The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2209: 3 spirits

At the moment when Greedy Wolf broke through, all the spirits of Shenzhou looked in this direction.

When there is a spiritual breakthrough, they can sense it immediately, and this kind of spiritual power fluctuation is very strong for them.

But they haven't waited for them to express their emotions.

Another spiritual power fluctuation appeared.

That is to say.

Another spirit appeared.

This kind of spiritual power fluctuation is not that the spirits from other places come to Divine State, but the feeling that the spirit will only appear when the body appears.

"There are actually two spirits appearing at once. From the perspective, it should be the human side. There won't be that kid Xia Xia. If he becomes a spirit, wouldn't he be invincible!!" Xian Yaozhi said.

In his opinion.

The current summer is already very strong, if it breaks through to the spirit again, it will really be invincible.

"No, this is not the feeling of summer. Who is it? Haotian is already a spirit, so who are these two people?" The Spirit of the Fairy shook his head.

The spirit of the immortal beast also looked up at the sky: "At this time, there are three spirits in human beings. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse."

If there is only one human spirit in China.

That's not a big problem.

If something happens in the future, this human spirit can stand up.

But if there are three human spirits.

Then something goes wrong.

Human nature is selfish. When there is benefit, all three of them will definitely stand up; and when encountering something that is detrimental to their interests, they will definitely drag it on and wait for others to stand up.

Over time, it is the human beings in China who suffer.

When Haotian saw two human beings who became spirits at the same time, he was also stunned. When he obtained the power of Immortal Dao, he had already started to prepare how he would benefit mankind in the future.

But now there are two spirits again, which makes his previous thoughts may come to nothing.

"I have obtained the power of immortality to become a spirit, and my own strength is two points weaker than that of a normal spirit. In this case, I will not have any right to speak in the future. If I don't have the right to speak, how can I protect Shenzhou?" Hao Tian remembered what Xiandao had said to him.

It was Xia Xia who chose him so that he would have the opportunity to become a spirit.

Summer also hopes that he can protect more people.

But now.

He seems to have lost that ability.

Although Xia Xia is not a spirit, he also feels that the two people have become spirits, but he just smiled, but did not say what it was, as if he had seen the result.

at this time.

In a deep cave.

"Thank you for your cultivation!!!" Xingchen said respectfully.

so many years.

He finally fulfilled his dream.

Become a spirit.

He is grateful to his master.

That is the totem in front of him.

"Over the years, I am very satisfied with what you have done. After becoming a spirit, you can do better. The day when the ancient fairyland returns is getting closer and closer. If I can recover at that time, then I can occupy the First move!!!"

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely work hard!!" Xingchen clenched his fist.

If it was before.

Then he must be not afraid of heaven and earth.

How arrogant words can be said, and how arrogant things can be done, but after seeing the end of the real emperor last time, he has become different.

He also understands that there are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky.

Especially in China there is still a summer.

An existence that can kill even spirits.

"Just do your best, and the other people who are cultivating with me, their perceptions are almost the same, let them leave, and tell them that if any of them can break through to the spirit in the future, they can come to me again. I They will naturally give them more rewards, but if they can't break through to the spirit, they don't need to come here. They can pass on the exercises and insights to future generations. If there are people who can become spirits, they can also come to me! !!"

He is casting a wide net.

He uses the efforts of other people from generation to generation to complete his cultivation.

Although doing so is very slim, if someone succeeds, he can complete his cultivation.

"Yes!!" Xingchen said respectfully.

Xia Jiajun of Shenzhou has also returned to his position. These people will be twisted together when something happens, but if there is nothing, they will not have too much communication with each other, as long as they obey each other before the summer Just ask for them.

And they are also very strict with their subordinates.


These masters are the kind of idle cloud wild cranes who will not listen to other people's orders.

But they are willing to abide by these rules.

Because they really admire Xia Xia, and they also saw what Xia Jiajun's brothers looked like when they encountered things.

Even sometimes when robbing treasures and cosmic fairy crystals.

They will also be courteous to each other.

Originally, they belonged to different forces, but when they met outsiders, they would still join forces, and in the end, the distribution of resources would almost always be evenly distributed.


Greedy Wolf's eyes looked outside: "I don't know what's going on on the Nightmare side, it's ten times or even a hundred times more difficult for him to cultivate into a spirit than me, but once he is allowed to cultivate into a ~Then he can't imagine when he shows it!!!"

Nightmare is a wizard.

It is a very terrifying thing that an array mage can cultivate to the current state.

Normal people can't imagine it at all.


A figure fell on the side of Greedy Wolf: "Greedy Wolf, the master asked me to come to you and ask if you would like to join us!!!"

"I didn't expect you to be dead yet. If Xia Xia saw it, I'd probably kill you immediately!!" Greedy Wolf said.

"No, I was already dead during the battle of the Celestial Clan. Now I am following. There is no grudge between me and him for a long time." The person standing in front of the greedy wolf is the summer killing The biggest boss when he went to heaven.

"Why did Zero choose you?" Greedy Wolf asked inexplicably.

"I don't know, the master always has his own reasons for doing things. At least I am still alive and can look forward to the future. My current name is Zero Nine!!!"

"Zero Jiu, that is to say, he has eight men in front of you, and if I join, I will be Zero Ten, right?" Greedy Wolf asked.

"No, if you join, you are at the master's level, and I'm just the master's servant!!" Zero Jiu explained.

"Forget it, I'm used to it by myself and don't like their way of doing things!!" Greedy Wolf said.

"Master asked me to tell you, I hope you can put your eyes on the long-term, although you are spiritual now, but once the ancient fairyland returns, there will still be people who can kill you, and the sky you can touch is only so much. Big!!!" Zero Nine persuaded.

"Go back and tell Zero, as long as he doesn't come to provoke me, then I won't destroy any of your plans, and even avoid it if you do, but if you provoke me, then I am not a vegetarian!!"

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