The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2021: Kill you 20,000 first


At the moment when Xia Xia crushed the Ghost Spirit Orb, there was a violent storm around.

"Hahahaha, I finally came out." A wild laughter came.

"Old ghost, help me kill them, we two will not owe each other, otherwise I will let it kill you instantly." Xia Xia shouted loudly, at this time this old ghost is the most mysterious fool in the ghost pearl. Also the most powerful fool.

What the old ghost is most afraid of is the little bugs.

"Okay, it's settled." The old ghost said excitedly.

"Little snake, cover me." Xia Xia said and fled into the distance.

A master of Sanding Ninth-order was closest to Xia Xia, and he directly attacked Xia Xia: "Don't try to escape."


A black light flashed.

The man's body was directly pierced.


The snake attacked successfully, and Xia Xia fled directly into the distance.

"Hmph, don't try to run away." The Duke of the Sun Empire snorted coldly, and then directly attacked Xia Xia. His speed was very fast, and he just killed Xia Xia in an instant.


At this moment, his body was directly swept away by a strong force.

"Not good." The Duke of the Sun Empire hurriedly changed his tactics.

blocked the blow.

When he stabilized his body, he looked at the old ghost.

"Damn, what is this." The Duke of the Sun Empire scolded, and then the surrounding people killed the old ghost.

puff! puff! puff!

Those people were instantly torn to pieces by the old ghost.

"Stop, the people below Siding will stop me, you two will follow the adults to chase Xia Xia, and the others will join me to slaughter this monster. No matter what he is, he must die." The Duke of the Sun Empire shouted loudly. .

He called Dr. Zuo's servants the lord.

Afterwards, the two masters of the second tier and the seventh tier followed Doctor Zuo's servants to chase Xia Xia, and the more than 20,000 masters of the fourth tier and below all chased after Xia Xia.


Summer runs fast.

"Little snake, did you see the canyon in front of you? It's up to you." Xia Xia said hurriedly.


The little snake seemed to understand it.

"Xiamen, your speed is not as fast as ours, you can't escape." Dr. Zuo's men shouted loudly, at this time they were getting closer and closer to Xiaxia.

He believed it wouldn't be long before they could kill Summer.

Then he can go back and ask Dr. Zuo for credit.

If he can kill Xia Xia, Doctor Zuo will definitely reward him well.

"s, b, come after me if you have the ability." Xia Xia shouted loudly, at this time there were more than 20,000 masters behind him.

"Looking for death!" Dr. Zuo accelerated again after he finished speaking.

Summer is also rushing forward quickly.


three minutes later.

Summer stopped.

"Stop!" Seeing that Xia Xia stopped, Dr. Zuo's servant hurriedly shouted.

He didn't know what the summer's purpose was and what tricks he had to play from time to time.

"I've stopped, why don't you chase?" Xia Xia looked at the other party with a smile on his face.

Seeing Xia Xia's smile, he felt even more weird.

"Be careful, this guy is weird." Dr. Zuo's men hurriedly shouted.


Xia Xia often exhaled, then turned around and continued to flee. Seeing Xia Xia escape, Dr. Zuo's subordinates froze slightly, and then scolded angrily: "Damn, you dare to play with me, so you are resting."

"s, b." Xia Xia scolded without looking back.

"Chase, chase me." Dr. Zuo's men shouted.

at this time.


Stones began to fall from the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, and a large number of them fell. Seeing that these boulders were about to engulf them all.

"Damn, you all run back first." Dr. Zuo and the two masters of the fourth and seventh ranks were fast and could rush through the group of stones here, but those people couldn't.

So they can only temporarily step back.


Just as those people started to retreat, a monster with a human head and a snake body suddenly appeared in front of them.

Heavenly power.



A huge whirlwind spewed out directly from the monster's mouth, and all the people in the straight line turned into fly ash, and they didn't block it!


The monster directly changed back to the appearance of a little snake, and then chased after Xia Xia.

"What?" The three of Dr. Zuo, who were chasing forward, were all stunned when they saw the situation behind.

Too scary.

More than 20,000 people were killed in this way.

They didn't even see clearly what had just happened.

"Little snake, thank you for your hard work." Xia Tian touched the little snake on the back of his hand.


The little snake seemed to be very happy, but there was also a tired look on his face.

"Okay, take a rest now," Xia Xia said.

The little snake returned to his arms.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you." A master of the fourth and seventh orders shouted angrily, these are his subordinates, and they are his elites.

But now that he is dead like this, how can he not be angry, he can't wait to strangle Xia Xia directly.


Xia Xia was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he ran away.

At this time, there are fewer and fewer enemies chasing him, but at the same time, his hole cards are also getting fewer and fewer.

pseudo. The sun-shooting bow is the most powerful.

But now he doesn't dare to use it, because using it now is consuming life.

The Ghost Spirit Orb was also crushed by him.

In order to release the old ghost inside, he had to crush the ghost beads.

Although the old ghost didn't help him block all the enemies, he still blocked those masters for him, which gave him enough time to escape.

Although Tianhan Sword is powerful, it has entered a dormant period now.

The only means he can use now is the five-element ring, but now unless he uses the strongest blow of the five-element ring, self-destruction.

Otherwise, it is simply not enough to fight against these three people.


Xia Xia ran away quickly, his speed was very fast, but the speed of the three people in the back was not slow at all, each of them was faster than the other!

The distance just opened in the summer was caught up again in a blink of an eye.

" I can't go on like this, it looks like I'm going to break the bank today." Xia Xia gritted her teeth and stopped in place again. Seeing Xia Xia stop in place again, they won't be fooled this time. .

"Go, kill him directly." Dr. Zuo's subordinate shouted directly.

After the lesson just now, the three of them understood that they couldn't give Xia Xia a chance, or maybe Xia Xia would play some tricks.

Xia Xia's means should have been used up now. After all, he is only a master of the ninth-order three tripods, so they can instantly kill Xia Xia as long as they use all their strength.

Seeing that, their attack has already killed Xia Xia.

"Go to hell." The four-tier seventh-order master who died of his subordinates shouted angrily.

Five yuan blew up.

The Five Elements Ring performs the strongest self-destruction blow, which can instantly hit 29,000 jins of power. After the self-destruction, the Five Elements Ring disappears into this world.


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