The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2096: final fusion

The huge wolf head seems to be able to bite the world directly.

White Tiger! !

The beards of the white-bearded old man were entwined together to form a huge white tiger.

The white tiger rushed towards the **** red wolf.


The two collided.


Xia Xia instantly activated the ability of the dzi, and directly sucked the body of the white tiger away.

The wolf's head bit the white tiger's head.


The old man's attack was finally smashed by Xia Xia and Greedy Wolf, and Xia Xia's second attack was also played at the same time.

The law of the spirit!

A pair of big hands directly grabbed the loose beard on both sides.

Destroyer Fingers! !

Summer pointed out.

"Break it for me!!" The defense formed by the white hair in front of him was also broken by Xia Xia's attack for the first time.

Tianhan sword took the opportunity to stab the weakness of the old man.


A sky blue light flew out!

"Looking for death!!!" The old man's eyes turned cold, he stepped on it with one foot, and directly stepped on the Tianhan Sword. At the same time, the other foot was also a roundabout kick, which kicked Xia Tian out.


Greedy Wolf seized the retreating Xia Xia and threw Xia Xia at the old man in front of him again.

The two cooperated very smoothly.

Mutual exchange.

There have been thousands of rounds of battles, and although they still haven't been able to defeat the old man, when they fight against the old man now, they are not as passive as they were at the beginning, but gradually take the initiative.

"Summer, something is wrong. Although this guy has been staring at the coffin, he is also paying attention to his head. I have checked and nothing happened on his head. That is to say, he must have other cards. , once he gets that body, it will be difficult for us to defeat him, and if he has other cards, we will lose!!" Greedy Wolf reminded.

He is also a very shrewd person.

Both fighting and observation are equally terrifying.

It can be said.

Except for the summer, he almost never lost.

From this, you can see his ability.

From the start of the war to the present, he has been observing every detail. He absolutely does not believe that the old man revealed that detail unintentionally in order to deceive them.

"Don't be in a hurry, the more it is like this, the more you can't be in a hurry, once we are in a hurry, we will make mistakes!!" Xia Xia reminded.

most of the time.

His opponents lost to him because they were in a hurry.

"But if we continue like this, our chances of losing are getting bigger and bigger!!" Greedy Wolf said.

"If you encounter a special situation, take the two of them and run away!!" Xia Xia looked at Greedy Wolf.

"I'm not someone who is greedy for life and fears death!!" said Greedy Wolf.

"I don't want them to die!!" Summer said.


Greedy Wolf also understood what Xia Xia meant. Xia Xia handed over his relatives to him.

I've been watching summer every day.

Before coming to Shenzhou, she always wanted to find Xia Xia, kill Xia Xia's heartbreaker, and breathe a sigh of relief for her mother, but when she got to know Xia Xia more and more, she also discovered that Xia Xia was really incapacitated. By yourself.

It's not that Xia Xia doesn't want to go back, or Xia Xia is greedy for the powerful.

But the world doesn't miss summer at all.

"Xiaotian, let's go!!" Tiantian doesn't want to stay here anymore, they will only distract Xia Tian by staying here.


Xia Xiaotian glanced at Xia Xia's back and said nothing.

Seeing the two of them leave, Xia Xia was also relieved.

"It seems that I don't need to!!" Greedy Wolf said.

"Think about **** this old guy first!!" Xia Xia said.

"It's actually very simple. As long as you entangle him, the stars in the sky can destroy him. I believe that you must have other means to save your life, otherwise you will not be able to come back alive from the ancient battlefield!!" Greedy Wolf thought of this most rogue of play.

That is to use the stars to destroy the old man.

Although the strength of the old man is strong, the falling stars will definitely be able to destroy him.

This impact has been pounding down continuously.

No matter who it is, they can't stand it.

"Since he is not in a hurry to leave here, this proves that he must have some special means of life-saving, so this method is useless!!!" Xia Xia didn't believe that the old man could have no means of life-saving.

"I'm the main attack, you look for opportunities!!" After the greedy wolf finished speaking, he rushed forward.

Summer is also the first time to outflank from the flank.

Two on one.

It's all about vision and time.

"It's coming soon, it's coming soon!" The old man shook off the two of them and rushed directly to the coffin. The people in the coffin are now almost fused.


He only needs to wait a little while before he can destroy the two of them.

A full-bodied fresh body.

This is perfect.

"It's too late, the fusion has been completed!!" Greedy Wolf shook his head helplessly.

They can't defeat the weak body of the old man, and if they are the old man in their prime, they will be even more unable to fight.

Summer did not speak.

But as if thinking of something.

He didn't move but gave Greedy Wolf a gesture.

Greedy Wolf did not speak when he saw this gesture, but he understood what Xia Xia meant. Xia Xian was telling him that the situation had changed and he was ready to attack with all his strength.

Although he didn't understand why Xia Xia should prepare to attack with full force at such a time.

But summer must have summer ideas.

He trusted Summer's judgment.

"You have no chance!!!" The old man was very excited.

Fusion is complete.

Looking at the perfect body in front of him that he has studied for so many years, he is also extremely excited.

"Congratulations, you can finally be freed!!" Xia Xia responded.

Ha ha ha ha!

The old man began to laugh: "I can be relieved. From now on, I can finally become a unique existence in this world!!"

"No, that's not what I meant!!" Xia Xia said.

The old man frowned, he thought Xia Tian was going to insult him: "Boy, your sea of ​​consciousness is destined to be mine."

"If you really have that ability, then you don't have to talk harshly to me here." Xia Xia said with great disdain.

"You will pay for your arrogance!!" The old man put his hand in the coffin, and at the same time he closed his eyes, countless white hair and white beards formed a wall, blocking Xia Xia and Greedy Wolf. Outside, do not give them any chance to attack.

He was about to start fusing this new body.

This is his new world.

his future.

Summer made a gesture.

Greedy Wolf instantly understood what he meant, and rushed up after him directly, and the two played the fusion skill again.


And at the same time.

Blood seeped from the beard.

"How is that possible?" An incredible voice appeared in the old man's mouth.

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