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Chapter 1988: emperor legend

"It won't be." A look of surprise appeared on Xia Xia's face.

"That's right, it's the sentence that Emperor Yan Dan said just now, 'Either let my brother go, or I don't plan to leave alive today'. It's shocking enough for a person to say this, and it appears again at this time. These thousand people are completely life-threatening, and the big family finally compromised and can only let them go." This is what King Qi admires Yan Dan the most.

Yan Dandi was a man who would do anything for his brother.

It is precisely because of this that those brothers and friends can risk life and death for him.

"Well, such a person is my word, and I am willing to shout that sentence." Xia Xia nodded, if he was one of the thousand people at that time, he would definitely shout the same thing.

"Haha, maybe I admire Emperor Yan Dan too much, and I have said too much here." King Qi smiled apologetically.

"It's okay, I like listening to it very much. At least you let me hear the story of a man of righteousness, so if I have a chance to see Emperor Yan Dan in the future, I will have a good drink with him." He said that there are not many people he admires, and from now on, Emperor Yan Dan is one of them.

"Okay, then I'll tell you about Izanagi who is number four, I don't like this man very much, he once had a chance to save his lover, but he became ugly, dirty and dirty because of his lover. Disgusting, and directly pushed his lover to the door of death, he has three strongest sons, named Susanoo, Amaterasu and Tsukimi." King Qi's expression changed greatly, he was talking about When Emperor Yan Dan, his face was full of admiration and admiration.

But when he mentioned Izanagi, his face was full of contempt.

Some even looked down on this so-called one of the five emperors.

"Izanagi, isn't that the great **** of the island country." Xia Xia remembered that this Izanagi was recorded in the myth of the island country.

"Yes, now they are called islanders. In the beginning, the island country was married freely. He also took his own sister, and then the children he gave birth married his own brothers and sisters. It can be said to be extremely chaotic. Later, Xu Fu from the Qin State came to the island country. Since then, the number of the island country began to increase rapidly, and the rate of increase was very fast. At that time, they were all for having children. Only if a woman is not pregnant, there will be many men. Line up there to get them pregnant." King Qi felt even more disgusted when he said this.

He is disgusting from the heart.

He and that kind of thing are simply perverted.

In the summer, I didn't expect that the islanders would actually multiply like this.

"I don't mention him anymore, I feel disgusted when I mention him. By the way, there is an empire belonging to them near Qiwangcheng. It's called the Sun Empire. It seems that the sun belongs to them." King Qi really said from He hated the islanders in his heart, so he didn't control his emotions at all, and he said as bad as it sounded.

Naturally, I don't like islanders in summer.

However, the island country has been miserable enough by him, and it is estimated that it should not be able to continue to appear on the world stage within a few hundred years.

"Haha, let's talk about the next one." Xia Xia could also see how much King Qi hated the islanders, so he didn't continue to ask about Izanagi.

"Well, the person who ranks third among the five emperors is called Emperor Xiang Yu. He is an overlord. The existence of overlords is very powerful. It is said that no one can catch his full blow. He is a born overlord and also enters the spiritual world. The one that developed the most smoothly after that, he passed all the way, his strength increased rapidly, and he was domineering in all directions, and the average opponent felt his domineering. : "Do you think it's a little weird, because your history records that the overlord killed himself on the Wujiang River."

King Qi has investigated a lot of information about the earth in the past two years, and naturally he also knows that Wu Jiang committed suicide in the earth textbook.

"Yeah, after the Qin State was destroyed, Chu and Han fought each other, and finally Chu State was defeated. The men of Han King Liu Bang forced Xiang Yu and Wujiang to commit suicide. This is clearly recorded in the history books." Absolutely recorded in history.

"Who wrote history?" King Qi asked.

"Victor, ah, I understand." Xia Xia suddenly realized that he really shouldn't have died in a place like Wujiang with his strength back then, but Xiang Yu's reputation was too great back then, and if Xiang Yu didn't die, there would definitely be Xiao Xiao who planned to use it. The reputation of the encounter came back again. In order to avoid the misdeeds of those people, Liu Bang, the king of Han, declared that the overlord Xiang Yu had committed suicide by Wujiang.

"That's right, just as you think, when the overlord was defeated, he no longer has the heart to continue to fight the world, and his most beloved woman really died, so he began to comprehend martial arts, and finally got the Tao and flew to the spiritual world, come. After arriving in the spiritual world, he is still the overlord, his growth path is not as tortuous as that of Emperor Yan Dan, but smooth and smooth, everyone, either surrender to him or die, he entered the Dao with hegemony." King Qi said.

He didn't have much evaluation of Xiang Yu, nor did he like it or not.

"Into Dao with domineering?" Xia Xia didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

"That's right, he is the only person in the entire spiritual world who is domineering, and he is also the most domineering person in the entire spiritual world. Even in the face of the other five emperors, he is also domineering." King Qi explained patiently.

"Isn't the relationship between the five emperors very good?" Xia Xia suddenly asked. The five emperors united together and overthrew the rule of the local people. Xia Xia always thought they were five good brothers. Later, when they heard what King Qi said, they knew that they were not. Brother, when he heard this, he realized that he seemed to think too simply.

"When I finish talking about the second-ranked person, you'll know what their relationship should be like." King Qi smiled slightly.

At this time, he had already mentioned the first-ranked Emperor Yu, the fifth-ranked Emperor Yandan, the fourth-ranked Izanagi, and the third-ranked Emperor Xiang Yu. There were naturally not many first-ranked Emperors of Yu. Said, because the entire Lower Three Realms are full of legends about him, and the fifth-ranked Emperor Yan Dan is the most benevolent and righteous person, the fourth-ranked Izanagi is the ancestor of the island people, and the third-ranked overlord Xiang Yu Emperor He is a person who has given full play to his domineering after coming to the spiritual world. As for the second-ranked person, he has not yet said.

"Who is the second-ranked person?" Xia Xia hurriedly asked.


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