable! !

"Summer, how do you feel, this is the kingdom of the Celestial Clan!!!" Fake Tianlong stretched out his hands: "It is also your honor to die here!!"


"You are really blindly confident, do you still think you can beat me now?" Everything has been restored in the summer.

And he felt that his body had changed differently.

The dzi bead has even been inlaid on his palm.

This time it broke and stood up.

Not only has he changed, but his red phoenix, Tianhan sword, five avatars, and five stars have all undergone different changes.


Fake Tianlong took a step forward: "You take a good look, who is around!!!"

Xia Xia looked around, there were five people in total, most of them were unfamiliar, but he knew two people, one was Haotian and the other was Wuyin.

But Haotian was still fighting with the general outside.

Wuyin is already dead, and it is right to become his current clone.

"Clone!!" Summer finally understood.

The five people around are all clones.

"How did these guys clone me too!!" said Wuyin in surprise.

"I don't know, but from the marks on their foreheads, it can be seen that there are all half-spirits, five half-spirits!!" Yang reminded.

"I remembered, I know all these guys!!" said Silently.

"Who?" Summer asked.

"I remembered the half-spirit before. These are the four top masters of China that have appeared in the entire Shenzhou since the founding of the Shenzhou Celestial Clan. Haotian is the current No. 1 master, and I was the previous No. 1 master. My last one was Montnets, and my last one was Lin Yu!!!" said Wu Yin.

"And one more?" Xia Tian looked at the five people in front of him.

But Silent only said the four masters.

"I don't know the last one, but the aura on this guy is very gloomy. According to what I have investigated before, he may be related to the Spirit Devourer!!!" Wuyin explained.


Five half-spirits, plus the guy in front of him.

That's six demigods.

It's really challenging! !

Xia Xia glanced around: "Fight here, no matter how you fight, I will earn it!!"

That's right.

Whatever he attacks, this place will be destroyed, and if this place is destroyed, the enemy will lose.

Ha ha ha ha!

"Summer, don't you understand, because your backer appeared, so the destruction of the Celestial Clan is already doomed, even if you don't destroy this place, the cosmic stars in the sky will also destroy this place, so from From the very beginning, we have already planned to give up here." Although the fake Tianlong also knew that the Tianzu would be destroyed.

But he was not at all sad.

He even thought that this was the best time for Tianzu to grow and transform.

"It seems that you have long wanted to give up the Celestial Clan!!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"It's actually beyond my expectations that you can come here, but all of this is just a passing glance. You don't die, for us, it's a more gratifying thing, because if you die in the slaughter In the Immortal Array, then we can't get your sea of ​​knowledge, and we can't get your genes, look at the five of them now, aren't they all immortal because of our genes?" Fake Tianlong obviously wants to let Xia Tian cooperate. them.

A so-called cloning is performed.

Complete immortality.

As long as the cloning technology is successful.

In a sense, they are immortal.

"Forget this kind of immortality, and I'm no longer alone!!" Xia Xia said.

"You're right, they are indeed not the same person as the main body, but what if we practice Sky Strike? Then we can make the soul immortal, and every time the lifespan reaches the limit, we will recreate it with the technology of cloning. Create a self, and then inject your original soul into this clone, isn't this immortal?" Fake Tianlong said.

"You're talking too much nonsense!!!" Summer said.


"You still don't understand my good intentions!" After the fake Tianlong finished speaking, he walked inside.

I want to go after summer.

But he was stopped by those five people: "Do you want to escape?"

"No, I'm not running away, I'm waiting for you inside. I'll give you half a day. If you can't defeat five of them within half a day, then it can only be said that I think too highly of you!!" The figure of fake Tianlong Disappearing.

within half a day.

Defeat five demigods!

Moreover, they are all once the first masters in This is an impossible task.

Although it was easy to win against any half-spirit in the duel in the summer, but now there are five.

And they are all the first masters in China.

They have been in China for so many years, and they have acquired not only knowledge, but also combat experience, as well as their knowledge over the years.

These are all recorded by them in the instinct of the body.


Once there is a war.

Their fighting power is terrifying.

"In terms of strength, if you add five clones and deal with three at the same time, there is still a chance, but if there are five here, it will be much more difficult. Sometimes, the last straw is the one that crushes the camel. !!" Yang reminded.


"Exactly, I also want to see how powerful the four former top masters in China are." Although Xia Xia had fought with Haotian before, it was useless when Haotian fought with him. Do your best, and don't play with him.

But the clones in front of them are different.

They are sure to fight with the summer.

One against five.


This is an absolutely impossible battle.

But Summer is the one who likes to create the impossible.

"It seems that the main event is coming soon." Xian Xuanwu said.

"What's the highlight?" Everyone asked in confusion.

"Haven't you found it yet?" Xian Xuanwu asked back.

"What did you find?" Everyone was still puzzled.

"This kid has long since become different from before." Xian Xuanwu reminded.

He has discovered that this summer of rebirth is completely different from the previous one. This is not the growth in realm, but the sublimation of the whole person.

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