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Chapter 2087: 4th clone

"You are not a spirit yet, why can you form a realm of spirit!!!" The King of Heaven was obviously also very surprised. His chest still hurts a little. If it wasn't for the fact that he still had a layer of inner armor on his body, this would really make him Injuried.

The corners of Summer's mouth twitched slightly.

"Although I'm not a spirit yet, I can do nothing less than a spirit!!" Xia Xia's attack hit again.

This time.

Although the king is defensive.

But he still repelled the King of Heaven, and at the same time, a pair of invisible hands directly tore the bubbles in the sky: "My current ability should be regarded as the law of spirit."

"That's right, because Mo Weiyang's big move is the law of spirit, so your big move is the result of the law of zero, and your strong heart is formed by the domain, your Although Senluo Wanxiang is not the world of spirits, it is more advanced than the world of spirits!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

"If I can completely control everything to fight, wouldn't that be invincible?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"If you can bring your enemies into all things, who would be your opponent?" Xian Xuanwu asked.

Summer seems to have opened up a new world.

Growing up in battle is the safest.


The king's attack went from top to bottom, directly hitting Xia Xia.

Smashing those big hands: "It's useless, Xia Xia, I know you have comprehended the use of the law of spirit in advance, but I will not give you that chance!!!"

There is a powerful existence like the King of Heaven standing in the way.

There really is no chance in summer.

"One more thing to remind you, I think there is something wrong with him." Xian Xuanwu would never remind Xia of so many things, but today, he reminded Xia of many things one after another.

These things are for summer.

are very important.

It can be said that it really helped the summer to clear the clouds and see the sun.

"What's the problem?" Summer asked hurriedly.

"From the very beginning, he said that he is the body, but in fact, his state is not like the body at all, and just after the inspection of the coffins, Tianlong's body is just a pure body, and his body It can be found that his soul should be divided into four parts. The first is the fake Tianlong we met outside that attacked you, the second is your father, the third is the king, and the fourth is Where is this soul?" Xian Xuanwu asked.

"The fourth divine soul, you mean, that is the real body!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, I guess, the four identities may use four different cloning methods, the most secure one is the main body, the other three have certain risks, and the final purpose is to clone the four clones. Fusion together and return to the main body. If this is the case, then the fake clone and your father should be swallowed by the main body. If it goes well, the last one to swallow is the king in front of you. Once the four clones If all return to the body, then the other party may use your method to fly into a spirit!!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

"Is this still possible?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Any method can be used to become a spirit. Some people have an epiphany in one second and become a spirit directly from an ordinary person. This is different. There are thousands of ways to the spirit, so every road has a It's not impossible!!" Xian Xuanwu said.

This summer, I know too many secrets.

"After our inspection, the old man is the person who studies cloning, and the information we collected is all about cloning, and there is no core information of the Celestial Clan, that is to say, this is not the biggest secret of the Celestial Clan. The place." Yang explained.


"Originally, I have come to the core of the Celestial Clan. Now it seems that the core of the Celestial Clan is likely to be above the Linglong Tower." Xia Xia understood.

He always thought.

He has already hit the deepest part of the Celestial Clan.

"Then the purpose of this person here is to delay time, right!!" Xia Xia said.

"That's right, I estimate that he was already ready to fuse the fake Heavenly Dragon and this Heavenly King. Only the process of merging your father must be rearranged, and it is also the most time-consuming, as long as he completely devours yours. Father, swallowing the king in front of you is a matter of a moment!!" Xian Xuanwu analyzed.

When hearing this.

Summer is also in sight.

That is to say.

His father is not dead yet.

Then he must speed up again, and only in this way can he have a chance to save his father.


Xia Xia controlled his strong heart, wrapped his body again, and then punched the king in front of him.

This time, the King of Heaven also took precautions and retreated on purpose.

"He is very smart and knows that you have opened the spiritual domain of the strong heart, so he deliberately does not confront you head-on. In this case, your strong heart domain will also consume a lot!!" Yang reminded.


Summer does not hesitate.

Realm King Jue Dantian's Law of Spirit.

It ripped to his head in an instant.


Seeing that his attack was about to shred the defense on his head, Tian Wang suddenly threw Tai Hao Zhong out, knocking Xia Xia's body into the air.

"It seems that our conjecture is He has been delaying time since the beginning!!!" Yang said again.

"This guy, it's hard to deal with!!" Xia Xia also tried to find a way.

But no matter what he thinks of it.

The result is the same.

The other party didn't give him any chance at all.

want to beat the opponent.

You have to think again.

"The realm of spirit, the law of spirit, the world of spirit, the world of spirit!!!" Xia Tian suddenly remembered the world of spirit.

It can be said.

This is the cultivation method created by Tianzu.

"Ask Senior Taihao, did he create the cultivation of the world!!" Xia Xia said.

"Don't ask, it's him!!" Yang said.

"If he can tell me the cultivation method of the world of spirit, then I can use the law of spirit to tear off the bubbles on the head when the realm of spirit is close to the opponent. ' said Summer.

"He gave me the method, but it's really difficult. Although your talent is against the sky, this is a completely different era!!" Yang said helplessly.

"It's okay!!" Xia Xia immediately threw the cultivation method of the spiritual world into the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

Then thousands of incarnations appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Can it still be like this?"

When Yang saw Xia Xia's cultivation method, he was also a little stunned.

Summer is all about creating time and rules! !

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