The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1847: hunting party

Summer denial!

Anyone can see that the woman's aggressive attitude is definitely not to be provoked. Maybe Bishop Cao owes others money, or runs away after sleeping. If so, it won't be summer yet.

"Huh? I don't know? I don't know why you are walking with him. I have asked the person guarding the teleportation formation just now, and he said that the two of you went out of the teleportation formation together." The woman looked at Xia Xia coldly and said.

"Uh, is this, it happened, it just happened." Xia Xia said directly without any hesitation.

"But the people in the teleportation array said that you also shot Bishop Sun of the Holy Virtue Hall." The woman said slowly.

When he heard this, Xia Xia thought about how to deal with this problem again in his mind: "It's like this, I was just passing by, yes, I was passing by, and then that person found fault, so I hit that person. "

"Is that so?" The woman looked at Xia Xia suspiciously.

"That's right, that's it." Summer said solemnly.

Seeing Xia Xia's appearance, the woman even began to doubt what she had deduced before. When she went to chase Bishop Cao, she didn't catch it, so she went to the nearest teleportation array. This inquiry really came out, saying Bishop Cao walked with a man, and after comparing the front and back, she focused on Xia Xia.

But now when she heard Xia Xia's words, she also began to suspect that she had found the wrong person.

"Okay." The woman nodded, then stood up.


When Xia Xia saw that the woman was about to leave, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, the woman sat down again and glared at Xia Xia: "How dare you lie to me."

"Huh? I didn't lie to you." Xia Xia said solemnly, he pretended to be very similar, and Xia Xia's current feature is that I won't admit it.

"You are lying to me." The woman said viciously.

"I didn't lie to you, I don't know that Bishop Cao." Xia Xia said.

"You said you didn't know him, so how did you know he was Bishop Cao?" the woman asked.

"You said it just now." Xia Xia hurriedly covered up. When he said the three words of Bishop Cao, he also knew that it was broken, and he must have been exposed.

"I didn't say it, what I said was Cao Yaqian." The woman was very sure that she was definitely talking about Cao Yaqian, not Bishop Cao.

"Really? Then I just listened to what Bishop Sun said. It should be like this." Xia Xia was still trying his best to hide it. He didn't want to admit that if the woman was really a debt of love, then he would be miserable.

"What you said seems to make sense. Well, forget it this time. If I find out that you dare to lie to me, then I will tear your mouth apart." The woman said very violently.

Only women and villains are difficult to raise.

This is the feeling of summer from the heart.

"Look, the hunting team is back." At this moment, someone shouted.

When they heard this voice, everyone turned to the door.

"Boss, serve me good wine and good meat." A group of people shouted loudly.

"Come on." The boss said very politely.

"Strong men, is there any good news?" Someone suddenly asked.

"Hey, don't mention it, the spies who sneaked in in the demon world are too cunning, we are already about to catch them, but unfortunately there are not enough spirit stones to arrange the formation in the end, we can only watch them escape. Yes," said one of the players.

"Strong man, you said earlier about the lack of spirit stone, isn't it enough for everyone to have some!" Someone said.

"We don't want to take the money of our folks, it's our duty to eradicate the spies of the demon world, but it's really a pity this time. If we can set up that super trap, we'll be able to catch those spies. We are going to suffer the people of the Lower Three Realms again. Those guys kill innocent people everywhere. They don’t leave people and animals behind. They kill whatever they see, and they even insult women. I heard that they even kill sows a few days ago. Don't let it go, they are a group of crazy guys." Another person from the hunting team said.

"Then hurry up and catch him, otherwise we will all suffer." Someone hurriedly said.

"This time we came back to find a way to get some spirit stones, and then go to catch them." said the hunter team.

"Strong men, the wine and meat are here, let go and eat, if you don't have enough, say it, it's all mine." The boss said very politely.

Although I only listened to a few words, I summed it up in the summer. The prestige of these hunting teams is very high. Secondly, they are all bragging. When I heard them describe their father's face and the sows just now, he Almost didn't go up and strangle these bastards.

"Strong man, if you need Lingshi, everyone can raise money. If there are so many people in the Lower Three Realms, if every city can take out that's not a small number."

"Hey, it's a pity, other cities don't have the consciousness of our Cancer City, and if you want to set up a big formation to trap them, you will need a lot of spirit stones." The hunter team said.

Xia Xia understood it this time. These so-called hunting team members made it clear that they were cheating, eating, drinking, and deceiving spirit stones, but he couldn't understand why the people in Cancer City believed so much in the hunting team.

"No matter how many spirit stones we have, we'll get them. When the time comes, let the people from Cancer City donate spirit stones together. What happened last time must never happen again, and we can't let them harm us any more." Those people suddenly shouted loudly. shouted.

Xia Xia has been observing these people, and he found that the corners of the hunters' mouths rose slightly when they heard these words, obviously it was a tricky scheme to succeed.

"Hmph, I can't listen anymore, I'm leaving." The woman who was looking for Bishop Cao obviously knew that these people were cheating food, drink, and spirit stones.

"Huh?" Hearing the woman's words, the members of the hunting team all looked at the woman: "Little girl, what do you mean?"

"It's no fun, I have a problem with my ears, I can't hear dirty things." After the woman finished speaking, she was about to go outside.

"Stop!" Hearing his words, the people of the hunting team immediately shouted.

"If you tell me to stop, I will stop? What do you think you are?" The woman said without looking back.

"Damn, stop her." The people from the hunting team shouted, and then the people around blocked the exit directly.

"Hurry up and apologize to the people in the hunting team, or we won't let you out." The people around shouted loudly. The image of the hunting team in their minds was very tall, and no one was allowed to insult.

"What if I don't apologize?" The woman's face turned cold, and then a whip appeared in her hand.

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