The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2208: 3 islands and 10 states

Summer looked at the space next to him.

Then punched out.

Space is not shattered.

"The space is much firmer than usual. It is at least ten times firmer for the time being, and it's still increasing. If it continues to develop like this, the space will become more firm." Summer saw a change.

"Have you felt any other changes?" Tianlong asked.

"The power of heaven and earth, the power of immortals, the power of spiritual energy and the law are all condensed together to form a new power!!!" Xia Xia sensed the change in power.

"This is the power of immortals, the real power of immortals, but it is not the purest power of immortals. If the ancient immortal worlds are condensed together, they will become the power of real immortals. That kind of immortal power contains all the powers. , after absorbing, the overall strength will be improved, and the impurities in the body can be removed, making the body more pure, but it is precisely because of this that human beings will become fairy beasts, food in the eyes of fairy monsters and beasts , Eating a cultivator will be faster than cultivating on their own!!!" Tianlong reminded.

"Then this will be a disaster for human beings!!!" Xia Xia said.

"No, for humans, the flesh and blood of immortal beasts, the bones and bones of immortal beasts, and everything on immortal beasts are also the best resources. It can only be said that both sides have become each other's goals. At this time, it must be fire and water. Things that cannot be tolerated are no longer a situation that the spirit can control!!!" Tianlong is very clear.

Although in a place like Shenzhou now, Ling still has the absolute ability to prevent those things from happening.

But that's because the world hasn't changed.

Once the world has become like the ancient fairyland, the spirit will be completely unable to stop it. If he insists on stopping it, the people below will also resist.

And human beings will hunt down immortal beasts and so on.

Immortal beasts will also have resentment.

As for who is better, it depends on the position of the gods. Whoever can gain the power on the throne is the king.

Whoever can get the power of those trees, and the power of ancient and ancient times, can be stronger.

to be honest.

It is an era of competition for luck, opportunity, and talent.

The throne of the Peak One Emperor is there, it depends on who has the ability.

"I'm really curious, how did the little **** become the worm emperor, and who can defeat him and sit in that position!!!" The little bug in Xia Xia's impression was almost invincible.

Although only briefly.

But Xia Xia has already sensed his strength.

But there was someone stronger than him, pulling him down from the position of Emperor Yi.

"This world is like this, no one is forever invincible, a new generation replaces the old, the future belongs to your generation, and I just want to accompany your mother." Tianlong said.

"Where are my master and brother Ma?" Xia Xia asked.

"I have paved the way for the two of them. As long as the ancient immortal world returns, the two of them will have no problem to cultivate to the spirit. As for what will happen in the future, that is their own destiny." Tianlong hugged the mother tree. Get up: "Let's go, I'll show you a good look at the world."

Watching my parents leave like this.

There is still some disappointment in the summer.

"God, we have to prepare to go home, and we are getting closer and closer to the return of the ancient fairyland!!!" Ye Qingxue reminded.


"Then let's make preparations in advance. Although you guys have good strength now and are in a mutated state, I will help you improve your strength in the next period of time!!!" Xia Xia was not impressed with the return of Mishima and Ten Prefectures. interest.

He also has no desire to dominate.

No intention to manage external affairs.

Haotian has become the spirit of Shenzhou.

Then it's up to him to get along with the other states outside.

Since he can bear this glory, he must bear this pressure.

Summer is very comfortable here.

But it's different outside.

As soon as the three islands and ten states were merged together, many teleportation formations appeared, including Shenzhou.

From this, it can be seen that the forces of other states have infiltrated in Shenzhou for a long time, but they usually hide it to wait for this moment.

When the Mishima and Kyushu merged together, they began to open the teleportation array they had arranged before, connecting them with their forces.

This gave their forces a head start.

"We have a total of thirteen worlds here. If we count them according to size, they are: Shenzhou, Yingzhou, Jukuzhou, Xuanzhou, Yanzhou, Changzhou, Yuanzhou, Liuzhou, Shengzhou, Fenglin Zhou, Penglai, Abbot, Kunlun, among them 'Yuanzhou, Liuzhou, Shengzhou, Fenglinzhou' are all gray!" Xia Xia explained to his wives.

"Then every continent has a spirit, isn't there thirteen spirits!!"

The girls naturally knew how powerful Ling was, and now they were very surprised when they heard this.

"No, they should all be three spirits, because there are also fairy spirits and fairy beast This is a normal configuration, but there will definitely be some special places, and the number of spirits will be a few more. , but not less, because Xiandao definitely not only released the Immortal Dao Emperor Ranking in Shenzhou, but also released the Immortal Dao Emperor Ranking in all continents." Xia Xia explained.

"So many spirits, once they fight, it will be unimaginable."

"Although there is a gap between the level of spirit, it is not so big that it can be killed in seconds. As long as it can't be killed in seconds, it will be a nightmare to let the other party escape. Therefore, their spirits rarely face each other to death. Negotiate interests or use other methods to solve it!!!" Xia Xia had seen how these so-called masters were resolved.

They all rely on talk and talk about the comparison of strength.

When they were talking about the situation outside in the summer, something happened in Shenzhou.

Greedy Wolf broke through.

all the time.

Greedy Wolf is accumulating strength and wants to break through from the half-spirit level, but he has no chance.

But this time when he met Xia Xia, Xia Xia changed the trajectory of his life.

Make him stronger.

"I finally became a spirit!!!"

Looking at the changes in his body, he was also extremely excited: "Fortunately, I haven't really caused too many killings, otherwise, if I add another catastrophe, I really can't bear it."

become spirit.

It needs to be robbed.

The original true emperor avoided the Tribulation because of the Immortal Dao Emperor Ranking, but it was precisely because of this that after the true emperor became a spirit, he would be three points weaker than a normal spirit.

Greedy Wolf, who has been promoted to spirituality by transcending tribulation, is also the strongest state.


Before he could get excited, he suddenly felt that there was another spiritual aura in Shenzhou: "Has someone made a breakthrough?"

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