The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2086: realm of god

Dead end!

In the current summer, there is no ability to defeat the Heavenly King in front of him. What he faces is not the Heavenly King alone, but the power accumulated by the Heavenly Clan for hundreds of millions of years.

Summer only practiced for hundreds of years.

How could he collide with the power of the previous year?

"Yes, there is no way, we have thought about all possibilities, but now you can't break through this space!!!" Yang explained.

"It's not absolute!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

"What else can I do?" Xia Tian's eyes lit up.

"There are two ways!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

As soon as he heard the two options, Xia Xia was really interested. He really didn't have any options, including Yang and the others, and there was no way.

"First, if you can let the person in your body take the shot, I don't think it's a problem; second, continue to tap the potential in your body, you are still far worse now!!" Xian Xuanwu said.


Xia Xia understood who he was talking about, the little bug.

But the little bug will not listen to him, unless he is between life and death, the little bug may come forward to protect him.

That is to say.

He has to rely on the second rule.

But now the second one is really difficult.

The abilities he has recently developed are: Destroyer Finger, Ancient Immortal Skill, Five Stars, Strong Heart, Instinct.

Although these have greatly improved his strength, they can't help him break through Tianwang's defense now, and once Tianwang delays time, it is not only him who suffers, but also those brothers who came to help, Tianxing does not recognize Man, not only will the Heavenly Clan be destroyed, but those of his brothers will also be destroyed along with it.

And his mother.

Everything here.

"No, if I fight for time, I will definitely lose, then I must find a way to break through myself!!" Xia Xia gritted his teeth, now, how should he break through himself?

over the years.

In order to improve his strength, he exhausted all kinds of methods.

"Potential, what kind of potential do I have?" Xia Xia punched the ground.


The ground began to vibrate.

To know.

This is in the Linglong Tower, and even the Linglong Tower can feel this strong vibration. From this, it is enough to see what kind of power Xia Xia punched.

Even the king was surprised, and then looked at Xia Xia excitedly: "I knew it, I knew it!!!"

He seemed to see something in Summer.

"Know what?" Xia Xia looked at the king in front of him.

"It seems that you haven't realized it yourself, but this is better. Only in this way can you completely belong to me!!" The king said excitedly.

However, hearing this from the mouth of a big man, it felt very awkward no matter how I heard it.

Summer is also very silent.

"You didn't take medicine when you went out!!"

"Take medicine, what medicine to take, now I'm close to the strongest state, I don't need to eat anything anymore!!!" The king obviously didn't understand what summer meant.

"This guy is either a lunatic or a pervert!!" Xia Xia also felt very speechless.

"He has entered a state of madness in pursuit of immortality, but it is the lunatic who has the opportunity to approach the truth of immortality!!!" Yang said with emotion.

"That's right, the path he took may be wrong, but if he can keep walking, the destination might be right!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"Eternal life!!" Summer is very unfamiliar with these two words.

For earthlings.

Being able to live for a hundred years should be enough, and there is no need to mention immortality at all.

For ordinary cultivators, the five million years of His Holiness are also what they expect.

For His Holiness, the lifespan of the spirit is what they expect.

Ke Ling would also be envious of eternal life.

But does immortality really exist?


Next, Xia Xia saw an endless stream of methods from the King of Heaven.

He also tried his best to dodge.

At the same time he was thinking of a way.

How to break through from here, as long as he breaks through the barrier here, he can rush up.

The power in Xia Xiaotian's scepter just now covered the entire space. In that space, all the weapons of the Heavenly King failed, but now they are not in that space.

"Taihao asked me to tell you that the ability that your apprentice used just now is called the realm of the gods, which is the power of the ancient gods." Yang reminded.

"The Domain of God!!" Xia Xia knew the power of the domain too well.

He used to be in the field of cultivation.

It can be said.

That is simply the foundation of cultivation.

From the initial condensed breath, to the following fields, laws, condensed the world and created the world.

This is the direction he has cultivated all the way.

"What you cultivated before is also called domain? Also called law? Also called condensing the world? Creating the world?" Xian Xuanwu felt very ridiculous.

"Isn't it?" Summer asked in confusion.

"What is a domain?" Xian Xuanwu asked.

"It is to create a range that belongs to Within this range, you can get bonuses and the enemy will be weakened." Xia Xia said.

"Wrong, the real realm is that in my realm, everything can only be determined by me. The realm of the gods just now is called the real realm. In that realm, everything must make way for the scepter. This is called the realm. As for the world and the world at your time, it is even more ridiculous. I only admit that your vast universe is an independent world. As for the world and other universes that are condensed by other people, it is simply a child playing at home. It's just a house built by my family!!" Xian Xuanwu spit at the so-called world and other universes.


Summer is also a black line.

"Yes, in fact, a person's normal cultivation, no matter what it is, is just a first glimpse of the threshold. Only when you reach the spiritual realm can you understand what is called the real field, what is called the power of the law, what is called the power of the world, and what is called the power of the world. To create the world, we Mo Weiyang are the representatives of the power of the law!!!" Yang explained.

"Your strong heart is the domain!!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

"The heart of the strong is the domain!!!" Xia Xia seemed to have caught something, but it flashed by.

"The road of cultivation is originally inseparable from all changes. Whether it is the law, the field, the world, the world, in the final analysis, they are all the strongest forces. It depends on whether you can perceive the true meaning of it." Xian Xuanwu once again said.

The heart of the strong!

Xia Xia looked up at the Heavenly King rushing in front of him.


His fist hit directly.

"It's useless, your attack won't do anything to me!!" Tian Wang shouted.

But right now.

Xia Xia's fist passed through the Taihao Bell and hit the body of the King of Heaven.

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