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Chapter 1997: law enforcement lord

"The Empire of the Sun?" Xia Xia frowned.

"Yes, we are here at the junction of the Sun Empire and Qi Wangcheng. Although the Sun Empire has not dared to attack Qi Wangcheng directly, their people have already begun to carry out terrain exploration and personnel information here." Qi Wang nodded. He knew that the Sun Empire would definitely not dare to attack this place head-on.

After all, the reputation of King Qi's army is still there.

Even if they are very powerful now, they can't compare with the Daxing Empire back then.

Therefore, they will not do it until they find out the true strength of Qi Wangfu.

"Does the Sun Empire dare to attack your Qi Wangcheng? You have the most sophisticated equipment here." Xia Xia didn't understand what Qi Wang was worried about.

"Weapons are always dead. Never think that you can relax if you have the strongest weapon. The enemy may kill you in unexpected ways. This is carelessness and underestimation of the enemy." King Qi said lightly.

"You're right, but I think the Sun Empire doesn't have the courage for the time being." Xia Xia said.

"Well, after the auction, I will let the brothers of Prince Qi's Mansion live in the West City, and then let them stabilize first. No matter what happens outside, Prince Qi City is just watching the battle and won't go out to assist any party. , but once someone provokes our King Qi City, don't blame me for being rude." King Qi said coldly.

Qiwangcheng is the comfort zone he created for the brothers.

He does not allow anyone to destroy this comfort zone.

After the brothers in Qi Wangcheng have completely stabilized and fully adapt to this world, he will go to fulfill his brother's last wish.

"Well, I hope so." Summer nodded.

"From today onwards, I am the city lord, you are the deputy city lord, and you are also the law enforcement city lord of Qi Wangcheng. You have the right to punish anyone who makes a mistake." Qi Wang gritted his teeth and said, what he was most worried about was human life, although He knew that until a few people died, his subordinates might not be able to live honestly.

But he really didn't want human life to happen.

After all, these brothers had been born and died with him for so many years, and they had also slept with him for thousands of years.

"Okay, it seems that I'm not a good deputy city lord." Xia Xia frowned.

He must make those outsiders believe that they will be protected in King Qi City, and he must also surround the old brothers of King Qi so that they will not be wronged.

So the position of the deputy mayor sounds good.

But it's really hard to do.

"Okay, let's go, I will announce this matter to the public. You may be quiet for the time being, and I will be busy recently." King Qi understood that he had to make this clear to the brothers. things, but also to disperse this endless family wealth.

"Well, this kind of thing is really embarrassing, but it's up to you." Xia Xia said and went outside.

He knew the pressure of King Qi.

Those people in Qi Wang's mansion are not weak.

Once they leave the Qi Prince's Mansion, they will be like wild horses running wild, and maybe they will do something.

Once they kill whoever is unhappy, or whoever accidentally offends them and kills, then Qiwangcheng will soon panic. Even if they don't kill many people, everyone will panic because they came out of Qiwangfu. They represent the entire Qi Wangfu.

At that time, the Qiwangcheng, which had finally developed, was about to become a no-man's land again.

Moreover, the people outside will be even more afraid of the people in the Qi Palace, and they will be isolated and even united by other people to deal with it.

These people in Prince Qi's Mansion are very united. Once some of them die, many people may immediately unite to take revenge.

It may be very small friction at the beginning, but a little bit can lead to a big war.

This is also the main reason why King Qi has not dared to let them out until now.

"Xiamen, it's been hard work." King Qi looked at Xia Xia and said.

Although he may be very busy recently, compared with the summer, he will be very relaxed in the future. On the contrary, the summer may be very relaxed recently, but once the auction is over, the summer will be completely busy.

After the summer comes out, go directly outside.

"Brother Xia, we can go now!" The captain of the City Guard hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"I can go, you should wait a while." Xia Xia smiled at the commander-in-chief, and then walked out of Qi Wangfu. He didn't go to the sedan again, but left directly at his speed. He wants to All you do is get back to the repair shop and go into a retreat.

He is now carrying a huge treasure.

There are so many things that need to be repaired by him. If he can repair all those things, then his Item Refining and Repairing skills will be significantly improved, and even his spiritual power will increase sharply.

The commander-in-chief of the city guards had been standing there.

After a while, Qi Lao came.

"Old Qi." The commander-in-chief of the City Guard said respectfully.

"To announce one thing, from today, Xia Xia will be the deputy city lord of King Qi City, and he will also be the law enforcement city lord of King Qi City, and the highest law enforcer in King Qi City." Qi Lao said directly.

"What!" The commander-in-chief of the City Guard looked at Old Qi with an unbelievable face.

He was a little surprised to hear the news just now, and he hasn't recovered yet, he needs to digest this matter.

This thing is really terrifying.

Just now, he was called Brother Xia Xia, but now Xia Xia has become the deputy city lord of King Qi City.

High above.

"Remember, treat him with respect in the future, even if I see him, I must salute." Qi Lao looked at the commander-in-chief of the City Guards very seriously, not angry and Yes! I have long discovered that City Lord Xia is not a mortal, ****************, a dragon that changes in the face of the situation. "The captain of the city guards said in surprise. Before he came to Qiwangcheng, he was still making up his mind whether to bring Xia Xia or not. If Qi Lao was not happy, he would also be implicated.

But he did not resist the temptation of money.

So he brought Xia Xia, but he did not expect that after bringing Xia Xia, he was called away by the city lord, and after this day's time came out, Xia Xia became the deputy city lord of Qi Wangcheng.

"Oops, I charged him so much money. Now that he is the deputy city lord, he will definitely come to trouble me. No, I have to send the money back immediately, and even more." The commander-in-chief said anxiously.

The interior of the Qi Wang Mansion at this time.

Ten figures stood there straight.

"King Qi, have you decided? If you do this, it is very likely that you will become an unkind and unjust person."


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