The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2011: I am saving you

"A fight?" Xia Xia frowned suddenly.

The commander-in-chief didn't know King Qi, so he didn't talk to King Qi. He thought King Qi was just an ordinary friend of Xia Xia.

"Well, a few strangers suddenly came. It's very powerful. The people of the Sun Empire are fighting with those strangers." The captain said.

"Broken." King Qi suddenly said, "It should be here."

"You mean, they came early!" Xia Xia was also stunned. If the people from the five major forces came early, it would be troublesome.

"It's not early, it's the next person who came first." King Qi thought about what happened.

The people of the five major forces are always on time, and when they say they will come, they will come.

The people who come now should be the servants of the five major forces.

"Come and have a look." Xia Xia said and ran out.

King Qi and the captain also rushed out at the same time.

"Hey, the speed is not slow." King Qi glanced at Xia Xia and said.

"It's a lot worse than you, you can take me for a while." Although Xia Xia's speed is faster than that of his peers, his speed is at most about the same level as those of the third and fourth tiers. .

"Okay!" King Qi nodded, and then he grabbed Xia Xia with his right hand.


The two simply disappeared in place.

"Uh!" The commander-in-chief of the City Guard was stunned, he still didn't understand what happened just now.

Xia Xia and King Qi actually disappeared directly.

"So fast, who is that person?" the captain said in surprise.

He is a master of the fourth and eighth order, but he didn't keep up.

Transmission array.

"Baga, do you know who we are? We are from the Sun Empire, how dare you be so rude." A master of the Sun Empire said angrily.

"Hmph, what kind of thing is the Empire of the Sun." There were only three people in total, and they all looked very young, definitely no more than thirty or forty years old.

But these three people blocked the forty or fifty experts of the Sun Empire.

"You are courting death, kill them for me." The leading expert of the Sun Empire shouted loudly.

"Let's fight quickly, it's hard to say when that person comes." One of them said.

"Then I won't play with them." A man with a domineering face said directly, and then he waved his right hand, and a Fangtian painting halberd appeared in his hand.


He spat out a roller from his mouth, and then shot the Fang Tianhua Halberd directly from above.


The masters of the Sun Empire on the opposite side were all blasted out, and the leader of the Sun Empire master was covered in blood, and his face was full of horror: "High... Advanced... Treasure."

"Aren't you going to kill us?" The man with the Fang Tianhua halberd directly inserted the weapon in his hand into the heart of the Sun Empire expert.

"Stop!" At this moment, a loud shout came.

Then more than ten figures appeared in the position of the teleportation array.


Fang Tianhua halberd directly inserted into the heart of the Sun Empire expert: "Just you, are you worthy of telling me to stop?"


The person who came was the Duke of the Sun Empire. He came with the experts of the Sun Empire. When he saw the distress signal just now, he brought someone directly over, but it was still too late.

"How dare you kill the people of our Sun Empire." The man behind the Duke said with a cold expression.

"Is there anything I dare not kill in the entire Lower Three Realms?" the domineering young man said very casually.

"Killing to pay for life, paying debts, I will kill you now to avenge them." The man behind the Duke shouted angrily, and then four small cauldrons and eight small cauldrons appeared on his head.

The few people behind him also showed their realm.

All four tripods, six or seven tiers.

Each of these ten people is a master.

"If you want to fight, fight, I'm afraid you won't succeed." After seeing the opponent's strength, the domineering man showed no fear on his face, and was still full of domineering.

Four small tripods and seven small tripods also appeared on his head.

Four tripods and seven orders!

The other two didn't seem to have any intention of stepping forward to help.

They were all there waiting to see the play.

Although the three of them were together, the two of them had just casually resisted twice without revealing their realm. Obviously, they had great confidence in the domineering man in front of them.


The domineering man shouted loudly, and then his whole person's aura changed drastically, his body seemed to be enveloped by a mass of blood, and the whole person fell into a wonderful state.


The people of the Sun Empire also all went forward to kill.

At this moment, the two sides suddenly stopped, and their eyes all turned to their left.

A handsome man, with a bow and arrow in his forehand, aimed at them.

"Fight, don't you want to fight? I'll see who moves first, and I'll kill whoever moves first." Xia Xia stood there and said slowly.

"City Lord Xia, this time it was they who killed me first." The Duke of the Sun Empire stepped forward and said.

"Humph!" When the domineering man heard them calling Xia Xia City Lord, he snorted coldly, and then put away the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand.

Summer also took back his bow and arrow.

At this time, the two sides obviously gave him face.

"Kill it, kill it." Xia Xia said very casually.

"City Master Xia, you can't say that. We came to your Qiwangcheng. You told us before that no one can bully us. Now he has killed more than 40 of our masters. Let us take this account. Forget it? After that, who still believes that Qi Wangcheng can guarantee our safety?" The Duke of the Sun Empire directly put the big hat on Xia Xia's head.

Because the words just now were indeed said in summer.

"I'm here for your own Forget it." Xia Xia said to the Duke of the Sun Empire.

"For my own good? City Lord Xia, we don't need you to call the shots, we just need you not to hinder us from avenging our subordinates." The Duke of the Sun Empire said angrily.

"If I don't stop you, some of you will have to die, and if something happens to him, you should all pay for your life." Xia Xia said in a flat tone, and King Qi who was standing beside him nodded with satisfaction, he He didn't identify himself, so no one knew him here.

What Xia Xia had done had been reported to him long ago, and he applauded when he heard it.

This time, he was even more satisfied when he saw the summer work with his own eyes.

"Huh?" The Duke of the Sun Empire looked at Xia Xia in confusion. He knew Xia Xia was definitely not joking.

"Come here, I'll tell you." Xia Xia said.

Xia Xia whispered a word in the ear of the Duke of the Sun, and the Duke of the Sun Empire changed his face when he heard these words.


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