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Chapter 1494: I am

Xia Xia didn't look up at all, but he ate meat and drank heavily, and soon everything in front of him was swept away by him. =

"Well?" The servant frowned.

"Are you wondering why I didn't die?" Xia Pai said lazily there.

"Impossible, the poison in there should be colorless and odorless, you can't find it, and you have already eaten everything, so many poisons can poison a beast." Very puzzled to look at the summer.

"It's impossible to poison me." Xia Xia had acquired a new skill before.

It's called swallowing.

It's the devour of the little bug.

The little bug can swallow even a phoenix with black flames, and there is no adverse reaction. What is it that swallows a little poison in summer, and although this poison is colorless and tasteless, in front of the clairvoyant, everything is useless. Colors become colored.

"Since the poison won't kill you, then I will kill you. You are a waste now, and you can't move at all." The servant rushed towards Xia Tian after he finished speaking.

He is very confident in his attack. After all, he is also a master of the prefecture-level Dzogchen. If Xia Xia was in his prime, he would definitely not be an opponent, but now Xia is injured, and he thinks that he can definitely kill Xia Xia.

But at this moment.

The third level of profound meaning of the Eight Qi Techniques.


Xia Tian stretched his left hand forward.

The man found that he couldn't control his body, and his body flew directly to the summer.


Xia Xia's left hand grabbed directly on the man's neck.

"If I become a Buddha, there will be no demons in the world; if I become a demon, what will Buddha do to me?" Xia Xia's mouth slanted slightly.


The sound of bones breaking, and then Xia Xian waved his left hand, and the man was thrown out directly by him.

It's true that Xia Xia can't move now, but not being able to move doesn't mean he can't kill people.

No need to guess, Xia Xia knew who did it. It must have been the eldest son and the others who sent him to do it. Xia Xian ignored him. It didn't take long for this person to be dealt with by the Seventh Young Master.

Xia Tian was bored lying there, and now he could no longer gather more internal strength, so he simply began to study the formation method.

Summer is different from others.

Others practice very simple, but Xia Xia not only can master martial arts, but also can practice formation, alchemy, weapon refining and so on.

His formation method was left by the masters of the Earth Ranking; his alchemy technique was left by the Pill Emperor; his refining method was to learn the super refining technique, and he used the super refining technique to refine the Tianhan Sword in the summer. .

When he refined the Tianhan Sword, he almost died under the heavenly tribulation.

Because the Tianhan sword is a weapon of that level.

At that level, Xia Tian dared not speak out on Earth. Although he didn't know why he couldn't speak out, his subconscious mind told him that once he spoke out, an unimaginable disaster would happen.

Now he can finally speak.

Because this is not the earth anymore.

Tianhan sword is exactly: Immortal Artifact.

Xia Xia didn't understand why he knew the level of Tianhan Sword, but there was a voice in his consciousness telling him that he had refined the Immortal Artifact, so the Heavenly Tribulation would be brought down.

When Xia Xia learned that what he had refined was an immortal weapon, he was really startled.

It's a pity that in the end, the fairy weapon was destroyed by the heaven level.

The current Tianhan sword is in a damaged state, not even one ten thousandth of its normal power. Once the Tianhan sword can be repaired in the summer, as long as he waved it, the entire Tianyong City will be frozen by him.

Of course, the premise is that he must be able to use the power of fairy weapons.

Ten days later!

Summer injury is completely healed.

Qi Gongzi never came to see him again, but Xia Xia didn't say anything. After all, Qi Gongzi is the master here, and he is a servant. If the master is okay, he will go to see the servant. Even if Xia's talent is strong, so what? ?

After all, he didn't give Seventh Young Master any credit.

His current status can only be regarded as a subordinate of the Seventh Young Master's inner sect.

After the injury was healed, Xia Tian put on a suit of clothes. For the past ten days, he has been studying the formation technique. He is sure that as long as he cultivates to the heaven level, he will definitely be able to master the third-level formation technique.

The gap between the second-level array and the third-level array is not a star and a half.

There are many people in the spiritual world who can use the first-level formation.

Once those who can use the secondary formation are discovered by some families, they will be locked up and only used by their own families.

And once he can use the third-level formation, no matter where this person goes, others must call him a master, and even the city lord's mansion of major cities will honor him as a guest.

But Xia Xia didn't dare to ask him to go to the City Lord's Mansion to be a guest on the premise of lack of strength. What if the family detained him directly? When the time comes, food and drink will be offered to him, but he will not be allowed to leave.

The reason why Xia Xia wanted to use the third-level formation was because the third-level formation was very fierce.

Killing ordinary heaven level is like slaughtering a dog.

So, once you reach the Heaven level, even if you don't count Xia Xia's other strengths, just the third-level formation can make Xia invincible in the same and can even leapfrog the challenge.

"Hey, is your injury healed?" When Xia Xia came out, he happened to bump into Qijun.

"Well, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Xia Tian asked.

"Hey, it's a long story, come with me, let's talk on the way." Qijun knew Xia Xia's talent, and also understood how much Seventh Young Master attached importance to Xia Xia, so he didn't put on a high profile.

Otherwise, the people under Seventh Young Master usually need to bow when they see Seventh Lord.

"What's going on?" Summer asked.

"It was the other two groups of strength who deliberately made things difficult for the seventh son. The patriarch summoned nine of them two days ago. There was a magician who came to the Zhao family to make trouble. The magician was backed by the Murong family. They came here to rub our Zhao family. So the patriarch wants the nine of them to think of a way, after all, this time if the array master's formation can't be broken, the Zhao family will also lose a lot of face." Qijun glanced at Xia Xia and continued. Said: "The other two forces all know that this is a very difficult job, because the other party is a second-level formation mage, it is very difficult to find a second-level formation mage in Tianyong City, so they all Recommend Seventh Young Master, and finally the patriarch handed over this matter to Seventh Young Master."

Listening to what Qijun said so much, Xia Xia understood. In summary, there are second-level formation masters to find fault, and the other two forces can't handle it, so it is pushed to Qigongzi. If Qigongzi can handle it well, it is naturally in front of the patriarch. Showing his face, if it is not done well, it will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the patriarch.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Xia Tian asked.

"Go to the Array Master." Qijun said.

"Don't look for it, I am"


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