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Chapter 2028: Sweeping the Empire of the Sun

Capture the dragon!

Summer's own martial arts.

The power is even higher than that of Lingxi's first finger. Although Lingxi's first finger is also very domineering, Xia Xia directly carried forward the dragon-capturing hand. The previous battle with those masters of the fourth and seventh tiers made him feel a lot.

His battles are all fought with advanced weapons and equipment.

But his own strength was concealed.

So recently, he took pains to study the dragon catcher.

this moment!

He finally perfected the second form of the dragon-catcher.

Transform into a dragon!

Xia Xia's gesture was still the dragon-catching hand, but a light dragon appeared on his dragon-catching hand, a light dragon made of compressed air.


A dragon roar appeared, and then Xia Xian waved his right hand.

"Go!" Xia Xia swung his right hand, and Guanglong flew straight forward.

Boom! ! !

The light dragon flew out.


Everything in front of summer has been wiped out.

On the whole street, not a single person was alive, not even a corpse was left. The people in the shops on both sides vomited and donated blood, and Yu Wei was blown away by Yu Wei.

"It's so powerful, it's not weaker than Xiao Snake's full-strength blow at all. This is because I have a lock to keep my hand. If I don't keep my hand, I'm afraid I can kill the masters above Siding." Xia Xia sighed in his heart. Dao, it was the first time he used the second form of the dragon-catcher.

And that's what he just perfected.

He didn't expect the power of his move to be so powerful, and he almost dropped the street in front of him with one move.

"It seems that I have to find a place to hide first, so many movements should attract a lot of people." Xia Xia finished and disappeared directly in place.

This time he made a lot of movement.

But this is not his purpose. He was just trying to test the power of the second style of the dragon catcher. His real purpose is...

Night falls.

The air in the Lower Three Realms is very good, even at night, you can hear birds chirping and smell the fragrance of flowers.

"Such a beautiful night, I'm really sorry for myself if I don't steal all the money from all the big forces in this city." Xia Xia made an excuse for herself.

The excuse is such a good night.

That's right, his purpose this time is not to come to the Sun Empire to cause trouble, but to sweep the entire Sun Empire. He has seen it during the day. Although this small city is not too big, it is still training troops everywhere, even ordinary people. Citizens also often practice street fighting and defensive battles.

That is to say.

The Empire of the Sun is really about to go to war.

Since they are going to go to war, with the friendship between Xia Xia and the Sun Empire, it is natural to help them. As for how to help, it is to help them spend all their money.


Xia Xia's figure quickly shuttled through those big streets, he had already stepped on it during the day, and he had already explored the location of these big families.

As for the location of their family treasury, that's easier.

In the summer, wherever the defense is the most tightly guarded, go wherever, dig a tunnel and steal all those things, but to his disappointment, this third-tier city is not very rich, he stole all the big families and The money of the City Lord's Mansion is only more than 100 million points.

In fact, this is already pretty good.

In the Great Wilderness, the sum of money in any third-tier city probably wouldn't add up to 10 million low-grade spirit stones.

After swept away the money of the big family in the city, Xia Xia swaggered out of the dog, basket, Zicheng in a teleportation array.

Then began to find his new target.

Summer is a sweeping devil. He starts sweeping one city after another. During the day, he goes to the spot, and during the dark day, he starts sweeping.

In Qiwang City.

The auction has long since ended, and this time Qi Wangcheng made a lot of money at once.

After having money.

The first decision made by the King of Qi was to continue to build the entire King Qi City to make it more prosperous; the second decision was to open the teleportation arrays in each city, so that the King Qi City and the outside world were just beginning to connect; The three decisions are to recruit the strong and form a super army, which will be under the command of the deputy city lord Xia Xia.

After these three decisions were spread out.

All the people outside became even more excited. Once the teleportation array opened, it meant that the business of King Qi City would develop rapidly, and those who had already come to King Qi City for development had all grown exponentially.

More and more merchants are starting to move towards Qiwangcheng. The first auction of the Lower Three Realms has already let everyone see the strength of Qiwangcheng. It can be said that there are all kinds of treasures in Qiwangcheng, which cannot be bought outside. Qiwangcheng can buy it.

There are also more and more masters starting to march towards Qi Wangcheng.

But so far, no one has seen the face of Qi Wangcheng's deputy city lord Xia Xia.

All things are done by a person who is called eldest sister by everyone.

But they have heard all kinds of legends about summer since King Qi City.

Therefore, those masters also chose to join Qiwangcheng.

Liu Shishi was completely busy. She believed that nothing would happen to Xia Xia. What she had to do was to do everything for Xia Xia before Xia Xia came back, and help him build this super army.

The reward given by Qi Wangcheng is very generous.

There are two troops in total, one is more than four cauldrons. This kind of person will arrange houses in Qiwangcheng, and each house is very large. You must know that the price of houses in Qiwangcheng can be very expensive.

The other troop was all above the third rank and fifth rank and below the strength of the fourth cauldron. They were also allocated houses, but they were not too big.

And they get paid every year.

The price of wages is also linked to their strength, but they also have to complete the tasks given to them by Qiwangcheng.

At the beginning there were not many tasks, and they were all small things. As Liu Shishi smoothed things out, more and more tasks began to be released.

Everyone must complete at least a few tasks every month, and some are reward tasks, which are released by the following businesses and ordinary people.

There are many quest rewards.

The summer days at this time can be said to be very good. At first, he robbed a third-tier city a day, then two a day, three a day, and on the last day he robbed five to ten third-tier cities.

He has been in the Sun Empire for half a year. During this time, he has robbed a thousand third-tier cities. At this time, people in those third-tier cities have no place to cry.

"No, these third-tier cities have too little money. Next, I will target the fourth-tier cities." Xia Xia said excitedly. He has completely mastered the items preserved by the people of the Sun Empire. places and habits.

So this time, he started to attack the fourth-tier cities of the Sun Empire.


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