The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2020: go for it

The other party obviously still didn't speak, they didn't believe that Xia Xia really saw them coming.

"Lord Duke, do you want me to take off your veil? And the servant of Dr. Zuo, I didn't expect you to join forces to deal with this inconspicuous boy like me." Xia Xia directly said the other party's identity.

As soon as they heard Xia Xia revealing their identities, they all took off their veils.

"How did you find out?" The Duke of the Sun Empire asked inexplicably.

"I was wondering why you didn't go to the auction, but now I finally understand that you are going to kill me." Xia Xia said slowly.

"You know, City Lord Xia, you are sure to die today, we have 30,000 masters here, you don't think you can beat 30,000 of us by yourself. "The Duke of the Empire of the Sun looked at Xia Tian with a playful look on his face.

In his eyes, Xia Xia was already a dead person.

They just got the news.

Xia Xia is just a kid of the ninth rank of Sanding Cauldron. There are more than 100 people who have more power than the ninth rank of Sanding Cauldron.

Although Summer has a powerful bow, how many times can he use it?

Up to two times.

What if it was three times?

They have 30,000 masters here.

"Huh! It seems that today is going to be a life-threatening situation." Xia Tian let out a long sigh.

Although he was under heavy siege at this time, he already understood that Liu Shishi was not in any danger. These people just heard the news that Liu Shishi had left the city, so they used this news to lead him out.

"Hmph, City Lord Xia, weren't you crazy before?" Although the Duke of the Sun Empire was very low-key in front of Xia, it didn't mean he didn't hate Xia.

He couldn't get used to Xia Xia's domineering character for a long time.

It's just that he couldn't offend Xia Xia in King Qi City, so he could only give up.

But it is different now. This is Qinghu City, which is very far away from Qiwangcheng.

The people of Qiwangcheng could not come to support at all.

And they have 30,000 masters here, and there is only one person in the summer.

"You are not afraid that I will kill you first." Xia Xia waved his right hand.

pseudo. The archery bow appeared in his hand.

"It's not that easy to kill me." After the Duke of the Sun Empire finished speaking, there were more than a hundred people standing in front of him, and these people were all sworn to guard the Duke of the Sun.

That's what happened in Empire of the Sun.

The life of the subordinates belongs to the superior, and it is their honor to die for the superior.

"Don't talk nonsense, lest you have more dreams at night." The servant of Dr. Zuo said coldly.

Apparently he was getting impatient.

"Prepare to fight." The Duke of the Sun Empire shouted directly.

At the same time, the scene was spectacular.

The people on the other side showed their strength.

The Duke of the Sun Empire is actually a master of the Four Ding Ninth Orders.

At this time, there are a total of one master of the fourth and ninth order, three masters of the fourth and eighth order, and eight masters of the fourth and seventh order...

"Damn it, I'm in big trouble this time." Xia Xia frowned.

Although he is fake. Shooting the Sun God Bow, but these people in front of them don't know what to eat, all of them are very excited, and they are not afraid of death.

Such opponents are the most difficult to deal with.

He wants to use intimidation is definitely not good.

So he had to fight hard.

But now even if he wants to fight recklessly, it is not so easy, because there are too many masters on the other side.

And each one is a legendary level.

"Go!" Dr. Zuo shouted loudly, and then everyone rushed towards Xia Xia.

"n, n, d, this time I have to die." Xia Xia gritted his teeth and pulled away the fake in his hand. Sun-shooting bow.

A light arrow appeared on the divine bow.

call out!

The arrow of light shoots directly.



Summer shout out.

At this time, the person closest to the light arrow knew that he would definitely not be able to dodge, so instead of running, he pounced on the light arrow. He wanted to block the light arrow with his own body.

"It's all a bunch of desperate guys." Xia Xia's heart tightened.


At this moment, the light arrow exploded directly, and the hundreds of people closest to the light arrow died instantly.

At the same time, summer opened the pseudo for the second time. Sun-shooting bow.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Pulling it once is already his limit, and now if he wants to pull it a second time, it will damage his body, but Xia Xia can't handle that much anymore.

It is better to damage the body than to die.

call out!

The second light arrow followed.

There was no easing between the two arrows. Xia Xian just shot the first arrow, and the second arrow followed immediately. His purpose for doing this was very simple.

It is to destroy the four-tier eight-tier masters behind these hundred people.


Although the opponent's strength is very strong, he can't stop the fake. A blow from the sun-shooting bow.

The man's body was shot through instantly, and the bow and arrow did not stop at all.

pseudo. There are many ways to attack the Sun-shooting God Bow. One is the blasting attack, which is the first arrow shot in the summer just now; the other is the single-target attack, which hits the opponent and then blasts, directly shattering the opponent; the last one. The first type is a penetrating attack, directly penetrating the opponent's heart, and then continuing to attack. Although the power will be weakened, it is still very impressive.

Hundred Ghosts Night Banquet.

Xia Xia did not hesitate at all, and directly used the Hundred Ghosts Night Banquet of the Ghost Spirit Pearl. Now it is dark, so the power of the Hundred Ghosts Night Banquet is very powerful.

Now all the ghosts in the Ghost Spirit Pearl are above the strength of Si Ding, and the strongest are even the fourth and fifth cauldrons. They suddenly appeared and killed the people around them by surprise.

In an instant, the hundred ghosts started to fight directly, and when the first ghost died in Xia Xia, Xia Xia instantly put the dead four-tier eighth-order master into the Ghost Spirit Pearl.

This is his real purpose.

With the help of a master of the fourth and eighth order, his pressure can be eased a lot.


Hundred Ghosts began to strangle them randomly. Although they were strangled randomly, there were a lot of people on the other side, so they really killed four or five hundred people at one time.

However, the good times didn't last long, and the masters of the 4th, 7th, and 8th rank quickly mastered the attack method of After a while, these fools were all killed.

Xia Xia also kept collecting the fools of those who had just died and continued to fight for him.


Just as the duke of the Sun Empire and the subordinates of that doctor all shot, the moment the two shot, Xia's fools were killed and injured a lot.

"This is broken." Xia Tian frowned.


A fourth-rank and fifth-order master succeeded in a direct sneak attack, and Xia Xia's body was instantly knocked out, and a mouthful of donated blood spurted out of his mouth.

Then dozens of masters attacked Xia Xia directly, and he had nowhere to escape.

"Stinky old ghost, get out of here, I need your help." Xia Xia directly crushed the ghost beads.


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