The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1989: What is dream

The second person.

This summer is also very much looking forward to this person.

Because King Qi also said just now that as long as he named the person who ranked second, he would understand the situation between the five emperors in the summer.

"The second-ranked person is called Emperor Qin Yingzheng!" King Qi said directly.

"What!" Xia Tian's mouth opened wide when he heard this person's name.

He actually heard Qin Shi Huang's name.

The first emperor of China, Qin Shihuang, he finally understood why King Qi said that when he heard the name, he would know the situation between the five emperors, because Qin Shihuang was the link between these people.

Qin Shi Huang destroyed the state of Yan, which means that Emperor Yan Dan's country was destroyed by Emperor Yingzheng.

Emperor Yan Dan must have hated Emperor Qin to the core.

The overlord Xiang Yu directly destroyed the super empire built by Qin Shi Huang, Ying Zheng.

Therefore, Emperor Ying Zheng of Qin Shi Huang must have hated the overlord Xiang Yu as well.

That is to say, the relationship between the five of them may be very bad.

"How did they get together in such a relationship? And how could they have never fought now?" Xia Xia was most curious about this question.

According to normal circumstances, they should be mortal enemies, but the mortal enemies can still unite.

"Unity is for survival, and the reason why we haven't fought so far is because of the existence of King Yu. King Yu has checked and balanced the four of them. King Yu said that no matter who starts a war, he will not watch it, and whoever takes the initiative When the war begins, he will unite with other people to destroy anyone." King Qi explained.

King Yu was the number one among the five emperors.

With his checks and balances, these four super perverted masters have no infighting.

Once they fight within each other, the entire Human World will be bloodshed.

"Speaking of which, King Yu is still my savior. If he hadn't figured out a way to help me avoid the catastrophe, then my subordinates and I would have been bombarded by the catastrophe long ago. We killed too many people." King Qi thinks about it now and feels lucky, if it wasn't for King Yu, he would have died long ago.

"Have you seen King Yu?" Xia Xia asked, looking at King Qi in surprise.

"I met once. He heard about what I did in the Lower Three Realms. He thought that I had contributed a lot to the outsiders, so he helped me." King Qi nodded.

"But why did King Yu come to the Lower Three Realms?" Xia Xia was even more puzzled.

Logically speaking, King Yu should not come to a place like the Lower Three Realms.

"I was also curious at the time, so I just asked casually, he said it was to secure the seal of an old monster, and King Yu revealed it, let me see the strange seal, don't rush in, once the old monster is released, Even King Yu has no chance of defeating him." King Qi didn't know what King Yu's words meant, so he didn't ask any more questions, but he only knew one thing, the Lower Three Realms should be some old monster sealed. , but he didn't think he would be able to touch that seal, so he didn't care too much.

"Secure the seal of the old monster." Xia Xia's forehead was covered with black lines.

He already knew who that old monster was, and it was the old madman sealed in Tianling Mountain.

The old lunatic was sealed there for more than 2,000 years. It turned out that King Yu went to reinforce him once. This shows how terrifying the old lunatic's strength is.

At this time, he had already vaguely guessed the identity of the old lunatic.

Local experts.

The old madman is definitely a local super master. In order to overthrow the local people, King Yu sealed the old madman, a super monster.

But now the old madman has passed on his strongest ability, the Immortal Technique, to Xia Xia, but it is a pity that Xia Xia has not yet comprehended its essence.

"The so-called Jinghuashuiyue is the place where some local masters were sealed. Those local masters finally hid with all their wealth, and that place is Jinghuashuiyue. No one knows where Jinghuashuiyue is, not even the five emperors. The last position of Jinghua Shuiyue can only be found by collecting all nine keys of Jinghua Shuiyue." King Qi explained.

"Oh, it turns out that there is such a big secret hidden in Jinghua Shuiyue." Xia Tian suddenly realized.

He also thought that the so-called Jinghuashuiyue was just an ordinary treasure, but now, it is obviously not as simple as he imagined.

"Well, the people who know this secret are people who have lived for more than a thousand years. This history is called black history, so there will be no records in ordinary books. After all, this is not a glorious thing. "King Qi nodded slightly, then began to drink tea.

Also drink tea in summer.

Unconsciously, the two had been chatting for a long time, but Xia Xia didn't feel bored at all.

"Xiamen, what is your dream?" King Qi had long regarded Xia Xia as a peer, rather than looking at Xia Xia as a king.

But he asked the famous saying of Wang Erji, the dream mentor in China's famous show "The Voice of China": What is your dream.

"Haha!" Summer suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" King Qi asked in confusion.

"Nothing, nothing." Xia Xia knew that even if he explained it, he couldn't explain it, so he hurriedly changed the subject: "My dream, my dream is to protect my relatives and friends, and then be happy with them. Live together, and I want to go back to Earth, which is my home after all."

"Hahahaha!" King Qi suddenly laughed out loud What happened? Xia Xia looked at King Qi with a puzzled face.

"You don't have to think about going back to Earth, even King Yu has no ability to go back, because the Earth can't hold such a powerful life form, which is why the strength will soar when it reaches a certain level. Of course, there may be One day you really become an existence beyond King Yu, then maybe you will have the opportunity to return to Earth in the future, but have you ever thought about whether your relatives and friends also want to return to Earth to live a good life? They think, can they have the same talent as you? Even if you have the strength to return to Earth one day, do they have it too? As long as they are still in the spiritual world, then you want to keep them safe and protect them They, then you must have that strength." King Qi looked at Xia Xia very seriously: "For example, if I want to kill your relatives and friends now, can you stop me?"

"I can't stop it!" Summer shook his head.

"Yes, you can't stop it, so you can temporarily change your dream and say something closer." King Qi said.

"Near, that is."


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