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Chapter 1816: Resurrection [Part 7

in the dungeon.

"Cough cough!" Xia Xia suddenly coughed violently, and he actually started coughing with his heart pierced, and then he stood up straight with a move.

When the little snake saw Xia Xia standing up, it rushed directly into Xia Xia's arms and kept rubbing against Xia Xia's body. Before, it really thought that Xia Xia was so dead.

"Little guy, I'm fine." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

At this time, the dantian in summer is still empty.

"Little bug, it's time to come back." Xia Xia said lightly, and then a tattoo reappeared on his arm. It was the little bug's tattoo. This time, the little bug did not enter his dantian, but returned to him. on the arm.

Seeing that the little bug was back, Xia Tian turned to look at the sleeping old maniac: "Thank you, senior."

The old lunatic slept very hard and didn't pay attention to the summer.

Xia Xia bowed to the old lunatic, and then walked up. When Xia Xia left, the old lunatic opened his eyes: "I don't know what you will become in the future."

On Tianling Mountain.

The last sword fell directly from the sky, and the sword contained endless power.

The huge war sword phantom slashed directly at Wei Xiao.


Wei Xiao also gave a loud shout, and his aura rose to the peak.

The ultimate collision.



The war knife pierced directly into Wei Xiao's body.

Wei Xiao's body turned into a human shape. At this time, he was very embarrassed. There were wounds all over his body, and bones were visible in the wounds. Moreover, the shadow of the war sword on his chest seemed to exist. The war sword directly penetrated his chest and was inserted on the ground. .

"Success!" A Bao and Yu Wentao were happy at the same time.

But right here, they found that the Great Demon Extinguishing Formation shrouded in Tianling Mountain suddenly disappeared, and the Great Formation needed a rest.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Dozens of figures flew up directly from below, and there was no big formation, and they had no scruples. When they saw the shadow of a war sword stuck in Wei Xiao's chest: "Sir."

Dozens of figures directly made Wei Xiao stand up.

"Damn!" A Bao's brow wrinkled suddenly. He originally thought that the battle would be over if Wei Xiao was eliminated, but he did not expect that the Demon Extermination Formation would enter a dormant period. Without the threat of the Demon Extermination Formation, the two of them would They are not the opponents of these super fierce beasts at all. Although they still have many subordinates, these subordinates are simply not enough to kill.

But now these super wild beasts are obviously more concerned about Wei Xiao.

It has to be said that Wei Xiao is indeed powerful, and he has not died yet under such circumstances.

"grown ups!"

"I'm fine!" Wei Xiao said these three words with difficulty, and his hands slammed on the blade with force. The destructive power of this blade shadow was very powerful. His hands began to bleed, even if his defense was so strong, he still couldn't stop the terrifying power on the sword.


Wei Xiao shouted loudly, and then he forcibly pulled out the phantom of the war sword. The moment the phantom of the war sword was pulled out, the phantom disappeared directly, and the smiling chest was also bleeding rapidly.


Wei Xiao slapped a palm on his chest, which seemed to be a self-abuse action, but stopped the blood, but its body also fell back, and the two wild beasts directly supported Wei Xiao. .

A Bao and Yu Wentao saw that the attention of these super wild beasts was on Wei Xiao, they both looked at each other and wanted to leave quietly.


A figure fell directly in front of A Bao: "A Bao, where do you want to go?"

When he heard this voice, Bao's brows suddenly wrinkled, and then he slowly raised his head, when he saw the man standing in front of him, his face was full of horror: "This is how can that be?"

The person standing in front of him at this time was Summer.

He remembered that he pierced Xia Xia's heart with his own hands, but now Xia Xia is actually standing in front of him alive.

"Xiamen, aren't you dead?" Yu Wentao also looked at Xia Tian with an incredible face.

The situation here has attracted the attention of those super wild beasts.

"They want to escape and surround them." A super wild beast said.

Suddenly, more than a dozen super wild beasts surrounded them, including Summer.

"Abao, the blood debt is paid for by blood. I don't think what you have done to me is anything, because fighting means winning or losing, but if you kill Ling'er, I will not let you go." Xia Xia was angry. Looking at A Bao, he said that for Xia Xia, he lost, then he was tortured by A Bao and he had nothing to say.

But Linger's death was a huge blow to him.

In order to save him, Linger killed Tianling Mountain, but was killed by A Bao with the Great Demon Extermination Formation. How could he not hate it? How can he not be angry.

"Xia Xia, just because you want to fight with me? It's a joke, even if you don't What if your injury heals? Your dantian is empty now, you are a waste, relying on it alone What level of strength can you deal with? First-order Erding? Second-ranking? Or fifth-ranking? These ranks are just ants in my eyes." A Bao looked at Xia Xia with great disdain.

Although he didn't know how good Xia Xia was, in any case, Xia Xia no longer had the ability before.

That summer is no match for him now.

"Summer? My lord, he is the summer that the princess rescued." A desolate beast said, he was the desolate beast that came with Linger and was kicked out by Linger at the last moment.

"The person Xiaoli wants to save." Wei Xiao slowly raised his head and looked at Xia Xia.

"Sir, kill him together. If it wasn't to save him, the princess wouldn't die," said a desolate beast.

"I'm sorry." Xia Xia said to Wei Xiao. He said sorry not because he was afraid of Wei Xiao, but because of Ling'er. If it wasn't for him, Ling'er would not die. He wanted to protect Ling'er. , but he didn't expect Ling'er to die for him in the end.

"What's the use of saying sorry now? Can the princess live? It's all because of you. I'll kill you now and ask you to bury the princess with you." A wild beast shouted angrily.

"Wait!" Summer raised his hand.

"What? Are you afraid? Coward, how could the princess die for such a coward!" The wild beast said bitterly.

"No, I'm not afraid of death. You can kill me if you want, but I want to avenge Ling'er with my own hands. After I avenge Ling'er, you can kill or cut it as you please." Xia Xia looked at the desolate beast and said.

"We can take revenge ourselves, we don't need you." The desolate beast shouted.

"Meihu, let him go." Wei Xiao said.

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