The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1998: Top 10 Elders' Intentions

"I just want my brothers to live a good life." King Qi said.

"Do you think that kid can do it? Does he have that ability? He is just a person with only the strength of the third-order ninth order." One of the old men asked.

"I believe in my vision, I will never see the wrong person." King Qi said in a flat tone.

"King Qi, you have to understand, some of us old guys can understand you, but the brothers can't think of what you think, and once the brothers make trouble, can that kid just rely on the name of a law enforcement city lord. Calm down the brothers? He is a third-order ninth-order kid, even if he has any trump cards, he can defeat the fourth-order first-order, the fourth-order second-order, and even the fourth-order third-order, so what can he do?" The old man keep asking.

"He opened the fake. Shooting the sun bow." King Qi said slowly.

When they heard King Qi's words, all the ten people's faces were filled with incredible expressions.


"I said he opened the fake. Shooting the sun bow." King Qi said again.

"How is this possible? Pseudo. No one other than Ye Fan can pull the Sun-shooting bow, so how did he do it?" The old man asked in astonishment.

pseudo. Sun-shooting bow.

This weapon is what they fear most.

They don't know the secret of pulling this weapon, they only know that they can't pull it away.

Even, they once thought that apart from Ye Fan, there was no other person to pull away.

Know to pull the pseudo. Only the dead Ye Fan and King Qi are the only ones who need the spirit of a king to shoot the sun bow. Now Xia Xia knows it. Except for the three of them, no one else in this world knows about it.

Even King Qi knew about it before Ye Fan died.

If he had known the pseudo. If the secret of the archery bow, he would never let Ye Fan pull the last arrow.

Even these ten elders don't know how to open the fake. What conditions do you need to shoot the sun bow?

"He did it. When Ye Fan asked me to find a new owner for the archery bow, I said at the time that no matter who can pull this bow, I will give it to him, since it is opened in summer Now, I have already given him this bow, do you think he has the ability to restrain his brothers now?" King Qi stared at the ten old men in front of him.

Didn't he say he could hold ten of you down?

Because he is giving face to these ten people.

The ten of them are the easiest people to riot, because they are all five cauldron masters.

"King Qi, are you doing this worthy of the brothers?" An old man finally couldn't help but ask. Before, they could always push things on the brothers, but at this moment they heard falsehood. At the moment of the sunset magic, all ten of them panicked.

That weapon was the nightmare of their life.

They never wanted to be the enemy of that weapon.

Before they thought that they and others could not draw the bow, then no one in this world could draw the bow again, and then no one could restrain them.

But now, summer can actually pull that bow.

This is telling them that Summer is the one who has the ability to kill them.

"I said that everything I do is for the sake of my brothers, ten elders, I know that you are not willing to stay in this small Qiwangcheng, and want to lay down another territory, but have you thought about it? The reason why we were able to win back then was because we had faith in our hearts, the faith of revenge, and the brothers could hold on to it, but if we go to war again, then we are aggressors, we are villains, and there is no support for faith , then we are killing machines." King Qi's words directly opened up the matter between him and the ten elders.

"Hey! King Qi, you are worthy of being our king. You can see through our ideas as soon as you go, and you have gone one step further than us, forcing us to submit. We really did not see you wrong." An elder sighed. Said in one breath.

"Ten elders, I have paved two paths for you now. The first one is to develop well in Xicheng and live a life that everyone envies. Others are short of money, and we have no shortage of people from the Qi Palace. After entering the Qi Palace, everyone is a rich man, and they can try their best to be rich; the second way is to cultivate hard, and strive to one day be able to go to the Middle Three Realms and pursue the highest realm of martial arts. You can choose. As for continuing to conquer the world, it is absolutely No." King Qi looked at the ten elders with cold eyes.

"King Qi, don't you really want to be the king of the Lower Three Realms?" The faces of the ten elders were all unwilling.

"I don't want to die anymore, ten elders, you should think about your brothers, yes, as long as I raise my arm, my brothers will definitely follow me to conquer the world, but if we fight again, can we still win? How many of the 100,000 brothers are left in the end? Back then, when we fought against the Daxing Empire, we had the right time and place, but now?" King Qi asked the ten elders.

"King Qi, we have 10 million top-level equipment, we can recruit troops again and create our own empire." One of the elders said very excitedly.

Ten of them advocated the creation of a new empire.

On the other hand, King Qi hoped that the brothers would live a good life and live a stable life.

"Let go of the brothers." King Qi said helplessly.

"King Qi, ten of us can't beat you, otherwise you will kill us, or you will not stop us, we all understand that you are indeed for our good, but we also have the right to choose our own lives, After we go out, we will not use the name of King Qi's mansion, we will create our own new forces, you can rest assured that if King Qi's city is in trouble one day, we will still be part of King Qi's city." The elder said firmly, the other ten The elders nodded at the same time.

"Okay, anxious brothers, whoever wants to follow you, then I have said that, except for the auction and construction of King Qi's City, all the others will be divided equally." King Qi said.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three huge bells spread throughout the entire Qiwangcheng.

The entire Qiwangcheng could hear the three bells ringing.

No one knew the meaning of the bell, but they all knew that something big must have happened, because the bell came from the palace of Qi Wang.

Repair shop.

"Finally, a decision has to be made." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

In a transit city outside Qiwangcheng.

"Hmph, it's called Xia Xia, isn't it? It's really courting death for a woman who dares to bully me. It just so happened that our family was asked to check the news of Qi Wangcheng, so I'll kill two birds with one stone this time." A man in white said, he There is a big red sun on his white clothes, but from a distance it looks like he is wearing a guard. pregnancy. The towel came out the same.


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