The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2002: Water Moon City 5 elders

was beaten.

The people of Shuiyue City were actually beaten.

And the person who was beaten was the Pill Emperor who had a very high status in Shuiyue City.

The hitman is none other than the summer.

Qiwangcheng's deputy city lord Xia Xia, he beat people, so this time things may not be easy.

The distance between the two was less than one meter just now. Even a master at such a close distance could never avoid Xia Tian's sudden attack, so he could succeed with this slap.

The eyes of everyone around were focused on Xia Xia.

Inside the team of Giant Bull City.

One of them stared at Xia Xia, this person was none other than the law enforcement elder of Ju Niu City. Others didn't know Xia Xia, but he did. When he was in Ju Niu City, he could obviously torture Xia Xia, but at that time he knew Xia Xia. The magic fairy chef is here, so he just let the summer go.

But he did not expect that Xia Xia would become the deputy city lord of King Qi City in a blink of an eye.

Moreover, in the summer, he actually dared to fight the people of Shuiyue City.

You must know that the people who can stand here at this time are all representatives of the eight major forces. Although there are other people from the eight major forces, they all live in the periphery and other places, and can live in the most prosperous streets of Qiwangcheng. , each is not only a master, but also a status symbol.

They came on behalf of their own forces.

Now that Xia Xia shot the Emperor Dan, it meant that Xia Xia did not take this power seriously.

"You dare to hit me!" Dan Huang looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"Nonsense, I've been beaten, you still asked me if I dared, did your IQ drop after sleeping with the sow in my backyard." Xia Xia looked at Dan Huang with disdain.

"Don't talk nonsense there." Dan Huang shouted.

At this time, he was very angry. If it weren't for Xia Xia's special status, he would have killed Xia Xia long ago.

But he knew he couldn't do it.

After all, this is Qiwangcheng.

King Qi is a legendary figure.

"Am I talking nonsense? Do I need to pull the witness up? No, it's the witness pig." Xia Xia looked at Dan Huang and said.

Ha ha ha ha!

Hearing Xia Xia's words, there was a series of laughter around, and these laughter were full of ridicule.

"Damn!" Blue veins burst out on Dan Huang's face. When had he ever been so angry, Xia Xian was clearly insulting him.

At this moment, the anger in his heart finally burst out.


At this moment, the surrounding city guards all took a few steps forward.

The pace is neat.

"Move, you are so good, don't we even have to move our deputy city master?" At this moment, the captain of the city guard came out from behind.

"Is this how you treat guests in King Qi's City?" Dan Huang looked at the chief captain of the City Guard Army with a cold gaze.

"Guest? Who is a guest? You slept with the sow in my backyard, so you are worthy of being our guest?" Xia Xia said with great disdain. His exaggerated expression made the people around him doubtful.

"You." Dan Huang really wanted to kill Xia Xia directly now.

But he knew that he couldn't do that, because this was King Qi City, and Xia Xia was the deputy city lord of King Qi City. If he did it, then he would definitely not be able to leave King Qi City alive.

Although Shuiyuecheng is a super power.

But King Qi was the **** of killing after all.

The killing gods that almost killed everyone in the Lower Three Realms.

In the eyes of people from the Lower Three Realms, King Qi is a **** of murder. Except for those in the Prince Qi's mansion and Xia Xia, almost no one knows the history of a thousand years ago, because no one has lived for more than a thousand years, even if there is , he must have been hiding back then, not daring to meet King Qi's army.

So those people are still afraid of King Qi's power.

If it wasn't for the support of King Qi, then he would have stepped forward to kill Xia Xia long ago.

"What am I? Are you upset?" Xia Xia was very happy when he saw Dan Huang's appearance.

The name he is using now belongs to his master, and all his skills were stolen from his master. As a result, he also killed his master. This kind of person is rebellious. Xia Xian will not only kill him, but also let him His success and failure are discredited and shameful.

"City Lord Xia, it's not good." At this moment, a city guard ran over.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked.

"The sow hit the wall and committed suicide," the city guard said hurriedly.

Hearing his words, all the people on the scene opened their mouths, even Xia Xia was stunned, and then silently gave thirty-two likes to the city guard. He decided to reward the city guard well after the matter was over. Jun, he played so well in battle.

Even the summer did not think of this hand.

"It's over, there is no proof of death. I didn't expect that the sow is so loyal. It also knows that you, the heartless man, will not be responsible, so it simply commits suicide." Xia Xia looked at Dan Huang and said.

I have to say, Summer's acting is really good.

Hearing such words, everyone even really began to suspect that Dan Huang was a heartless man.

But they reacted immediately, this has nothing to do with the heartless man, because the other party is a sow.

"Damn, you must not wrong me again, I have nothing to do with that sow." Dan Huang shouted angrily.

"Look, look, you don't admit it yet," Xia Xia said.

"I didn't deny it." Dan Huang hurriedly defended.

"That is to admit, you finally admit it." Xia Xia said directly while taking advantage of the other party's mistake.


Dan Huang was completely speechless.

"Enough." At this moment, a loud shout came from behind Dan Huang.

He is the leader of Water Moon City.

"City Lord Xia, I am the fifth elder of Shuiyue City. Whether this matter is true or not, we will lose the money for a pig." The fifth elder's face was very ugly, but he still tried his best to endure it. .

"Sure enough, you guys did Now they're starting to lose money on their own initiative." Xia Xia said with great disdain.

"City Lord Xia, please pay attention to your words." The fifth elder of Shuiyue City said coldly.

"Oh? Why pay attention!" Xia Xia looked at the fifth elder with a smile.

"City Lord Xia, we are here to participate in the auction this time. If you are not welcome, then we will leave, but if you are bullying others, then our Shuiyue City is not easy to bully." The city owner of Shuiyue City released directly. A signal was sent, and then countless people rushed out from all directions.

It was the Shuiyue City elite they brought.

"Prepare for battle." The commander-in-chief of the City Guards shouted, and then released a signal.

Meanwhile in the dark.

"Let's make trouble, make trouble. The bigger the trouble, the better. I'll make a sneak attack while you're not paying attention, so I can easily kill him." Xiaochuan. The two kills smiled slightly.


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