The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2012: 6 Ding masters

"Thank you City Lord Xia." The Duke of the Sun Empire surrendered to Xia Xia.

"Yeah." Summer nodded silently.

"Today's favor, I will come to the door to thank you another day." The Duke of the Sun Empire waved to the people behind him: "Let's go."

The biggest advantage of the Empire of the Sun is to obey orders.

Subordinates absolutely obey the orders of their superiors.

Although the faces of those few people all had unwilling expressions, none of them said a word.

Completely obey the Duke's decision.

Xia Xia slowly walked towards the three people: "You don't have to kill people if you want to stand up."

"They are going to kill me." The domineering man said directly.

"This is King Qi City, you have a great background, I also came to pick you up personally, and the hotel has been booked, it is the best in our King Qi City, but I also hope that you will give us King Qi City a face and stop killing people. Otherwise, how can our Qi Wangcheng convince the public?" Xia Xia's attitude was modest, and he did not mean to be tough.

The so-called people who don't reach out to smile, Xia Tian not only has a good attitude, but also makes sense in every sentence, so the other party naturally has nothing to say.

"No one is here to provoke us, then we will naturally not cause trouble. By the way, our family wants to see King Qi." The attitude of the domineering man finally eased.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements, just tonight, I'll book the best hotel." Xia Xia said modestly.

The commander-in-chief was completely blinded this time. He didn't know what the origins of these people were. Even Xia Xia was so respectful to them.

And the other party actually proposed to see King Qi, and Xia Xia agreed.

"Yeah." The man nodded in satisfaction.

"Captain, send the distinguished guest to the hotel where I packaged it down. Remember, I will be heavily guarded around, and no one should disturb the guest's retreat." Xia Xia said directly.

"No need, we are waiting for my family here." The man waved his hand directly.

"Okay." Xia Xia nodded directly without saying anything: "Captain, spread out the crowd and block the streets."

"Yes, City Master Xia." The captain said respectfully.

This time he understood that the person who came must be a great person, otherwise the summer would not be so formal.

Not long after, two more people came out of the teleportation array.

When the two came out, they stood with the three.

The subordinates of the five major forces have all arrived.

"It's almost time." King Qi said slowly.

Xia Tian nodded, his eyes fixed on the teleportation array.

There will be five super characters coming out in no time.

The representative of the greatest power in the Lower Three Realms.

He is also the representative of the Five Emperors of the Human Realm in the Lower Three Realms.


A ray of light came from the teleportation array, which meant that someone was about to come out.

The eyes of several people all looked there.

A man in a black robe came out of the formation. The man's robe was all black, with a giant purple tree embroidered on it, which looked very strange.

"It really is a big man who came. I didn't expect that they came in person." King Qi had guessed that the people who came from the five major forces might be a big man, but he didn't expect them to come in person.

Summer frowned.

"See Your Highness." The servant kneeled on one knee and said respectfully.

"See His Royal Highness Yanxiong." King Qi said with hands cupped.

"See His Royal Highness Yanxiong." Xia Xia also said like King Qi.

The person who came was the representative of the Yandan Empire in the Lower Three Realms, Yan Xiong. This man looked in his forties, but his eyes were full of years. Obviously, his actual age was not young, and his footwork was steady, and he took a casual step. The elements and auras walking out of the ground seem to be walking with them.


"King Qi, why are you here in person?" Yan Xiong looked at King Qi and said, obviously he also knew King Qi.

I heard Yan Xiong say the word King Qi.

The five servants all looked at King Qi. They thought King Qi was just Xia's sidekick, but they didn't expect this person standing beside Xia to be King Qi.

"His Royal Highness Yanxiong has a good memory." King Qi smiled slightly.

"You did such a big thing back then, how could I forget it." Yan Xiong looked at Xia Xia after saying, "This is."

"Oh, he is the deputy city lord of our King Qi City, Xia Xia." King Qi explained.

"Sure enough, you are a young hero. You became the deputy city lord of Qi Wangcheng at such a young age. Yan Li, what level of strength did you have when you were in your early twenties?" Yan Xiong asked the subordinate beside him.

"Reporting to my lord, when I was in my early twenties, I was in the fifth rank of the three tripods." Yan Li said respectfully.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, City Lord Xia should have just turned 20 this year, and his strength is already at the ninth rank of Sanding. It's amazing, really amazing." Yan Xiong praised.

"Thank you for the compliment." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Wuding masters can already check the strength of people whose realm is lower than their own, let alone Liuding masters. Yan Xiong is a Liuding master, so he can easily see the realm of Xia Xia.

Although Xia Xia usually tried her best to hide her realm.

But he couldn't hide in front of masters above Wuding.

Masters of Siding will use soul Masters of Wuding will explore the strength of others.

These are all representative of the level.

Xia Xia didn't say that he started cultivating at the age of eighteen, otherwise the other party would be surprised and his jaw would drop to the ground.

"Not arrogant or impetuous, much stronger than our genius." Yan Xiong nodded.


At this moment, a second ray of light came from the teleportation array.

A man in a white robe walked out from there. There were two hook jade shapes on his robe, and his dress formed a sharp contrast with Yan Xiong.

"Your Highness." Another servant came up, knelt on his knees, and said respectfully.

"See Dr. Zuo." King Qi bowed his hands again.

There is no hand in hand this summer.

Because this group, like the people of the Sun Empire, are the ancestors of the island people, so Xia Xia didn't want to say hello to him.

The person who came was one of the Five Emperors, Izanagi's representative in the Lower Three Realms, Doctor Zuo.

This person is bald, looks about fifty years old, and his eyes are full of insidiousness.

"King Qi?" Dr. Zuo asked tentatively.

"It's down." King Qi nodded.

"I have only seen your portrait before, and I am much more energetic than the portrait." Dr. Zuo said casually.

"Thank you for your compliment, Doctor Zuo." King Qi also knew who Doctor Zuo was, so although he also greeted him, he obviously didn't have the kind of politeness he had with Yan Xiong. He seemed to see Doctor Zuo just for formality.


The third light came.

The domineering man who shot the murder just now knelt down on one knee: "See your lord."

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