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Chapter 1817: The First Appearance of Buddha Light [Part 8

Wei Xiao opened his mouth.

No one dared to refute.

Mei Hu and Ling'er have a very good relationship, that's why she is so angry.

But now that she heard Wei Xiao speak, she couldn't say anything more.

Wei Xiao is the king, the king of the wild beast area, and the absolute king. He is injured, and all the wild beasts are trying their best to protect him, not someone who wants to kill him.

"Thank you." Xia Xiang bowed his hands to Wei Xiao.

A Bao's eyes were fixed on Xia Xia: "Just because you are a person whose dantian has been abandoned, you want to duel me?"

"I said, I want to avenge Ling'er with my own hands." Xia Xia said in a cold tone.

In the matter of Ling'er, not only could he not forgive Abao, but he could not forgive himself. If he hadn't been plotted against him, he wouldn't have been arrested. If he hadn't been arrested himself, Linger wouldn't have died.

"Vengeance, it's easy to say, summer, although you have a lot of trump cards before, but what about this? Your only treasure is in my hand, but I'm different. I have eight treasures, I use A treasure can kill you." A Bao said disdainfully.

"By the way, my five-element ring is still in your hand, it's time to take it back." Xia Xia said lightly, then he left his hand, and the five-element ring returned to his wrist.

"What?" A Bao hurriedly checked his storage ring. When he realized that the Five Elements Ring was really gone, his expression suddenly changed: "How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible!" Xia Xia said lightly: "I made the Five Elements Ring, and I also found the Artifact Spirit. It has a deep connection with me. As long as I want it back, it can be used at any time. return."

"Hmph, what if you have a treasure again? If I read it right, your treasure should not be finished yet, you are missing a bead, you are an incomplete treasure, how could you be with me? So many treasures to contend with?" A Bao said with great disdain, in his opinion, whether in realm, in means, or in treasures, he has an absolute advantage.

Last time he really lost in the hands of Xia Xia.

But now that there is no Dantian in the summer, how can he compare with him in that summer?

"Have I said to use a treasure?" Xia Tian asked.

"Hahaha, you are crazy, you are a person without Dantian, and you don't even need a treasure, so why are you fighting me?" A Bao said with great disdain.

"One move!" Xia Tian stretched out a finger.

"Huh?" A Bao looked at Xia Xia suspiciously.

"I'm going to beat you with one move." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Hmph, summer, I'm angry, you're insulting me, people who insult me ​​don't end well, have you forgotten the pain you suffered before? I promise that pain will make you experience it again "A-Bao said with a cold snort, how could Xia Tian still look down on him, how could he not be angry.

Summer is no nonsense.

At the same time, the nine orifices of the summer are connected at the same time.

The location of the nine orifices is the nine positions that the old lunatic hits every day.

The first form of the Tathagata Palm.

Buddha light first appeared.


Xia Xia shot directly with a palm. His palm contains the truth of Buddhism's strongest martial arts, the strongest combat skill of Shaolin's 72 stunts.

There is not only power, but also the infinite truth of Buddhism.

"Go to hell!" A Bao put on his treasured gloves and punched Xia Tian directly.


When the fists and palms collided, Bao's entire body was swept out directly.


Summer's body disappeared in place.


He punched A Bao in the face: "Give Linger back to me."


"Give Linger back to me."


Xia Xia punched Bao in the face one by one.

People with great luck are those who claim to be immortal. They are the favored sons of heaven and are favored by the heavens, but Xia Xia specializes in killing people with great luck. Even the previous greedy wolf, as long as he wants to kill, he can kill.

"A Bao actually lost." Yu Wentao looked at Xia Xia with an unbelievable face.

He didn't understand why Xia Xia didn't even have Dantian, and he could still win A Bao.

And he didn't understand why A Bao died. At this time, A Bao was obviously beaten to death by Xia Xia. A Bao was a person with great luck. This kind of person is known to be immortal, because No one can kill him, because God will help him, but now A Bao was beaten to death like this.

Summer didn't stop.

He just kept punching punch after punch.

Tick ​​tock!

Tears fell to the ground.


But what if there is revenge? Linger still can't come back.

He kept hitting A Bao's head until there was no **** left before he stopped.

"This person doesn't deserve to die in my hands." Xia Xia said with a glance at Yu Wentao.

"Kill him." Wei Xiao said coldly.

As soon as his words fell, those more than ten figures attacked Yu Wentao at the same time.


Shredded corpse!

Yuwentao was smashed to death by the corpse alive. More than ten super fierce beasts shot together. He was torn to pieces without even having a chance to I avenge Linger, I want to kill or cut it. as you go. " Xia Xia looked at the wild beasts and said.


No one spoke at the scene, they were all waiting for Wei Xiao's order, who would dare to do it without Wei Xiao's order?

"Your name is Xia Xia?" Wei Xiao asked Xia Xia.

"Yeah!" Summer said.

"How did you meet Xiaoli?" Wei Xiao asked again.

Linger is Xiaoli's alias.

"I was chased and killed at the entrance of the wild beast area before. She saw me, so when I was in the city, she followed me. At first, I didn't want her to follow me because I had a mission, but later, I Seeing that she is too naive, such a character is likely to be harmed by others, so I took her with me, but I didn't expect that I would kill her in the end." When Xia Xia said here, another tear shed.

"I think of you, you are good to her, Xiaoli is a grateful person." Wei Xiao said.

"I regret not being able to accompany her well. I treat her as my own sister," Xia Xia said.

"I kill you, are you convinced?" Wei Xiao looked at Xia Xia and asked. He wanted to kill Xia Xia because he was afraid that Ling'er would be alone below. Since Ling'er likes Xia Xia so much, he killed Xia Xia to accompany Ling'er. Bar.

"Submit!" Xia Tian had no right to disapprove.

Because Ling'er died for him, even if he lost his life, it should be.

"Go ahead." Wei Xiao said directly.

Those wild beasts walked directly to Xia Xia, they didn't rush over, they wanted to leave Xia Xia with the last bit of dignity.

"Wait!" At this moment, a blood man climbed up from the bottom of Tianling Mountain.

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