The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2003: more than me

ten minutes later.

Tens of thousands of experts came to Mend Street, all of them from Shuiyue City.

The city guards in the Qi Wangfu are still those, less than one or two thousand people.

The captain of the city guards wanted to call someone just now, but Xia Xia stopped him. Qiwangcheng has been very busy recently, and the city guards have been assigned to the streets below. If the captain called someone, then in case other An accident on the streets would be very troublesome.

"Humph!" Seeing that there were only one or two thousand people here in the summer, the five elders of Shuiyue City snorted disdainfully: "What? Qi Wangcheng is too busy now and can't recruit people? Only in their own territory called one. Two thousand people are really embarrassing."

"Really?" Summer smiled slightly.

"Is your Qiwangcheng only capable of this?" Dan Huang looked at Xia Xia with contempt.

At this time, there were a lot of them here, and they naturally became hard when they spoke.

Before, they were very afraid of the summer and the strength of Qi Wangcheng, but now they look at it, they are disappointed, they all think that Qi Wangcheng must have lost its previous ability.

"Yes, that's all, do you want to bring troops to fight? If you want, then I can agree to your declaration of war now, okay?" Xia Xia looked at Emperor Pill with a smile on his face, although his His tone was calm, but what he said was not calm at all.

He actually made a simple sentence as if he were going to declare war.

"City Lord Xia, don't steal the concept. We never said that we would declare war on King Qi." The fifth elder hurriedly said that he did not dare to declare war on King Qi.

Otherwise, he is the sinner of Shuiyue City.

And the dead camel is bigger than the horse, who knows what the Qiwangcheng has become now.

After all, it was a person who almost wiped out the entire Lower Three Realms a thousand years ago, so how could he possibly be incompetent.

"Oh, then you are saying that you have too many people?" Xia Tian asked.

"Are there many of us? Not much, only more than 10,000 people. There is no way. This is Qiwangcheng, not Shuiyuecheng. We can only call so few people in a short period of time." The fifth elder was very disdainful. said.

He was obviously laughing at how few people called in the summer.

After all, this is the home of Qiwangcheng.

They only called out a thousand or two thousand people in the summer, which is really shameful.

"Do you have more people than people? Then I will call you tens of millions." The captain said angrily.

"Haha, I'm really laughing to death, you can only have this ability." The five elders of Shuiyue City let out a contemptuous laughter.

Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, then raised his head and shouted: "Everyone who knows me Xia Xia roll over to me."

The sound is not loud, it may only spread all over the street.

But when he said that.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In just an instant, countless figures rushed out around him.

All the shops, all the customers, and the people who were queuing and walking around the entire Menix Street filled the street in an instant, and in just five or six minutes, the number of people was as high as hundreds of thousands.

"Calling the City Guards is to bully you, what about them?" Xia Xia asked slowly.

"Uh." Seeing such a scene, the Fifth Elder and others felt their faces burning hot.

This time, they shot themselves in the foot. They were still laughing at Xia Xia when there was no one, and they only called the city guards. As a result, when Xia Xia shouted, hundreds of thousands of people came out around them. The five elders of the city were frightened.

"Tell me, why are you calling tens of thousands of people suddenly? To scare me, or to fight? Hurry up and say." Xia Xia glanced around the people in Shuiyue City.


"Give them all their weapons, and remember them all. This is Qiwangcheng. I could ignore you before, but since you are making trouble now, I must confiscate your weapons. If you want to If you want the weapon back, wait until the auction is over and go to the quartermaster to ask for it." Xia Xia ordered before the other party finished speaking.

Off the weapon!

When they heard this, the expressions of the five elders of Shuiyue City and others suddenly changed.

"What are you doing? We are guests of Shuiyue City. You are provoking war by doing this." Pill Emperor hurriedly shouted.

"Are there any guests with weapons to surround the deputy city lord?" Xia Xia asked.

"It was you who found the fault first." Dan Huang said.

"I'll find fault first? Is it? Who can testify?" Xia Xia asked again.

Then the people of the city guards went directly to those people in Shuiyue City.

"I'll see who dares." The fifth elder of Shuiyue City shouted, and then stopped in front.

The atmosphere completely solidified for a while.

Obviously war is likely to break out here.

The other forces around were all looking at the situation here with a smile on their faces.

"We are here to participate in the auction, to buy things, not to give away our weapons. You are here to grab it. If you still dare to come, then don't blame us for being rude." Shuiyuecheng The fifth elder said with cold eyes.

It is impossible for him to let Xia Xia collect the weapons of himself and others.

Otherwise, their face in Shuiyuecheng would be disgraced.

Although this is King Qi's City and the site of Xia Xia, he still has to put on a desperate posture, he is trying to restrain Xia Xia.

"T.M, listen to me, these people are going to assassinate me with weapons, and now I want you to put down their weapons, if anyone dares to resist, kill them, they are all assassins, they are assassins brought by Shuiyuecheng. , after killing them, send the heads back to me, and let Shuiyuecheng give me an explanation." Xia Xia directly buckled a big hat to the fifth elder of Shuiyuecheng and others.


As soon as he heard Xia Xia's words, the expressions of the five elders of Shuiyue City could be said to have completely changed.

He didn't expect summer to be so cruel.

Not only did he not restrain Xia Xia this time, but he was restrained by Xia Xia instead.

"What exactly do you want?" The fifth elder of Shuiyue City gritted his teeth and said.


Another crisp slap.

Everyone saw it this time, it was Xia Xia, and his speed was not fast this time, but he went to fight in front of Pill Emperor. Pill Emperor really wanted to fight back just now, but was given by the fifth elder of Shuiyue City. Stopped Damn! "The Emperor Dan let out an angry voice.


Then four small cauldrons and seven small cauldrons appeared on his head!

The masters of the four cauldrons and the seventh order are very remarkable in the entire Lower Three Realms.

"If you have the ability, go head to head!" Dan Huang shouted loudly.

"One-on-one? You don't deserve it!" Xia Xia waved his hand directly after saying that, and the people around dispersed. They came and dispersed quickly. Even the city guards returned to their posts. It can be seen how effective the summer order is.

"Are you afraid?" Dan Huang said disdainfully.

"I said, you don't deserve it." Xia Xia turned around and left after saying that.

"It's now." At this moment, a dark shadow attacked Xia Xia's heart directly.


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