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Chapter 1987: Legend 5 Emperor

Five emperors.

The five strongest masters in the spiritual world were also the ones who overthrew the native empire.

These five masters are all big names.

But Xia Xia only heard of King Yu, because the Lower Three Realms he was in was the area under the management of King Yu, and the other four emperors also had their own management areas of the Lower Three Realms, the Middle Three Realms and the Upper Three Realms.

"The first emperor of the five emperors is King Yu, who is recognized as the head of the five emperors." King Qi also said with great admiration. Although he is also a master, compared with King Yu, he is still a lot worse.

"By the way, you have also lived for more than a thousand years, what state are you in now." Xia Xia is also familiar with King Qi now, so there is no need to have too many taboos when speaking.

Otherwise, King Qi would think he was a little contrived.

"Haha, although I have lived for more than a thousand years, in fact, I have only practiced for forty years. During those thousand years, we all fell into a deep sleep. Our cultivation has a great effect, but our realm has not improved, what it was a thousand years ago is what it is now, my current realm is Wuding." King Qi said.

Hearing King Qi's words, Xia Tian silently gave a thumbs up.

King Qi actually cultivated to Wuding in only forty years. I have to say that this is definitely a super genius.

Even Xia Xia didn't believe that he could reach the Five Ding Realm at the age of forty.

"Hatred is always the biggest motivation for cultivation." King Qi smiled slightly, obviously he was very satisfied with Xia Xia's response.

"Haha." Xia Xia also agreed with King Qi's point of view.

"Your talent is also the most terrifying I have ever seen. When I saw you last time, I found that you have two powers in your body. When you found out that you were actually at the ninth rank of the third tripod, it took only more than two years to change from the second tripod to the ninth rank of the third tripod.

"Luck is just luck." Xia Xia said embarrassedly.

"Okay, let's not talk, the number one of the five emperors is King Yu, and the fifth one of the five emperors is called Emperor Yan Dan. He is the prince of the Yan Kingdom on Earth, Dan, who came to the spiritual world after the fall of the Yan Kingdom, and is now very powerful. "King Qi said the fifth person.

Yan Dan.

Prince Dan of the State of Yan.

"Isn't he dead?" Xia Xia always thought that Yan Dan was dead after Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, but he didn't expect Yan Dan to be alive.

Not only alive, but also became the strongest group of people in the spiritual world.

"Your history records that he died, but who can tell what happened thousands of years ago?" King Qi asked back.

"Yeah." Xia Xia nodded silently. History was read from historical books and speculated by experts. In fact, even people who lived in that era might not be able to fully understand it.

Emperor Yandan!

The five emperors of the spiritual world are ranked last. Although his ranking is only the last, it is also relative to the people of the other five emperors. For ordinary people like Xia Xia, they are still high and high emperors.

"Emperor Yan Dan is a very remarkable being. He is a super legend. It is said that his cultivation life was full of ups and downs. Fortunately, he has always had a helper, the legendary Jing Ke." King Qi was obviously He admires Emperor Yan Dan very much. Every time he mentions Emperor Yan Dan, his face is full of admiration.

"Jing Ke? Is it the one who assassinated King Qin Yingzheng in history?" Xia Xia said in surprise.

"That's right, even when I was a child, I heard his story. He was a super expert. After he came to the spiritual world, if it wasn't for him, Emperor Yan Dan would have died. I don't know how many times, Emperor Yan Dan would have died. He is righteous and his friends are all over the world, but he has also been betrayed by his friends, and was almost killed by his own friends several times. Even if only his friends came to him, he would go there. He is a benevolent and righteous person. The person I admire most in my life." What King Qi admired most was Emperor Yan Dan's kindness and righteousness, he only hated that he was born late, otherwise he would have gone to conquer the world with King Yan Dan.

Let's explore this huge spiritual world together.

"People of benevolence and righteousness are indeed worthy of respect." Xia Xia admitted that he could not achieve the level of Yan Dan. He was attacked by Xuechang and almost died at the hands of Abao. Although Xuechang was not killed by him, he estimated that Xuechang must have been killed by the old Tianling.

"Well, although Emperor Yan Dan is the bottom of the five emperors, if he waved his arms, I am afraid that all the masters in the world will come to support." King Qi did not doubt the prestige and reputation of Emperor Yan Dan at all, at least as long as If he can rush over, then he will definitely swear to serve Emperor Yan Dan to the death.

"I have heard a legend about Emperor Yan Dan. It is said that Emperor Yan Dan killed a large family by himself for a new brother. That family can be comparable to the size of a city. The strength of that big family is It was very terrifying, but Emperor Yan Dan didn't have the slightest fear. The first thing he said after he went was 'Either let my brother go, or I don't plan to leave alive today.' You can imagine the scene at that time. Is it? Fighting against millions of people alone, and saying that I don't plan to leave alive today, this is a joke in the eyes of the other party, but then Emperor Yan Dan let them see what a man is." King Qi said with great admiration. , Although he had not seen the battle at the time, he could imagine the scene at that time.

"One person versus one million and it's still a big family, this is too scary." Xia Xia can imagine the situation at that time.

"Emperor Yan Dan held the battle axe in both hands, he did not dodge or dodge at all, so he rushed into the big family. He went for that sentence, he did not plan to go out alive at all, and no one knew what he killed. How many people, anyway, he shocked everyone in that big family. Later, no one in that big family dared to step forward. Everyone knows that if you go up, you will die. Although Emperor Yan Dan has already had thousands of wounds , but still no one dared to step forward, and in the end, the family could only send experts to kill Emperor Yan Dan." King Qi paused when he said this, and took a sip of tea.

"Then what?" Xia Tian hurriedly asked.

He has been listening more and more fascinated.

"Then Emperor Yan Dan almost died. Although he was strong, he was seriously injured, and the masters in that big family were all very powerful. In the end, Jing Ke brought the brothers who Emperor Yan Dan had helped before. , but those people add up to only more than a thousand people." King Qi said here, looking at Xia Xia; "Guess what those people said."


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