The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2076: Dangerous time

"It's different?" Everyone was very puzzled, they didn't feel any difference in summer.

It seems to be in a state of prosperity.

There is nothing special about it.

"You will find out soon!!" Xian Xuanwu once again maintained his sense of mystery, as he usually does. Every time he speaks, he speaks half of it, leaving half of the suspense, which makes everyone look forward to it even more.


The Tianhan Sword in Xia Xia's hand pierced out, and endless frost appeared above the sword glow.

The Tianhan Sword that has been reborn is simply the same as Xia Xia's mind, and it has become more powerful.

Each attack directly brings out the power of Mo Weiyang's law in Xia Xia's body.

The ice followed the Tianhan sword and spread to the five people in front of him.


The strength of the five people is also very strong, and the experience they have in the left eye is also very rich. The ice in the summer was broken by them at the first time, and the former masters of the four major Shenzhou stood directly in the four corners of the summer. A circle is formed.

They do.

Not just to surround the summer, but to form an attack dead angle.

No matter who Xia Xia attacked next, the people on the other two sides can be the first to besiege, so Xia Xia must be forced to stop, and the person behind can make a sneak attack on Xia Xia.

This is the simplest quadrilateral.

The way kids fight will be.

But it is precisely such a quadrangle, which is the best way to use it here.


Xia Xia's body turned around and wanted to attack, but at the same time he also felt a few crises: "Not bad, this way, you can indeed contain me, but if you want to defeat me, you must take the initiative to attack, as long as you take the initiative to attack , then you will show your flaws!!!”

"It seems that you still don't understand, the five of us are not here to kill you, but to block you for half an hour, as long as you can block you for half an hour, because after half an hour, Tianlong It's over there!!!" Clone Haotian reminded.

That is to say.

The initiative is on their side.

"Oh!" Xia Xia nodded slightly, then looked inside: "Although I believe that my father will be fine, but since you and you have said so, then I must show some real skills to show you! "

"It's useless, in the summer, the five of us are all at the half-spirit level. Although we may not be your opponents in a heads-up match, the five of us together are definitely not something you can deal with, and the five of us have been fighting since the very beginning. I didn't think about killing you, then we won't have any flaws, all we have to do is defense!!!"

"Haven't you heard a word?" Xia Xia's eyes swept across several people.

"What?" Clone Haotian asked.

"The best defense is to attack. If you don't have a chance, you have to create a chance!" Xia Xia's body quickly rushed towards Clone Haotian in front of him. At the same time, his attack turned sharply, killing Clone Wu, who was rushing to support him. sound.


After kicking the clone silently, he attacked clone Haotian again.

Then a sword flew to support Montnets.

Lin Yu wanted to make a sneak attack, but he flashed by him quickly, and the attack almost hit Kron Haotian, and then his attack also attacked Lin Yu from behind.

A set of actions is like running clouds and flowing water.

"What's the situation?" Yang was also stunned by the situation in front of him.

Although this set of moves in Xia Xian seems to be very simple, in fact, Xia Xia's body just reacted a little too fast, and it has exceeded the reaction of normal people. The reaction time is a little slower than the attack played in the summer.

This creates a misaligned viewing angle.

It is precisely because of this that Summer can easily hit the enemy in front of him every time.

And Xia Xia has already predicted all the actions of the opponent.

That is to say.

Not only is he faster than the opponent in attack, he is also a little faster than the opponent in reaction, but it is just a little bit that makes the masters in front of him become so passive.


Clone Linyu reacted, and immediately turned into thousands of feathers, each of which turned into a fierce fairy eagle, killing Xia Xia.

The Tianhan Sword directly picked up these immortal eagles flying over.

The last action pierced a flying fairy eagle.

This fairy eagle is the body of Lin Yu.

This ability is flawless in the eyes of others, but in front of Xia Xia, it is not enough to see. Although Xia Xia has lost an eye now, his eye can see very clearly.

The body can also make the first response.

"What's going on?" Yang asked in confusion.

"His body reaction speed has reached the level of spirit, and his power of observation has surpassed the spirit of Putong. His reaction speed has also reached the level of spirit. It can be said that this kid is a monster!!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

It was the first time he saw someone like Summer.

Obviously he has not reached the realm of spirit, but he has almost all the abilities of How can he still be like this? "Yang was also stunned.

"From the very beginning, this kid's body is not simple. There are too many secrets in him. Some of them are known to me and I can guess, but some are not even I can guess!!" Xian Xuanwu is someone who has truly seen the world.

But some things have limited his imagination.

The world he has seen.

It doesn't seem to work in summer.

Clone Haotian's body turned into a huge Haotian real body. The fist style was like a forest, and he kept slamming down. In his fist style, there was endless killing intent, and the power of the spirit was wrapped around the fist. Smashing it down, it seems like a mountain is cracked.

"It's useless!" Xia Tian kept dodging in his fist style.



Clone Silent is also the first time to raid the summer.

It is a pity that he is the enemy that Xia Xia knows best here. All his abilities, all combat experience, etc., are all known to Xia Xia.


The soundless body was directly blown away by the summer.

at the same time.

Montnets' body turned into a great net of spiritual power, from top to bottom, wrapping summer in the middle.

"Success!!!" Montnets' **** is very scary.

The net of spiritual power became tighter and tighter, trapping Xia Xia's body tightly. At the same time, the three top masters in China also immediately launched their own nirvana.

Haotian Destroying Immortal Fist! !

Silent, kill! !

Lin Yu combined attack! ! !

The three killer moves are infinitely powerful.

If each attack hits Venerable Hundred Stars head-on, it can leave Venerable Hundred Stars with irreparable pain and even death. Now the three ultimate moves are hitting the undefendable Summer together. This is their strength.

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