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Chapter 2085: Take it all

"Master, I'm here to help you!!" Xia Xiaotian rushed up.

"Nonsense!!" Xia Xia wanted to rush up to stop him.

at this time.

A pitch-black scepter appeared in Xia Xiaotian's hand. When his scepter appeared, the entire space seemed to freeze.

"What's the situation?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Ancient Protoss!!" The Heavenly King was also stunned. He wanted to take back the scepter in his hand, but it was still a step too late.

The scepter has been taken away by the dark scepter in Xia Xiaotian's hand: "The king of heaven and earth, dream back to ancient times; side by side with God, all return to dust, broken!!!"

Everything around the summer is shrouded in a pitch-dark space.

The shrouded ones include the bubbles here.

Taihao Zhong and Linglong Tower!

"It's now." How could Xia Xia miss such a good opportunity, and instantly killed the King of Heaven.

Although he didn't understand what was going on.

But he must not miss such a good opportunity.

Instantly killed the king.

"What other means do you have?" Xia Tian asked.


"Xia Xia, do you want to go down and have a look? Then I'll take you down to take a look!!" The King of Heaven grabbed Xia Xia's shoulder, and then the two disappeared in place.

when it reappears.

The first thing I see in summer is a coffin.

Seven coffins lay there.

Xia Xia didn't do anything, but looked at the Heavenly King in front of him puzzled: "Is this the core secret of the Heavenly Clan?"

"What's in here?" Xia Tian asked.

"These coffins are made of special materials, and the corpses inside will not be damaged for hundreds of millions of years. Therefore, the first coffin contains Lin Yu's corpse; the second coffin contains Monternet's corpse; The third coffin contains the silent corpse; the fourth coffin contains the corpse of the Soul Eater clan; the fifth coffin contains part of Haotian's flesh and blood; the sixth coffin contains me The body; the seventh coffin is filled with the body of the ancient immortal!!" The king said lightly.

"Your body? That is to say, you are just a clone!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, my body is not the body, but my soul is the body. The body I cultivated with my own flesh and blood can accommodate my own soul. The original body of Tianlong was the most perfect body I cultivated, but it's a pity , he ran away, and I almost missed the best fusion time." When Tian Wang thought of Tianlong, he was very angry.

Dragon at that time.

Almost destroyed Tianzu, destroyed him.

"You're really selfish!!!" Xia Xia looked at the big vat behind the seventh coffin: "What's in it?"

"There are all the strange blood and cells of all kinds of masters, but their cells and blood are not as good as the ones here, so I keep them just for experiments. It also includes the cells of various immortal beasts and giants!!" The king looked at Xia Xia: "I also prepared a coffin for you, so do you choose to lie in by yourself or do I take you in?"

The corner of Xia Tian's mouth raised slightly: "Your biggest mistake was sending me here."

"What do you mean?" the King asked.

"Since you let me in, you should be ready to take everything here!" When Xia Xia's voice fell, he took all seven coffins and a large vat away.

"What?" Tian Wang was completely stunned.

He never imagined that such a thing would happen.

To know.

There are restrictions on the coffins here, and it is impossible to take them away, but now Xia Xia has taken away all these things in front of him.


This is the first time that Tian Wang panicked, even if his staff was taken away just now, he did not panic.


He quickly killed the summer.

However, it was easily dodged by the summer.

in this enclosed space.

"In the summer, there is someone in the space next to it, an old man!!" Yang reminded.

When hearing this.

Xia Xia attacked the wall and directly pierced the wall. Then, a new space appeared in front of him. In this space, there was an old man, and there were various things around the old man, and various other things. Classics are like a closed laboratory.


Xia Xia came to the old man and said softly, "If you want to live, don't resist!!"


He brought the old man and everything here into everything.

The king was even more panicked, and he began to rush towards Xia Xia.

Xia Xia bypassed him and began to fly upwards. He didn't find his mother here, so his mother should be there. This is the real purpose of his coming here.

"Summer, you must die!!!"

The king's hands were pulled in the air.

A huge bubble blocked directly above him, pulling him down abruptly.

At the same time, Tai Hao Zhong also blocked Xia Xia's counterattack for the first time.


Heavenly King no longer has the calmness he had at the Since the summer took everything here, he began to really panic. When he faced the summer, he seemed to eat the summer alive. .

Want to rush up in summer.

But he is now completely enveloped in this space.

"No, you have to go up!!" Xia Xia started to attack Tian Wang frantically.

But no matter how he attacks.

There is no way.

"This time we can't do anything about it. The two of you won't be able to tell the outcome of the battle in a few years, but now, you don't have so much time to waste!!" Yang said helplessly.

This time.

Summer is really meeting opponents.

his means.

His experience is of no use in front of the King of Heaven, and the King of Heaven has endless means.


He always felt that the king seemed to be waiting for something.

If he continues to delay like this, it will only be detrimental to him.

The attack that the elder sister left behind can destroy the entire Celestial Clan, and his mother is also in the ranks of being destroyed.

"It seems that I can only wait one day, waiting for Wuji and Tianquan!!" Xia Xia can only hope that the cooling time of Wuji and Tianquan will come.

In this case.

He also has the means to attack the King of Heaven.

"I suspect that he has used various people to analyze all your abilities of Wuji and Tianquan. If this is the case, then he will definitely have been prepared!!!" Yang Ke did not think that the king in front of him was a fool. You can even say that he is a very shrewd person.

Then how could he not know these trump cards in the summer?

Even if you don't understand.

But will know some.

"In other words, I'm now in a dead end, right!!"

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