The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1495: Level 2 Array Mage

Secondary Array Mage!

There were almost none in Tianyong City, and even if there were some, they were unwilling to let him show his face.

But the Murong family is different. The Murong family is used to doing things in a high profile. They started to find fault as soon as they had a second-level formation mage. They first focused on the Zhao family. If the Zhao family did not accept it, they would definitely save face. loss.

And the most troublesome thing is that people have set up a second-level formation, you can't forcibly break it, otherwise after so many masters from the Zhao family enter the formation, it will be bombarded, even if it is a large-scale second-level formation will be broken directly.

But once this happens, the Zhao family will be even more embarrassed.

People challenge you with formations. You come up and use your strength to break through. This is like in school, when people challenge you in Chinese, you insist that you can defeat the opponent, which is completely unreasonable.

The Zhao family leader has been busy with too many things recently, so he doesn't want to pay attention to this kind of thing at all, so he called the Zhao family nine sons.

Let everyone help recommend who to give this matter to.

Originally, everyone was fighting for it, but this time everyone agreed to let the seventh son do it, and the seventh son is usually very low-key.

So in the end it was the seventh son's turn.

Seventh Young Master has no way to refuse. The other eight brothers recommend him here. If he says that he can't, the patriarch will be very disappointed, so he will bite the bullet and go on. After taking this task, he will be in the family. Look for books about formations everywhere, and see if you can break the formation arranged by the second-level formation wizard.

The formation of the second-level wizard was arranged in the inner courtyard.

Seventh Young Master is dazed by this formation every day.

"What did you say?" Qijun looked at Xia Xia blankly.

"Aren't you looking for a magician? I know a little bit." Xia Xia said lightly.

"You know?" Qi Jun had an incredible look on his face.

"Well, a little bit." Xia Tian nodded.

Qijun feels really incredible. Xia Xia looks so young, but he seems to be able to do everything. His strength is obviously unbelievable. Now he actually says that he can form a spell.

Could it be that he really started to cultivate since he was born in his mother's womb?

"Go!" Qijun took Xia Xia directly to the martial arts field in the inner courtyard.

The second-level formation mage is definitely the best, especially the second-level formation mage with the support of the big family.

At this time, a natural pavilion was built in the martial arts field, and the second-level formation mage sat in it like this, with two heaven-level masters standing beside him: "Hey, it's so boring, such a simple second-level formation. , you have been thinking about it for three days and you can't break it, it seems that your Zhao family is just like this."

Seventh Young Master glanced coldly at the second-level formation mage, but said nothing.

Now he can't wait to rush up and beat this second-level formation mage, but he can't, because people come to challenge the formation method, if he beat them directly, then the Zhao family will be famous in Tianyong City.

"I said, the seventh son of the Zhao family, can you do it? If you can't, let me know, so I can go to the next family." This second-level formation mage obviously did not intend to deal only with the Zhao family. He also wanted to deal with the other big families. To rub the sharpness.

This must be supported by the Murong family.

"Humph!" Seventh Young Master said coldly.

"Hey, the seventh is still here, this formation hasn't been broken yet, it's really hard work, you just look at it like this, you don't eat or drink for three days and three nights, it's as if you can put this formation together. It doesn't look the same." The eldest son and the others pretended to be passing by, but in fact they came here on purpose.

They come here every day to mock the seventh son.

Second Young Master and his gang seemed to be much more low-key. Although they contributed to the incident this time, they did not come to ridicule Seventh Young Master. This was to leave a bottom line in life.

Seventh Young Master still did not speak, his eyes were on the formation.

"Well?" At this moment, the eldest son and the others frowned, and then they looked not far away: "His injury is actually healed?"

The people they saw were summer.

At this time, Xia Xia and Qi Jun are coming here.

"How did it get better so quickly?" Ninth Young Master looked at Xia Xia with an unbelievable face. Xia Xia looked like nothing at this time, walking normally, and his face was normal, which was unbelievable.

It's only been a few days?

ten days?

But the injury in the summer actually healed.

This made them even more determined to kill Xia Xia, because Xia Xia is a bit against the sky, whether it is talent or fighting ability, plus the perseverance behind it is too strong, once he grows up, he will definitely become the seventh son right arm.

"You are here?" Seventh Young Master nodded slightly when he saw Xia Xia, Xia Xia's injury was indeed much faster than him.

"Well, I heard that there is a second-level formation mage looking for trouble there?" Xia Xia asked.

"That's it!" Seventh Young Master raised his head.

Xia Xia stretched his left hand forward, and everyone didn't understand what he was going to do.

The third level of profound meaning of the Eight Qi Techniques.

The body of the second-level formation mage actually flew directly to Xia Xia. Everyone was stunned when they saw this move. First, they didn't understand what happened and how Xia Xia did it.

Second, they can't figure out what this summer is for? Do you want to fight this second-level array mage?

But if he hits this second-level formation mage, the situation will not be good. The Murong family will definitely find fault, and the owner of the family will come forward to deal with the matter.

No one can survive summer by then.


The two Murong family's heaven-level masters instantly attacked Xia Xia, and the speed was very fast. Both of them were top-level masters.

"The trash of the first tier even dares to shoot in front of me." Seventh Young Master's expression turned cold, and then he punched with his right hand bang! boom!

The two people flew out directly, and with one move, the seventh master actually knocked out the two masters of the first-order and first-order, and at this time, the neck of the second-level formation mage was already caught by Xia Xia.

"I heard that you came to find fault? And it's very good, isn't it?" Xia Xia looked at the second-level formation mage coldly.

"What are you doing? If you dare to hurt me, your Zhao family's reputation will be completely stinky." The second-level array mage said angrily.

"I'm not from the Zhao family. I'm just a servant. If you kill you, the Zhao family will use me as a scapegoat at most. I exchanged my cheap life for your second-level formation mage's life. Do you think it's worth it?" Xia Xia looked at the second-level array mage with a sinister expression.

Seeing the appearance of Xia Xia, the second-level array mage was a little scared. After all, what Xia Xia said was so reasonable.

"I'll give you a chance now, kneel down, and I won't kill you." Xia Xia looked at the second-level array mage with cold eyes.


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