The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2084: under the throne

"If you have any ability, just use it!!" Xia Xia was also ready for battle at the first time.


He could finally see what kind of abilities the legendary king of the Celestial Clan had.


Tian Wang punched out very directly.

Summer also punched the same punch.

The two fists collided.

The king's body stepped back slightly.

But it didn't take long.


"It's been a long time since no one could just take a few steps back after confronting me head-on!!" Xia Xia praised.

"Your body is really special. Not only is it powerful, but it is also full of toughness. Such a strong body is so exciting to look at." It was the first time that Tian Wang had seen such a perfect body.

But he didn't know.

What has he experienced on the Rainbow Bridge in the summer, the daily and nightly exercise has allowed him to tap his potential again and again.

"Let's talk when you have the ability to kill me!!" Xia Xia's attack hit again.

This time.

The King of Heaven did not go to confront Xia Xia head-on, but used Tai Hao Zhong to resist.

Then quickly launched a counterattack from inside Tai Hao Zhong.

This way of fighting is just rude.

"The defense is actually so strong, it's really good!!" The king looked at Xia greedily while fighting, as if Xia was already in his pocket.

"You can't fight like this, this guy is full of treasures, and his own strength is not bad, you fight him, except for wasting time, there is no other use, we think after research, you should start destroying!! ' suggested Yang.

"Destruction?" Xia Tian's eyes lit up.

This is what he does best.

"There are a lot of treasures in Linglong Tower. Any damage here is the loss of the other party." Yang said.


Summer's body moves.

Five stars flew out.

The five stars kept smashing into the surroundings, and at the same time, Hongfeng's flying feathers began to bombard the surroundings wildly.

boom! boom! boom!

"Xiamen, what are you doing?" Tian Wang was also taken aback when he saw Xia Xia's actions.

"These things don't belong to me anyway, and I can't take them with me, so it's better to destroy them!!" After Xia Xia finished speaking, he continued to act.

He moves very fast.


The king snorted heavily, and countless bubbles began to appear around, wrapping everything around.

At the same time, all the attacks from Linglong Tower came over.

The attacks continued, as if they were going to devour everything.

And so on and on towards summer.

And the king himself also killed the summer at the same time.

But Xia Xia chose to avoid the king.

The current Heavenly King is full of treasures all over his body. He does not know many of the abilities of these treasures. If he makes a rash move, he will only expose his own means and make the other party vigilant, so what he has to do now is to wait for the other party to reveal flaws.

Or don't do it.

A shot is a must-kill.

Let the opponent never turn over.


Summer's attack played at the same time.

Quickly attack the palace.

This made Tianwang a little anxious, and wanted to tremble with Xia Tian.

at this time.

Xia Xia seized the opportunity and came to the throne in an instant, and then a pair of invisible thugs shredded the bubbles that wrapped the throne, and the golden knife cut on the throne.

Directly divide the throne into two.

The whole under the throne seems to be exposed.

There is a black hole in there.

It's pitch black.

When the black hole was exposed, the king was really angry. With a wave of his right hand, a pitch-black scepter appeared in his hand, and the scepter was entangled with endless black energy.

Black gas turned into a demon.

Straight to summer.

"Since you know that I have a sea of ​​knowledge, then what do you think your tricks can do to me?" Xia Xia said with great disdain.

at this time.

He has already rushed in the direction of that black hole.

Forget it!


A circle of power rippled out from the body of the king, instantly blocking the black hole.

Summer was abruptly stopped.

"This guy, the power of any treasure on his body is very unbelievable, and he is also the director of hundreds of schools and has rich experience, so he shouldn't give you another chance for the time being!!" Yang reminded.

"There is no chance, then I can only create opportunities!!" Xia Xia is also very clear.

In the black hole below, there must be a huge secret of the Celestial Clan.

As long as he can rush in.

That might end the battle.

Xia Xia attacked round after round, but the opponent's defense was airtight. No matter how he attacked, he couldn't open the opponent's endless methods, especially Tai Hao Zhong, whose defensive power was already invincible.


The King of Heaven saw the opportunity and gave Xia Xia a heavy blow, sending Xia flying away.

At the same time, he entered the defensive stage again: "Summer, don't you like to smash, then you can do whatever you want. Anyway, no matter how much you lose, as long as I catch you, I will make a lot of money!!!"

that's it.

In the summer, while destroying the surrounding, he attacked the king.

The two sides fought a protracted tug-of-war. Although the Celestial Clan would soon be completely destroyed by Tianxing, the Celestial King didn't care at all, not even the death of the Celestial Clan people outside.

in his eyes.

Even if everyone died.

He doesn't care.

Because summer is here, he has a chance to turn over.

"It's really a defense like a turtle's shell!!" Xia Xia is also extremely depressed now. He has seen what a powerful defense is today.

If you fight like this.

No matter how hard he fought, it was impossible for him to rush into that black hole.

"No, you can't do this, you must find other opportunities!!" Xia Xia looked up and there might be other things on it.


He began to fly up wildly.

However, Linglong Tower's attack is also played round after round, constantly smashing down from above.

He smashed the summer abruptly.

"It seems that there really is something on it, that's why Linglong Tower resists me so much!!" Xia Xia glanced at the king below.

Compared with the king below, the above should have more chances.


How can he rush up.

Hundreds of consecutive hits have been smashed down. Unless he is a spirit, it is difficult to rush up from here. Whether it is attack or defense, Linglong Tower is all-round.

And every time he hits the attack, it also makes his body very painful.

Although there is no defense, but the pain is very strong.

"Master, I'm here!!" A weak voice appeared.

A little boy and little girl appeared in front of Xia Xia: "Why are you here?"

The people here are Xia Xiaotian and Tian Tian.

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