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Chapter 1848: Ghost Pearl

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"Hmph, how dare you talk to the hero like that, we won't let you go without an apology," said the people.

"Heroes, what kind of heroes are they? Did they capture people back, or did they kill them? They didn't do anything. You actually believed that they were heroes, and they asked for money. Which hero hasn't caught someone yet and came back to brag about it? I'll ask for money at once." The woman said with disdain.

"What you said is wrong. People have already said that the formation requires spirit stones." Those people are still justifying the hunting team.

"Okay, you are willing to be fooled, you are free to let me go, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." The woman waved the whip in her hand and said.

"Little girl, because you are a girl, as long as you apologize now, I will not embarrass you." The people of the hunting team said very aggressively, and they assumed the attitude of a superior.

"I'm lazy and ignore you." The woman waved the whip in her hand after she finished speaking.

The moment she swung her whip, the whole whip changed dramatically. The whip seemed to turn into a red, long red, and stretched out more than ten meters at once, directly whipping everyone who stood in the doorway. After flying out, even Xia Xia was stunned to see such a scene.

The first reaction of "treasures" in summer is treasures.

And it's not an ordinary treasure, but he immediately reacted, "No, even a treasure can't have such great power."

In summer, I really can't see through the strength of women.

The strongest person in Cancer City is the master of Siding. Although Xia Xia believes that his strength is not bad, it is absolutely impossible to compare with the master of Siding.

"Could this woman be a master of four tripods?" Xia Tian was shocked when he thought of this.

"Humph." The woman snorted coldly, and then walked out directly. No one dared to stop her again. What a joke, the woman obviously didn't want to kill them just now, otherwise it wouldn't be as simple as taking them away just now. , but killed them all directly.

"It's amazing." Xia Tian secretly said, fortunately, he didn't provoke this woman just now, otherwise, his fate can be imagined.

The woman just walked out of the tavern under the watchful eyes of the public. Xia Xia saw that she was gone, and continued to drink his own wine, but as soon as he started drinking, he found that the atmosphere in the tavern was not right, because all of them suddenly looked at him.

"And him, he's with the girl just now." I don't know who shouted, and everyone rushed towards Xia Xia.

"Fuck" Xia Tian felt that he was really lying down and was shot. He was drinking his own wine, but the other party actually said that he was with the girl just now. Obviously they couldn't beat the girl, so they turned around. Come to bully Summer.

They are using summer as soft persimmons.

"Catch him." For a while, the attacks of those people had all come to Xia Xia's side.

"You win." Xia Tian jumped out of the window after saying that.

Later, the upgraded version of Manyun Xianbu began to be used by him to escape. After a while, those people found that they couldn't catch up, so they all gave up and had to go back to the tavern.

"Huhu, I'm scared to death." Xia Xia breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked directly outside. He was going to the mountains, because there was King Qi's underground palace there. Although the seal of King Qi's underground palace has not been fully opened, but It was almost time, so he was going there now.

On the way, he took out the thing, the thing the pale man had put on him.

He was being chased by the Five Elements Ghosts, so he was forced to put things on his body. Will the treasures that can be chased by the Five Elements Ghosts be ordinary treasures?

"Hey" Xia Tian took out a bead. When he took out the bead, he found that the bead was actually filled with soul bodies. These soul bodies were very powerful. , but the level is definitely not low.

see-through, open

Summer instantly opened his own perspective.

"So many ghosts." Xia Xia discovered that there were hundreds of ghosts trapped in this small bead, and the strength of these ghosts was not low.


This is the ghost weapon recorded in the Tianling Mountain classics.

This kind of thing is made from ghosts. Ghosts are very difficult to refine, but the same power is also very powerful. The souls in this ghost are all captured by the refiners, trapping them in the ghost. Zhong Xun drives himself, of course, if you want to drive this ghost weapon, you must first let him recognize the master.


The method of identifying the master of a ghost weapon is blood.

So Xia Tian directly dripped his blood on the ghost weapon. When his blood dripped on the ghost weapon, a powerful soul attack directly hit his soul.

"Hmph, just because you want to attack my soul." Xia Xia's soul is very powerful.

The third profound meaning of the technique of the Eight Qi is annihilated.

The soul attack that attacked Xia Xia directly shattered.

At this time, Xia Xia finally understood why the man was so pale and did not use the ghost weapon, because he was attacked by the ghost weapon when he wanted the ghost weapon to recognize the master, so his face was so ugly. Because of this, he couldn't use this ghost weapon.

When Xia Xia wiped out that soul attack, there was unwillingness on the beads, but she could only surrender to Xia Xia.

Ghost Pearl.

Ability to use ghosts to attack.

The strongest profound meaning of the Hundred Ghosts Night Banquet, where hundreds of ghosts are released to hunt for food. At this time, they will use all the enemies in front of them as food and hunt them down.

"It's so strong." When he saw this, Xia Xia's face suddenly burst into He didn't expect such a powerful ghost weapon to be delivered by someone else.

"n,n,d, am I being possessed by a greedy wolf?" Xia Xia said in surprise.

He himself felt so incredible that someone put this ghost weapon on him, although the other party may just want to put it on him temporarily, and then find an opportunity to take it away, but since the treasure has now fallen into Xia Xia's hands Well, that summer will naturally not be given to others.

"By the way, what level of ghosts are there?" Xia Xia hurriedly went to check the ghosts in the Ghost Spirit Pearl.

"Uh, there are ninety-five Sanding ghosts, four Siding ghosts, and one that doesn't obey orders, obviously a more powerful ghost." When he saw that he could control so many powerful ghosts, Xia Xia was simply too much. excited.

He had just arrived in the Lower Three Realms, and he was worried about his ability to save his life. He didn't expect that the ability to save his life would be delivered to his door by himself.

"Ow, little mortal, dare to control me." At this moment, the disobedient ghost in the Ghost Spirit Pearl shouted loudly.

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