The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2095: Sirius

The old man is really moved to kill now.

Summer touched his bottom line, reminding him of his worst side.

Although he lived so long.

But no matter how he cultivates.

He can't become a normal man. After waiting for so many years, he will soon succeed, and no one will know about this matter anymore, because everyone who knows has been killed by him.

But now.

Summer actually said that.

This made him want to kill the summer.

Now, it seems that he doesn't care about summer's backers anymore.

"Hit people without slapping their faces, and expose them without exposing their shortcomings. Look at you, you've completely angered him!!" Greedy Wolf said jokingly.

He is very clear.

Xia Xia's words must have been right, that's why the old man was so angry.

"My favorite is the anger of the enemy!!!" Xia Xia did not retreat in the slightest, and rushed up for the first time.

His speed was very fast, and he was already in front of the old man in a blink of an eye.

The long hair of the old man was wrapped directly from the back, forming a huge encirclement, which tightly surrounded Xia Xia, and this encirclement kept getting smaller and faster, and the space was squeezed. It is also very serious, as if this space is to be completely locked at any time.

"No, it's airtight, even if it turns into dust, it will be discovered!!" Yang reminded.

Although everything in summer is just a little bit of dust, there is nothing in this space. If there is only a little bit of dust left in the end, then the old man will definitely guess that this dust is related to summer.

Summer's eyes glanced around.

Tianhanjian wanted to attack this encirclement, but no matter how it attacked, it would be dissolved by the space formed by the white hair.


It doesn't hurt the hairs at all.


Greedy Wolf wanted to come to support, but his body was also knocked out by the white-bearded old man.

"The gap between you and him is very large. Although both of you are already considered to be the strongest below the spiritual level, the time you two cultivated is too short, and many methods cannot really be developed to the strongest level. The difference is that he has lived for so many years, and after so many years of precipitation, his methods are very terrifying, even if he encounters a spirit that has just broken through, he can temporarily remain invincible!!" Yang also had to admire The strength of the old man in front of him.

"Since you already know his weakness, let's attack his weakness!!" Although Xia Xia felt that this attack method was a bit despicable.

But it's really the best way to attack.


He cut this space directly.

Endless space cracks appear.

In an instant, those white hairs seemed to be sucked in, and the pattern changed.

Although this time is very short.

But it was enough to break through in the summer.

The moment he broke through.

The Tianhan Sword turned into a cold beam and attacked the old man's body. This was the opportunity he won for himself. He could use this method to attack the opponent's body before, but he didn't know the opponent's weakness before. It is an attack, and it is impossible to break through all the defenses of the opponent, and even all of his own attacks may be useless. This is not what he wants to see, so he must wait until he is most sure. hit.


He already knew the opponent's weaknesses.

So he has to play this attack.

Of course.

The chance is only this time. If he can't succeed, the old man will definitely be prepared next time.

"Don't think about it!!" The old man clearly saw Xia Xia's purpose. At the same time, layers of shields appeared in front of him: "Three layers of Shura shields!!"

boom! boom! boom!

Summer's attack this time contained a powerful impact.

The three-layer Shura shield was broken open by Xia Xia.

But at the same time, the surrounding attack also hit the summer.


Throne realm!

Greedy Wolf suddenly appeared above Xia Xia, directly rippling the surrounding attacks.

Summer's attack hit the old man's heart.

"No, the opponent's defense just now has neutralized most of your attacks, and the opponent still has a layer of inner armor with strong defense!!" Hong Feng hurriedly reminded.


The back of Xia Xia's feet instantly burst into flames, still the same move as before, as if it were a thruster, increasing his attack power again.


The powerful attack was about to completely destroy the old man's defense.

at this time.

The old man's right eye released a white light, which turned into thousands of threads and directly impacted Xia Xia's body.

at the same time.

A white totem appeared on his body.

As if from the deepest monster in the universe.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Xia Xia's mouth.

"What a strong impact!!!" Xia Xia didn't expect that the old man actually had such a trump Even his body almost collapsed with this attack.

"Are you all right!!" Greedy Wolf fell by Xia's side.

"His body surface defense is temporarily broken, and within two minutes, it is absolutely impossible to gather any strength again!!!" Xia Xia has already calculated, according to the current recovery speed of the opponent's body, as long as they can hit the opponent again, they will Must be able to kill the opponent.

"It's useless, there won't be a second chance for the same." Greedy Wolf shook his head.

Just how they attacked.

There will never be a second chance.

"You two, **** it!!!" The old man was even more angry now. He glanced at the fusion next to him. It was about to end. At that time, he would be completely invincible, a young body, a Vibrant body.

Once he got this body, it was all over.

He would also be a perfect being.

"If you have the ability to kill the two of us, just use it, but you have to pay attention, as long as you have a slight slack, the two of us will definitely seize the opportunity and kill you!!" Xia Xia very said rudely.

"Just the two of you?" The old man shook his head: "You're still far behind!!"


Circles of ripples rippled from between his feet.

"Then try it out."


Summer and Greedy Wolf move forward at the same time.

The two then looked at each other.

It was as if a decision had been made.

Two rays of light, one white and one red, intertwined, and began to rotate continuously in mid-air.

Formed a line of white and red silk threads.

The silk thread ends up forming a giant wolf head.

The wolf head opened his **** mouth.

Biting directly to the old man in front of him.

Sirius! ! !

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